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Everything posted by Linea

  1. It's way more complicated than that. The entire base system needs to be completely re-written before this can be done SAFELY without dev level manual intervention for each base. Even then it risks corrupting the entire shard. The risk to thousands of players is exponentially beyond the reward to one player. The base code is a complete disaster, we're lucky it works at all and hasn't already crashed the shard requiring restore from backup.
  2. It's balanced toward layered mitigation. If anything it's balanced slightly in favor of Resist Capped Brutes and Tanks, with supplemental defense and/or buffs, with durability biased builds instead of DPS biased builds. Resist is RDR. Resist cap is the best RDR. If you go in Defense capped without resists to back you up, you're gonna be resist floored and taking quad damage in a blink. Which in turns means near instant death to Relentless Gold Bricker Alpha. If you're defense based you better back it up with as much resist as you can get. On the upside Defense based means you get half your DDR for free. If you go in Resist capped, without any defenses, or DDR, you will get defense debuffed at least some, if they drop you too far into the red, you can end up facing double damage. That's not as bad as the quad damage above, but it's still lethal. You need at least some defense (or buffs) to offset that, and preferably some DDR (ageless radial) to go with it.
  3. tldr: This is why I don't like DPS Checks / AVs when solo. I would indeed love a Solo-Mode that downgraded the AVs to EBs, even if it reduced rewards by /10x. Ruthless ASF test Run (EnM/EnA 801 Built Scrapper): I drug along a couple of tanks so things wouldn't be so slow, just for testing. To-hit was fine, no real issues other than: When I was debuffed once, and When too many vengeances stacked, and/or pulling two groups. I can solo one Ruthless group and ONLY ONE Ruthless Difficulty group at a time, and only when fully T9 armored. When my armors are down I can only take about 1/3 of a group. Humorously, when fully armored, I was slightly more durable than the tanks. At least till my T9s dropped, then I was Instant-One-Shot Fodder. The tanks were much more reliable overall. T9 Armor Up, Crash, Wait or Die, Repeat. So those 90m missions just became 3 hours. Duoing the AV runs 7m no lore, 5m with lore Lots of math follows Assuming the tank did damage, this translates to 33m to solo the AV Assuming the tank did NOT do damage, this translates to 14m to solo the AV I can run 7m, Crash/Candy 30s to toggle back up, 3m, Crash/Candy 30s to toggle back up, 3m ... so 15m tops, using a full tray of candy It would take a perfect run to kill this AV, the first and easiest AV of the TF. If any of the AVs have higher resists, regen, or hp than the Cauldron AV, then there's no way in @#$% I'm pulling it off. At the very least Apex is twice as hard. The tank was doing at least some damage, so the answer is somewhere between 15m and 33m. 99.9% likely I can't get past the first AV. I can indeed clear to the AV, but not past it. And even if I DID get this AV. Its the easiest AV by far. I'd never make it past the next one. (ok, fine, demonic being an accolade, and recharged in 10m, I might could chain that to 18m using a full tray of candy. However, there is still the issue of dps loss while toggling up. Each crash costs a total of 1m, as you need at least 30s to gain back the 30s loss, and it's likely worse than that. So out of 18m I lose 4 or 5 due to crashes. That puts us right back at, this is probably not happening.)
  4. I rate StJ best overall for Stalkers. The other bests are likely: EnM for ST Damage, and Electric/SD/Snipe for AoE.
  5. This change is purposeful, and global. Popcorn was a balance issue. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=boosts.attuned_sudden_acceleration_f.attuned_sudden_acceleration_f "(-1.0 * Melee_Ones)% Power Chance Mod (self only) for 10.25s " I don't remember the specific mechanics, you'd have to get a Dev for that, dig through all the old dev and patch notes, or be able to translate magnitudes. But I think It translates to something like 1/10th chance.
  6. Solo Hardmode 2-Star Vicious ASF (Difficulty 3 of 5) Complete! That was not at all easy. It all went south on the last pool of the last mission. Anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. But I managed to pull it out of the ditch in the end, but only barely. Took about an hour to clear my way to Midas, and Midas himself took about 30m. However, in-between there I had a total failure and let him regen to full health. I also had several minor finger fumbles and failures. All this extended the time needed exponentially. 90m should be doable, 120m definitely. I spent closer to 3h, and it was entirely my own fault. I typically play about one mission a day, and you can assume 60-90m per mission (Vicious). However, I had to redo at least 3. 1 Due to connection issues, and 2 due to my own failure and/or lack of time available. So while It should be doable in well less than 10h, I spent 16+ over about a week of real-time. This one is a new record for Longest Solo TF for me. No chance I'll be able to get past RippleSurge on Ruthless (Difficulty 4), and I've so far not been able to Duo Past the first AV on Relentless (Difficulty 5) at all. Also, given I soloed it on Vicious, I'm downgrading it's difficulty rating by one tier. For Vicious to be rated 7, I would have needed to fail it and not get past the first few missions.
