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Everything posted by McJigg

  1. This has been an issue since live. PB's never got the new hover animation. I made bug reports/suggestions then, and I made suggestion posts when Homecoming was fresh. I don't know what the roadblock is.
  2. It specifically says it does not affect powers that are Sleep over Time, which is what Static Field is.
  3. In the mission "Rescue Coldwell Heirs" (Story Arc 'The Scroll of Tielekku' from Laura Brunetti), you are required to save 2 NPCs. Duncan and Debbie Coldwell. A minor bug, but 'save and lead out Debbie' is attached to Duncan and vice versa.
  4. About two weeks ago I was playing a Mind/poison. If you juggle the poisons and confuse properly they give good value. I can't speak to end game values or builds, but I had few issues soloing it out of Preatoria. I was thinking of restarting them to attempt the Ironman Challenge.
  5. I have a beasts/cold MM but am not very experienced with builds. KEEP BENUMB. That is your -regen ability for large targets. That is the ability that makes elite bosses and AVs begin to melt. Accuracy is important, but if you have the spare slots it can't hurt to throw some recharge on it either.
  6. The ambushes seem to be mechanically different too. I did a full gold run on a mastermind back when Homecoming was still pretty new. The enemies attack YOU, my henchmen couldn't get a lick of aggro. I most recently leveled a mind/poison controller through Preatoria. Even when I mind controlled one of them, sometimes they just continued to run to/follow me for a while instead of attacking the others. Side note: If you mind control a Ghoul Lt. or Boss, they can still use their taunt aura move, which taunts YOU into attacking the target. I though that was hilarious at the time.
  7. It's happening! IT'S HAPPENING!
  8. Found some floating planters in Nova Preatoria.
  9. If the game was made today, I think Goldside would have been the norm. The player knows their character and the alignment. The player can take missions and join teams accordingly.
  10. So let's say they add a villain contact/story arc in Steel Canyon. A bunch of red players come and do that story. They do some minor street sweeping and enter doors to interior missions out of sight. You, blue side, start a mission team. You pass by the group at one point. Can you even tell it's the red team? Later they finish and one of their members joins your team. Do you even know it's a villain? Or care? I get the 'gut feeling' that a villain standing in a blue side feels wrong. The game is from 2004, villains released as a separate game at first. The game is currently run by volunteers with no full time dev team. The history of the game and the cards we have now are what they are. If the game was remade today, or if it was still in active development with a team, I'd ask for more. We could have had an expansion that expanded on Going Rogue and brought red content to Paragon and blue content to the Rogue Isles. This is what we have though.
  11. A rogue isn't quite a villain but you already don't know if someone is a rogue. If you join a Rikti War Zone, Cimerora, First/Night Ward team, are you personally asking the alignment of each person to make sure you're not with any villains? That name is the same color, whether Hero or Villain. What about the people blueside who DO rp as villains? Does the fact that Canniballer and xXMurder-Hobo-GodXx are mechanically designated as Heroes overtake their very violent and crime ridden bios? The issue with trying to place any additional hurdles to enforce alignment is that Null the Gull still exists. Anything incorporated has to be weighed against how easy it would be to opt out with Null the Gull. And if the answer is that the majority of the player base will opt out through Null, is it worth the developmental resources. There's also the question of WHY a villain character would be in Paragon. Like a rogue, it's not like they have contacts there. There's just more blue side teams. I'm not saying there's NO red side teams, there's just more blue. I've already come across a few red folk who make their way through Pocket D to see Null and come blue just because there was nothing going on Red side at that time. Now, what Alignment IS good for, is personal rp, badge variation and titles. You'll never hear me say alignment should be ripped out all together. I just this alignment exclusion in zones and/or teams isn't solving anything. You want to save the day and do Citidel's Taskforce? There could already be a villain on your team who wanted a badge,
  12. I'm an RPer myself, but I just don't think the game as it is offers enough mechanically for the divide we have. It's fine to play a Hero who is only a Hero and never even looks at the vigilante option of a tip mission. That doesn't stop Canniballer from speaking to a seagull and being in Kings Row anyway. The exact thing you're afraid of already happens. You already can't tell if someone else is a Hero, Vigilante or Rogue when out in the world. Opening up the zones will only change one thing. Canniballer won't talk to a seagull before you see him. That's it. Now if Homecoming had never added that option to Null the Gull, this would be a different argument. But in many ways, that's a Pandora's Box that can't be shut. At the end of the day, the alignment exclusion of zones just doesn't add anything. If xX-Murder-Hobo-GodXx can just swing by Pocked D, talk to Null and hang out in Atlas anyway, what is it accomplishing?
