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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Note to self: Make a Sonic Resonance character and go about making targets invulnerable to player attacks. When other complain note, "It is part of the game."
  2. Most often they are not knocked off the map area but are partially embedded in terrain--you can see them but are prevented from attacking them because the terrain blocks how the game calculates your line of sight.
  3. But they would have to give up the six-piece Nitrous Injection bonus. 😄
  4. Do you see that often? Most Tankers want things nearby as most of their powers are melee ranged and a lot of Tanker secondary sets have no AoE KB powers to begin with. My most recent Tanker (Rad/Claws) uses Shockwave, but that is mostly knocking foes into corners or up against walls.
  5. Choosing to NOT stop at red lights isn't thoughtlessness, it's a decision to priortise fun over the risk of collision problems. 😈
  6. You've seen knocked down characters get stuck in geometry? If that occurs, it happens so infrequently I have no memory of such as opposed to very clear memories of knockback doing so.
  7. Solution 1: Knockback->Knockdown enhancements Solution 2: Don't use knockback
  8. Effect Duration Increase I do not think it should be enabled on powers which modify Global Recharge or other powers whose durations already have existing enhancements (Holds, Immobilizes). But for other powers, rather than having to work in Recharge Reduction it would be nice to instead be able to make the effect last longer.
  9. The advice was real, just meant the packaging to be more light-hearted. 😁
  10. I meant what I wrote to come across more humorous and light-hearted than it probably did. Despite feeling Bio gets called out for fragility much more than it should, I do not want to suggest it has no failure modes. That said, Bio is the backbone of my sturdiest Brute to date, though I did just start an Invulnerability Brute....
  11. Sounds like you did not follow Bio Best Practices somewhere along the way: Did you just enter a group of six or more opponents? Pop Parasitic Aura. Is health going down? Pop Ablative Carapace. Is health lower than acceptable? Pop DNA Siphon. (1) is proactive and covers most of what needs to be done, (2) and (3) are reactive.
  12. I just created a StJ/Inv Brute, but drew inspiration from a different direction:
  13. Rage will crash, Fury shouldn't. If you want the flavor, then yeah, take Hand Clap. But really...you don't want to scatter things. If you do take it slot a KB->KD IO in it so things don't get knocked everywhere. That is the only SS power with KB, all others are KD or KU. Personally, I would skip Hand Clap and go for Cross Punch (well, I did that on my SS/Bio).
  14. I am thinking KM/Bio would be about perfect. Think of Ablative Carapace as being used when your timer runs out.
  15. I just rewatched Farewell Ultraman (for the first time in 50 years). I blame you Trike!
  16. Kids today have so much more than could be watching. But yeah, give me a Beta Capsule!
  17. Speed Racer/Ultraman/Hercules/Simba the White Lion here. I am pretty sure I would watch original Ultraman even now but perhaps that is nostalgia speaking. The updated versions along way seemed to really lack something by comparison.