  7. Solo Vicious RippleSurge is Down. ... Finally. That was a tough fight. About 20-25m to clear 1/3 to 1/2 of the map to give me room to work. About 20-25m to clear the bug issues. Then about 20-25m to take down RippleSurge himself. Can't say exactly, but I did use 2 lore, and pretty sure I didn't get to the 3rd lore, but it was recharging. Primary Issues: The Bug - I suggest not trying to solo it till this is fixed. Confusion Protection hole in my armor. This one will destroy my dps and likely allow Ripple to Heal on Ruthless and above. A tiny defense gap when not T9ed. I can't T9, because that 30s crash could be critical and let Ripple Heal, and there' no way he's going down in less than 7m (Max fight duration without a critical crash. I can cover one crash, not two). That gap will get exploited Ruthlessly on Ruthless and above. I do not expect to get past the last pool of the last mission, but I'm gonna try. I should be able to reach the last pool, just probably not get past it.
  8. So ... 100 + 2 - 30 ... ~= 72% ... that would do it. For some reason LR wouldn't report in the combat monitor. It's probably in the logs, but I never think to pull the logs. I would love a ... Solo-Mode switch ... for all TFs, now that we have new tech. Probably exclusive of the Master Switch. No Solo-Mode Masters. Something along the lines of: AVs downgraded to EBs Emps downgraded to Astrals Astrals downgraded to Threads RMs divided by 10, min 1.
  9. Threw ourselves at a Duo Relentless ASF again, with a Tank and /Rad this time. Still not enough. To-hit issues, and/or not enough -regen. I'm not sure if it's a to-hit check on Lingering Radiation. It's been so long since I had to worry about to-hit checks I can't remember if the -regen is auto-hit or not. Or if one /Rad simply isn't enough to completely shutdown regen. And with no-temps, I can't even use a power analyzer to check the AV. Maybe a pair of Illusion/Rad with more traditional builds. (Mine is heavily armored, and can't afford to swap incarnates around and lose any recharge at all). Or Maybe a Trio. I'd place good bets on a Trio pulling it off, and expect sooner or later we'll see just that, if not myself, then someone else.
  10. Almost always right to left, but with some exceptions. - powexecabort has always been leftmost, but I've never experimented with moving it. - bindloadfile has always been rightmost, but again, I've never experimented with moving it. I do know if you want to double overwrite or double load you have to respect right to left order within your bindloads subsection, but I've always put that subsection on the right. (double load: a single bind can load multiple other bind files and rewrite itself all at the same time, and even execute multiple macros from trays as an afterthought. However, doing so is definitely the very advanced class, and not recommended.)
  11. + at the beginning tells the bind to work on press and release. + ALSO increments binaries. +backwards is a single command, and backwards is binary 0 or 1. Like $i++ but a binary. I've never tried "+$$...$$+Backward$$..." or Backward+ but that might work. This will auto hasten twice, which will put it on, then off. (ASSUMING nothing is currently auto) Press move backwards and set hasten auto, Release stop moving backwards and turn auto off. HOWEVER, this will from time to time get out of sync. Also, if hasten is ALREADY auto, it will turn it off while moving, and back on after. So if press/release is the desired behavior you should probably set a 'reset' key. D "+backward$$powexecabort$$powexecauto hasten" This should always leave hasten auto. But the abort will kill current commands and might be undesired. You might could force sync by using two bind files. File1: 1 "powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent ./kb/file1.txt" ... this is reset key D "+backward$$powexecabort$$powexecauto hasten$$bindloadfilesilent ./kb/file2.txt" ... this should force hasten as auto File2: D "+backward$$powexecabort$bindloadfilesilent ./kb/file1.txt" ... this should force hasten off I'm really not sure I'd recommend this for movement keys, but I do know others do similar things with movement, and attacks. Just keep a movement reset file handy in a macro or something so if everything goes sideways you can one-click back to normal movement keys.