  13. Any system you propose needs to be less annoying than talking to Null in Pocket D to get around it.
  14. Don't worry, Canniballer spent 20 missions changing alignment (Or spoke to an omnipotent seagull) and everything is forgiven. Not to mention when he was a villain you saved Cimerora together, and you saw him dancing with Paladin Phil McLightgood in Pocket D. Alignment is pretty meaningless, outside of the the three PVP zones and one holiday event it serves no purpose other than to limit what zones/content one could enjoy. Plus, I see heroes that are essentially Canniballer on blue side all the time anyway.
  15. I'm currently playing an electric controller and it works well against them thematically. Nothing like making a master martial artist suddenly very winded and exhausted.
  16. If this was on Everlasting, I believe I was on that team as well. Full 8 man team with difficulty set at just the right amount. It wasn't brain dead easy, we didn't constantly faceplant.
  17. There's a typo in a mission given by Lou Pasterelli in Brickstown. Should be "and they need"
  18. First Ward is it's own isolated area. Power Loyalists and Crusader Resistance care nothing for the survivors, sometimes even attacking them. This makes the survivors feel like they can't reach out to either group. Why try to go back to Preatoria when it's armies fire at you? Why try to go and liberate Praetoria when the Resistance fires at you and competes with your for resources? Sure, Responsibility Loyalists and Warden Resistance members would probably work with the survivors, but those factions also have less reason to ever leave Praetoria. Responsibility Loyalists are trying to do their job in the city, Warden Resistance are largely civilians without clearance to leave. And so the survivors stand alone. Some lived in First Ward, their knowledge of what really happened is a danger to the regime, so there is no saving them. Some escaped Preatoria, some were exiled, it's meant to be a death sentence. They don't belong to either side, they are merely survivors.
  19. Which toggles are you running? Do you have a screen shot of MIDS and your in game stats to try and nail down what happened?
  20. Early in, you probably want to use nova form. I don't particularly enjoy nova form, but at low levels with no bonuses the extra accuracy (and damage) will make things so much smoother. Once you have some slotting, you can drop nova form, or just keep it for the flight. Dwarf is going to be your mez protection, and you can activate it while mezzed. Eventually, pure human more than doable, it's great! But your human toggles fall off in forms, not having the forms initially is 'extra hard mode'. If you go into dwarf, your shields fall off, so when you drop dwarf, you need to reactivate every toggle. So while leveling and using forms, the toggles are less good. I highly recommend you initially level with forms, then respec into human only. As soon as you can afford to slot up the human toggles. That's not to say you can't level human only, it's just a much longer road, and it's a much steeper uphill climb.
  21. "PPD, T.E.S.T. and Powers Division is going" should be "are going". 2nd mission from Calvin Scott, mission name The Turning Point.
  22. I had thought of a new suggestion before I remembered I has suggested it MONTHS ago. This still needs to happen!
  23. Hey all. So path auras are pretty neat, but very few people use them. Part of the reason for me at least, is because there's no combat only option for them. There's only constant and movement only. So... simple enough suggestion, (the fix may be more complicated in practice, I don't know the code) but a combat only option would be nice.
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  24. I'm leveling a Warshade and got up to the mission "Run program on database" from Shadowstar's level 10 arc. I know mission doors can be semi-random, but I'm supposed to be entering a council base and the mission door was Skyway City's Architect Entertainment's VR entrance.
  25. I was thinking of doing dark with Mercs for all the -to hit on enemies and healing. I was also considering Demon/Storm, Ninja/Time and Thugs/Nature.
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