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Everything posted by Linea

  1. SD is a very good choice. Armor Types (Armor Recommendations): Lucy SD/RadM 801 Build, solo: (I'm running Rune/Hybrid/Rune/OwtS/KitchenSink as needed for resists. She was built this way on purpose, and with that intent. But even without it's absurdly durable.)
  2. STJ is still very good, and a nice balance of ST and AoE. Top ST damage would go to EnM now ... Best AoE is probably Elec.
  3. Less armor and more procs, could gain you more offense. None of these are Proc based builds, they are primarily heavy armor builds. My builds assume the use of Rune/Hybrid/Rune/Demonic/WeddingBand/Kitchen_Sink ... Armored Offense, this is the one I used to solo a +4x8 ITF: Emp Fire - Combat Medic Concept 4 - [i25].mxd Two variations of a more traditional empath while maintaining heavy armor. These are almost Green Machine Compliant, or as close as any of my builds will get. Emp Fire - Harlequin Octagon 2 - [i26].mxd Emp Fire - Harlequin Device 2 - [i26].mxd I have other even more traditional builds, those have the codenames Burke or Strauss, but are built for different blast sets ... They are around in the forums, ... somewhere ...
  4. I would definitely say StJ. Rotating T9 build. Rune/Hybrid combined with Overload ... Energize and Phase right before the crash, toggle back up, Demonic, edge into the fight, then repeat. This the build I currenty use to run the harder 801 missions. StJ Ena ShadowMeld Stalker - 801 - Recharge-T9 ver 1c - [i25].mxd Proc-ed Offense Build, I think I hit 635 dps or there abouts testing this one. Build primarily influenced by Nihilli, as well as others. StJ Ena Stalker - Nih 2a - [i27].mxd More traditional overall build combining standard non-proc offense, as well as plenty of armor and T9 options. StJ Ena WaterSpout Stalker - Alpha T3 - [i25].mxd
  5. It does not take much in the way of psionic resist/defense to survive the end-game. Psionic, in general, comes in smaller less frequent packages than any other damage type. As long as you don't completely ignore it, you should be ok. It's very do-able.
  6. 801, not 802. I don't know who did 802. I do recommend RadA. But I also do not consider it immortal. When fully IOed and Incarnated and built for durability, there's very little in the official game that can kill any tank. RadA probably just fits you and your playstyle better than the other armors.
  7. My primary Sentinel is Water Blast built for extreme durability. For a non-proc build water is fine. For an offensive proc build you may get more mileage elsewhere.
  8. Linea

    SR a trap?

    I probably rate SR as the best Defense based armor, but also the most difficult to drive, when built my way with additional resists to supplement defense, and then subjected to 801.A (difficulty 10 of 15) or higher. In more normal difficulty situations, nothing short of the more cheaty encounters should really trouble you at all. For ease of use I recommend Inv/. For a little more durability, as well as easier Psi-tanking, and intermediate difficulty to drive I'd recommend SD/
  9. Right now the Difficulty spread is |----| The proposed Difficulty spread is |-----------| The floor is not changing, the roof is being raised. If you just blindly set "Roof" and then "jump without looking", then yeah, the landing is gonna hurt.
  10. Most, but not all, of my tanks skip taunt. It's nice to have at least one tank With taunt in your stable.
  11. Linea