  12. So, Relentless AVs. I strongly suggest you take along some -regen and +to-hit. Duoed a bit with a tank, just to see how things would go. When my scrapper armor wasn't completely sealed up, I was one-shot fodder. I could clear the first mission solo with great duress. Duo with the tank it was cake. The tank had more or less the same comments, but a tiny bit less duress. There's a really cute EB under the stairs in the final room of the first mission. It's worth it to kill him once on Relentless. I soloed him, but he put a nice dent in my head. He's definitely harder than the actual boss. Fun though. Fire Pit AV: When our pets where up, and buffs where up, we hit 95%. When the pets where down, this varied from .2 to .95. Call it .5 average 50/50 with .95 average. I'm not sure what the AV regen is, but I'm assuming it's 'normal' 125 ish. Also, given the duress, both builds are putting out less than optimal dps. I normally run 400 dps, and I'm going to give the tank 185 dps, since I don't know his dps, but that should be a decent average T4 tank. When the pets were down we more or less broke even or gained a little ground. Pets up we took out a nice big chunk. But you have to do this multiple times as adds spawn. Overall, I call it 2 to 3 hours total to take out this AV and Adds. So, call it 125 applied dps. 125 dps / .48 for level shifts / .75 for resistances ... AV Defense. ArgH! avg(.5,.95) ~= .72 Pets up 585 * .48 * .75 ~= 200 dps pets down 200 * .7 = 140 dps Adjust for duress and non optimal dps by .9 ... or even .8 140 * .9 ~= 125 dps So ... without -regen or +tohit, but with pets that buff +tohit ... you need to bring 125 / .48 / .75 / .72 / .9 ... ~= lets call it 650 dps so you don't have to be there all day. And this can get astronomically worse if you have no +to-hit at all. So for brute force, 3 of us instead of 2, and bringing 1 more copy of tactics. Likely better results with a Tank and an Armored Illusion/Rad. with +tohit you can probably manage with 485 dps. You should probably plan on at least some +to-hit. -defense is not terribly effective vs +4 AVs, hence +to-hit. with -regen, you can manage with 15 dps. You probably want the -regen. 😜 Anyway, had fun throwing myself at Relentless Leroy Style.
  13. Angel Hornet (EnM/EnA 801-built Scrapper) Solo Malicious ASF Complete. Hardmode 2 of 5, Badge Difficulty. (But i didn't go for all the badges due to time constraints, it already took long enough.) 3 days real-time, unknown in-game, due to 3 mission resets caused by lost conns. I'd say roughly 4 hours total. 👍 👍Two Thumbs for Quality and Story. Probably the Best TF in the Game. ⭐🌟 Gold Star on Malicious (Difficulty 2/5) for Challenge (while solo). This Task Force is definitely Linea Approved(tm) I still did not use all my armor capabilities The globe fight pushed me, but I still didn't go all the way on armor. This was the hardest fight durability-wise for me. This surprised me. However, on Vicious (Difficulty 3/5) I'm definitely going to need all my armor, (almost) all the time. Especially when fighting AVs. That's going to slow things down a great deal. From a durability standpoint, I suspect 80% of my builds could manage Villainous (Difficulty 1/5), and 40% or so could handle Malicious (Difficulty 2/5). I did push my DPS capabilities on the last puddle of the last mission. I have a little leeway left, but only a little. I suspect 60/40 I could get to the last puddle of the last mission on Vicious (Difficulty 3/5). But then I'm 40/60 on completing the last puddle itself. Ruthless is completely out, due to dps check. Not a chance. For melee, you have to spend so much time non-dps on moving and teleporting, that the last puddle is effectively halving dps. I only used my pets once, on that last puddle for the spike. Without that spike I'm not sure how long it would take, but with the spike it was over before I expected it, probably 3m. But on Vicious (Difficulty 3/5) I'd likely need them more than once. That's going to slow things down horridly. Then If I make even one mistake, I get to do the whole thing over again. From a DPS standpoint, I feel like anything with 250-300 dps can handle Villainous (Difficulty 1/5). For Malicious (Difficulty 2/5) I'd recommend 400+ dps. Linea 801 Difficulty Ratings for the ASF If you want something challenging without AVs, the following are my 801 equivalentcy ratings for the ASF. Villainous - 801.0 - ( 0/15) Malicious - 801.2 - ( 2/15) Vicious__ - 801.5 - ( 5/15) Ruthless - 801.7 - ( 7/15) Relentless - 801.A - (10/15) Edit: Lowered the ASF Difficulty Ratings by 1 Tier now that I've tested it more.
  14. I'm currently soloing it on Malicious (Difficulty 2 of 5), the setting needed for badges. If I can solo it, the only reason for a full team to not be able to do it would be for the "team to be it's own worst enemy". I think I'm gonna max out on Vicious (Difficulty 3 of 5), probably at Midas on the Last Pool. The last pool is where it really cuts the most into your dps output when solo, particulary for melee. I run about one mission a day.
  15. Defense alone only goes so far ... +4 ITF EBs can one-shot you *IF* they hit you vs no resists. On a team that won't be often, solo it WILL happen eventually. Villainous +0 ASF is fairly equivalent to +4x8 regular TF. You'll die vs no resists, but it shouldn't be too often or too bad, so long as you aren't trying to pretend you're the tank. Malicious +0 ASF is more equivalent to a +4x8 Master TF or +4x8 iTrial with an 8-man team. Anything EB and up will be able to one-shot you vs no resists, *IF* they hit you, and they will eventually. Try to minimize that chance to be hit, and try to bring at least some resistance buffs along on the team. ... Relentless +4x8 ASF is not intended for soloing, ... I'd strongly suggest you bring along lots of friends with lots of buffs. Relentless +4x8 ASF softcap is 75def for mobs and 95def for AVs. Without Buffs, they'll eat your 45 defense with no resist alive. AVs will have a 50/50 chance of hitting you for effectively one-shot damage every swing. The Build a team, not just a character. PS: Congrats! Sounds like you did better than expected!