  18. It was supposed to be a more straightforward build. But.... My first character on Homecoming (and first to 50 on Homecoming) was a Rad/Psi Tanker. Primarily I was interested in using powersets I had never used before. Not a bad ride and she was perfectly functional on SOs. But that was before I got into using IO sets. So I decided to give Radiation another whirl and started a Rad/Claw Tanker. Radiation is not a pure Resistance set. I would look at it more as a Resistance heavy Resistance/Regen/Absorption/To-Hit Debuff set since those are mechanics it delivers. Defense? Hahahaha! It doesn't do it and while you can (and people have) put some impressive Defense values on their Radiation Armor builds, it bugged me enough that Radiation Armor lacks DDR that I decided to skip Defense all together and try to work with the things Radiation Armor tosses at you. Obviously I knew I wanted to maximize my Resistances. Then I looked at Regen. Six-slotting Health give roughly +100% Regen if you use Numina's full set. Particle Shielding gets you another 200%. Gamma Boost...well, there we have the thing which killed my desire to go that way. Gamma Boost gives you +Recovery based on your health total while giving Regen inversely based on your health total--the lower your life the more Regen it gives. Broadly speaking, I want to keep my health up, so to my mind it paid to look at the power as a Recovery booster where I would face potential endurance issues if my health stayed low for any great length of time--something I would generally be trying to avoid. Next up was Absorption which was pretty straightforward: Slot Preventive Medicine and call it a day. Finally there was To-Hit Debuff. Beta Decay's starting value is a paltry 5.25% debuff--enough to say it is there but nothing to write home about, especially since that value us subject to being resisted and higher level targets have increased chance to hit. But going with Soul Mastery as your Patron pool opens up Darkest Night, which at base value is a 15% debuff. Stacked that is better than 20% debuff base. Reasonably, it seemed, you should be able to hit the mid-30% with enhancement slotting. So rather than stack Defense in order to not get hit it looked like stacking To-Hit debuff would take you down the same road. Yeah, affected opponents would need to be close for Beta Decay to apply but that is the general case for most Tanker encounters, Tankers being a melee class. Darkest Night could be hung on anything within range but to get other foes to stay in range you would want other foes to stand close to your Darkest Night anchor, which means you standing near the anchor. And then there is the matter of the Anchor. You would prefer it be amongst the last thing killed and to stay close to you. It also only recharges so quickly (10s at base from when it is toggled off). But it is not all negatives and conditions with To-Hit debuffing. Darkest Night also debuffs enemy damage by 30%. And unlike Defense, To-Hit Debuff is neither positional nor based on damage type--you spend far fewer slots reaching meaningful value. Ultimately I decided I could build more traditionally if the To-Hit Debuff thing did not work out. More quickly than I intended, I got to the point where I could give the concept a go with just basic-IOs. And I am happy to report that signs are hopeful. With miserable Resistance values (46.65% S/L, 51.65 F, 11.66C, 62.2 E, 51.65 N, 15.00 P, 69.43 T) he is leaping into groups of +2/3s (+2x6) and surviving with fairly minimal inspiration usage. That is solo play where I can completely manage the crowd and what is getting hit. I figure in groups you have two situations: the group is rolling through what is being fought or the group is not. If the group is rolling through foes, you do not bother with Darkest Night. Pull it out where you can expect foes will last sufficiently. I really need to fix Mid's file name for the character since it seems I may be keeping him. Current target build:
  19. Ultraman! Takes me back to my late-60s/early 70s youth. 👍
  20. Quibble: Not related to Supergirl, Supergirl from original continuity's Earth-2. As much as I dislike the frequency of the combo, for Power Girl I would go SS/Inv with Energy Mastery (because you need the Heat Vision).
  21. I admit annoyance that it covers the chest symbol on my character. Why on Earth have a chest symbol option and create armor powers which cover the chest (other than full body transformation)?
  22. I get that it is a problem for some people, but runners have just never been that big of an issue to me.
  23. I would go so far as to include running endless TFs on the list.
  24. While I am not exclaiming its virtues, I half wonder if Stone's low showing is due to expectations of using Granite. I have a Granite-less Stone Brute who happily leaps into groups without issue who is build a lot like you would on build a Bio (which as I post has the highest number of votes)--a mix of Defense with holes backed by Resistance. The biggest difference going from a Brute build to a Scrapper build I can see would be shifting two slots around and swapping one IO set to drop Smash/Lethal to the Scrapper resistance cap and bringing up Fire/Cold from being close to cap to actual cap. Of course some of its ranking could also be due to having to have some minimal amount of stone covering your body being aesthetically unpleasing (again, in a way similar to Bio). TLDR: Stone is probably down in the rankings for reasons that do not have to do with its actual functionality.
  25. Just got my DM/EA to 48 yesterday but he's been tearing things up for a while...and that on just basic IOs. I look forward to introducing him to set bonuses in the near future.
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