    Bio/Titan = Fail

    Yes, it's still good. Bio is my pick for best heal-tank armor. But you may be better suited to a Defense based or Resist based armor. Titan while not the one and only best as it was at one time, is still a top tier attack set. Titan really benefits by building all out high-recharge full offense builds. You really shouldn't judge any set by it's performance at level 20. Level 20 is the first level when you finally get all your AT modifiers and start actually building to your strengths. Level 1 to 20 You're really just riding the early level tables instead of the AT tables.
  12. Many of my builds will have both. Forget generalities and look at each build as a unique specific build as a whole. Do what works best for that specific build.
  13. Soloed a Nightmare ITF - (+4x8, No Deaths, No Temps, Players Debuffed, Enemies Buffed, No Inspirations) 3 real-time weeks 10 in-game hours
  14. Attached are the two builds I currently run. Proc-ed Offense: StJ Ena Stalker - Nih 2a - [i27].mxd Full Armor 801: StJ Ena ShadowMeld Stalker - 801 - Recharge-T9 ver 1c - [i25].mxd I don't run the following build any more, but it should still be a good build. General Purpose: StJ Ena WaterSpout Stalker - Alpha T3 - [i25].mxd
  15. There's a post somewhere in here on a procced out Time/DP ... just keep searching. You should also dig down further and find Bopper's Time/DP builds. (you should probably try to find the actual post, not just the copies of builds I saved) Time DP - Bopper Proccer 1 - [i26].mxd Time Dp Power - Bopper 1 - [i26].mxd Time Dp Soul - Bopper 1 - [i26].mxd Time Dp Soul - Bopper 2 - [i26].mxd And here are some of my older non-proc builds: Time DP - Kiski - Sorcery 4i-b - [i25].mxd Time DP - Kiski - Psi-Tank 1b - [i25].mxd Time DP - Kiski - STF SLE Malfactor 2 - [i25].mxd Time DP - Quarterback 2d - [i25].mxd ...
  16. The original was Staff. Staff gets it's own +resist proc that makes it easier to resist cap. But I switched it to Katana for slightly better dps, and I'm just really fond of Katana. These are all really old builds, so I'm sure there's a lot of room for improvement, and the game has changed a lot since then. Rad Staff Tank - Radicat - Mu 3 (Psi-Tank) - [i25].mxd Staff Rad Brute - Tacidar - Mu 3 - [i25].mxd
  17. I went at the problem with Radiation Armor two ways. One as Def/Res Hybrid, and the other as pure Resist. For me, I found the Pure Resist build worked better, although I did still build it on the Katana Frame. The Katana frame made the build a better overall build. Once I got the build to full Tier 4 Incarnates, as long as I remained above -45 defense, I was able to power through on resist-cap heals, absorbs, and Rebirth. -35 was fine, -45 or below I'd eventually fail. A medium purple here and there will usually do the trick. You also have to look out for the /Cold very carefully. If the /Cold -special -enhance -heal lands while you're -35 or below, you're gonna drop like a rock due to having your resists and healing completely shutdown. Cannons (Rads) need to die just as fast, as they are the primary ones that will keep you below -35 defense. Cannons (Rads) and /Colds. If the two combine and you don't kill one asap, it's gonna go badly. Also keep in mind Resist is RDR, and RDR doesn't cap. So there may be times where a little extra orange doesn't hurt. I monitor my attributes constantly, and try not to stand in the location debuffs. Do NOT let resist cap fail, even by a few percent, or you'll die, as that gets multiplied by the defense debuffs. You're living in the red, don't blink. This is much harder to pull off on the brute than the tank, but it's still doable. Kat Rad Brute - Tacidar - Mu 4 (Psi-Tank) - [i25].mxd Rad Kat Tank - Radicat II - Mu 3f - [i25].mxd
  18. 125dps +0 with a taunt/immobilize 250dps +0 without taunt/immobilize 250dps +4 with a tuant/immobilize 325dps +4 without taunt/immobilize *IF* you're flying/sniping and stay out of heal range. Mileage may vary significantly with this tactic. (I've used this method only once in recent memory, but used it more 10 years ago) 500dps +4 without taunt/immobilize (Edit: 500 is *my* benchmark. But, I'll probably agree With Nihilli here, and say 400 might squeak by) I have several 250dps borderline builds ... and usually end up saying screw-it and eating reds rather than suffer through an hour long fight. Breaking Rom as mentioned above can help survivability significantly by avoiding the auto-hit. By the same token, there are times and builds where it's better to just let Rommy run, and take out the Nicti first, then you only have to suffer through the Track Star Antics once. I ALWAYS forget just how annoying the Track Star Antics are for some builds, then I get to the end of mission 3 and want to bang my head into the wall.
  19. If you want new and interesting, dig around the forums for Proc Builds and/or EnM builds. An EnM Proc build would probably be the ultimate in single target damage, and with all new mechanics should be a new and interesting experience. In normal official content Tanks have more than enough native durability to devote most of their resources to offense instead. I recommend: Defense Armor: EnA (Any AT), Inv/ and SD/ as the Tank Alternatives. Inv/Radm - Autopilot SD/Radm - Intermediate Resist Armor: RadA (Brutes and Tanks Only). RadA/Kat - I'm just fond of Katanas. Heal Armor: Bio (Any AT, paired with a Defensive Weapon). Bio/Kat - My favorite.
  20. Congrats and job well done. I solo a +4x8 ITF on all my characters, all ATs and builds. I consider it a rite of passage. I recommend sealing resists first on a resist build. A fully resist based build will work, and work nicely as you have discovered. (It's complicated, but bottom line is a Full T4 IO T4 Incarnate resist armor build can (resist, heal, regen) through -35 to -40 defense, and it doesn't take much in the way of a small purple to keep you off the -defense floor, and in turn the actual floor. Prior to the full monty, defense is a nice easy crutch. Defense is also a nice 'Free T4 Armor' equivalent until it's stripped. So don't ignore it entirely, just seal those resists first.) I recommend Degen or Reactive T4 Radial, due to the stacking limits. You'll most likely saturate stacks anyway, and if you use a ranged lore you'll definitely saturate stacks. Exactly which lore gets a little trickier, varies at least a little by build, and I'd recommend testing on the test server.
  21. I'd love to have a PvE only No-FX version that's even less FX than the current minimal-fx version.
  22. Here's an old one of mine. I rebuilt it later as Rad/Kat. Both of these are old, non-proc durability builds, not offensive builds. Rad Staff Tank - Radicat - Mu 3 (Psi-Tank) - [i25].mxd Rad Kat Tank - Radicat II - Mu 3f - [i25].mxd
  23. I recommend: Defense Armor: EnA (Any AT), Inv/ and SD/ as the Tank Alternatives. Resist Armor: RadA (Brutes and Tanks Only) Heal Armor: Bio (Any AT, paired with a Defensive Weapon). If there can be only one: SD/Radm Good Luck, and have fun storming the castle.
  24. /Bio has my seal of approval, and is probably my first pick for offensive armor, followed by /SD. My primary tank is a Kat/Bio scrapper ... you could mirror that build into a Stanker. (I couldn't resist. What else do you call a tank built stalker?) "If you see me take damage, I'm in trouble." My health from the outside perspective should always be 90% or more. I perma the absorb. I use DNA as an Alpha, they should all be dead before it wears off. I use the Heal/Endurance as a reactive. I also use Void Judgement -damage as an alpha. And tend to run Rune/Hybrid/Rune/Demonic Weddingband. On a stalker variant I'd run Shadowmeld, and this just starts hitting ludicrous levels of durability. You should also do a Proc Variant just for the hell of it. Yeah stalker frame tends to top out at 650ish dps due to animation time issues, but you might manage to push an EnM variant up closer to 700. I hit a lucky 630* run on a Enm/Ena so I won't be surprised if a glass cannon /Bio can start threatening 700. * Average of 10 runs was 565ish as I recall, 635? was the high outlier.
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