  16. I've rebuilt entire builds to gain 40dps .... *glares at scrapper brimstone*
  17. I 💖 💘 💝 LOVE 💖 💘 💝 Battle Becky! ... and I definitely want to stash her somewhere safe next run, so I can use her psi-dps later after I clear the hordes. Angel Hornet (EnM/EnA 801-built Scrapper) finished her Villainous (Difficulty 1 of 5) solo run too. Pretty much a cake walk. Never even toggled up my full armor capabilities. Got a little hairy on the 'DE Horde'. Had to swap targets to Horde Clearing Mode instead of Primary Target DPS Mode, and funnily enough killed the AV due to splash damage just as I finally started clearing out 'The Horde' and was getting ready to swap back to Primary Target DPS Mode. Midas can one-hit for ~80% damage. Luckily he only did that about once per fight. I'll crank it up a notch next run. 😜
  18. If you can quote it, select it, or copy clip it, you can resize it inside the editor as-if you were going to post it ... but you don't have to actually post it. Size 16:
  19. Run it +0x8 Villainous (difficulty 1 of 5), this is equivalent of running 'normal' TFs +4x8. or Run it +0x8 Malicious (difficulty 2 of 5) for badge runs. This is equivalent of difficulty to running a 'master of' 'normal' TF. Faultline called me 'Just Plain Evil' once upon a time. I don't remember what I did that time. But right now I'm working on a solo run of the ASF. +0 of course. It looks to be entirely solo-able +0 Villanous, and probably +0 Malicious. I have serious doubts at about Vicious.
  20. *** DO NOT JUST LEROY THE ASF +4x8 BLINDLY *** It's pretty explicit this is NOT intended to be your normal Steamroll Task Force. Run it +0x8 Villainous (difficulty 1 of 5), this is equivalent of running 'normal' TFs +4x8. or Run it +0x8 Malicious (difficulty 2 of 5) for badge runs. This is equivalent difficulty to running a 'master of' 'normal' TF +4x8. Running the ASF +0x8 will be roughly equivalent to running a normal TF +4x8. Start it +0x8 until you are very comfortable with it, then ease it up one notch at a time. Running the ASF +4x8 will be roughly equivalent to running a normal TF +8x16. I Strongly suggest you have a core of at least 2 very competent players on very competent builds, then build from there. I would also suggest a FULL and WELL BALANCED team of Tier 4 IO Tier 4 Incarnates. At a minimum I'd suggest an 801.7 capable tank, backed by a highly competent defender, and controller, and then some 801.7 capable dps. One of the support should probably be resist based, and one defense based. Expanding to a full team of 8 should make this much easier overall as well as lower the requirements on the armor down to as low as 801.2 levels. PAY ATTENTION TO THE BIG BOLD WARNINGS. The powers that give a massive big warning, similar to the warnings in the Lambda, are effectively one-shot tank killers when set to +4x8. I would have preferred 95% lethality to a def/res capped tank ... I'm not sure exactly where they ended up, but I suspect it's still in the 100% lethality range. (at least some of) The devs have seen my 801 builds and what they are capable of in-game, and (some of them) have played 801 from 801.2 up through 801.A. If your team can't handle 801.7 +4x8, then you'll probably get slaughtered in a Hardmode 5 +4x8 ASF. The Devs are even nastier than me and have access to even nastier and more complicated tools and techniques than AE. The same way that as you increase the decimal in 801, the mobs get harder and get more powers; the devs did that using the + difficulty factor in the ASF. When they say +4 mobs get exponentially more and stronger powers, they are NOT joking.
  21. In general I recommend defender. Something like this, but adjust it to your blast set. FF Beam Dark Sniper - Heavy Gun 42-59 - Overwatch 1b - [i25].mxd
  22. I think I'd like to see an Nihilli Procced out full offense Electric/EnergyAura sentinel build. I think the idea shows real promise.
  23. Re: EnA The issue is the Stacking +Def in Energy Drain. Perma 80s defenses on the brute frame, with resists added in. Some of this has already been addressed by adjusting Rune. Now Imagine that with Tank mods.
  24. My thanks and congratulations to everyone that participated in the the 'All Sentinel 801' runs. We finished both +4x8 801.2 and +4x8 801.5. I apologize for not getting screenshots and names, it was enitrely too late for me to still have more than 3 functioning brain cells.
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