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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Most importantly, advertise the type of TF you are running. Nothing wrong with saying, "+X, kill all". People will join for just about anything sane (i.e. not +4 Synapse).
  2. I accidentally forgot when doing a DFB on my latest tank (who was in his 40s at that point, but somehow I had never gotten the badges from DFB on him) to set the level down and we did DFB at +2. Nobody seemed to notice and deaths were no more plentiful than usual. More intentionally, the last Posi 1 I recruited people for was at +1.
  3. It should be noted that DoTs get nothing from crits but do from Fury. While that is not going to remotely close the damage potential between Brutes and Scrappers/Stalkers it is a perk for the Brute. Edit: See aethereal's correction below
  4. Why? That seems both appropriate (nobody wants to be set on fire) and useful. If you don't want them running, use an immobilize.
  5. Erratic1

    Too strong

    What qualifies as durable enough?
  6. Per Wikipedia: Bean bags are fired from shotguns and per US federal law and state definitions (Paragon City is in Rhode Island), shotguns are assault rifles. Flamethrowing...can't really say its fits. So there is room for replacing Flame Thrower and Ignite. But were those powers to go, I would still favor something other than "what every other set gets" ala Aim.
  7. Erratic1


    The top bar of Mid's, where the name displays, says what version of the program and database is in use.
  8. Erratic1


    It opens in 3.2.17. What version are you using?
  9. You may be biting off more than you can chew if you're running at party size of three while solo at level 23. Compared to Invulnerability, which I have recently started a character with and who hit level 23 at some point this past weekend, while you have increased regen and some To-Hit debuff, your underlying resistances from the set are about two-thirds that of Invulnerability (which does not have the regen or To-Hit debuff). At 23, fighting yellows and whites with no additional adds, a pack of 3 would leave him sufficiently down in health that I would only subsequently engage another pack of three before taking short, kneeling health/endurance break. By contrast it seems you are running into spawns with 2 additional foes--fighting five at a time. Bear in mind that while To-Hit debuff helps, the value you are getting from Rise to the Challenge (according to Mid's) is -3.75%. Even slotted it will end up at just under -6%. So instead of a 50% chance of being hit your foes are hitting at 44% (i.e., you've reduced incoming damage on average by about 10%). You do not mention if you've slotted in damage resistance enhancers yet. If not, try putting some in Mind Over Body (first) and High Pain Tolerance. Also, grab Tough from the fighting pool (on your way to Weave).
  10. Synapse also doesn't pay nearly so well. Having seven characters which needed it at the time, last October when Synapse was up as the weekly, I ran it seven times. I am still mentally recovering from that. Even with new characters needing it I just cannot bring myself to do it. I was originally thinking of putting it off until 2023 at the earliest but may, if I can get a dedicated team for it, be able to tolerate a speed run of it.
  11. True as goes recharge but there is the issue of necessity. You do not invoke a heal unless you need to heal. There is nothing gained if you're doing fine. A periodically refreshing ablative shield has a better basis for why one might want to click it. But I have to say as the player of an SS/Bio Brute that I only activate it when something is actively threatening the health bar. In most cases capped Resistance and suitably high Defense (not capped I admit) means it is not needed. The long recharge power is best used in advance as a precaution against needing to use either of the ones mentioned above--If you answer yes to the question, "Did you just enter a group of a half-dozen (+4x8) or more?" then you activate it and it provides you cover while you whittle the crowd down. How often you need to use it will depend somewhat on playstyle. It is a subjective thing and as noted somewhat determined by playstyle. For me, it just is not meaningfully intrusive on the routine of punching and stomping things. From the standpoint of someone used to playing Invulnerability...I suppose it could be considered click hell. 😄
  12. Bio has 3 click powers--two at 90s base recharge and one at 270s. There cannot be that much clicking going on.
  13. I readily admit to shamelessly lifting from Techwright and his costume for Lesser Saint to get to the costume for my latest scrapper: Not thrilled by his current name (Bronze Fury), so that might change. Quite happy with the costume and how the shoulders fit the piping on the chest and legs. Thanks @Techwright
  14. Not to mention there is a minimal graphics option for Bio, which leaves one power which during its animation obscures your costume for about a second.
  15. I went Water/Dark on one blaster I didn't take to 50 (yet anyway) because already having a Water/Kin Corruptor it was not giving me a sufficiently different playstyle. The Seismic/Time Blaster I took to 50, but admit I rarely use his Time powers, leaving more heavily on his Cold Mastery powers. I might go with Ice Manipulation were I to have to rebuild. I am in no way disappointed with Time just Seismic on its own does a lot of the lifting for me. If you plan to Blap then Energy or Fire I'd guess.
  16. Water is a very enjoyable set and I would never (normally) dissuade anyone from it but..... Seismic, while it has one less AoE power has better control in that two of the AoE powers knockdown what they hit. With proper timing you can dispose of a group without them ever getting a chance to do much but try to stand up. And then there is Meteor (the one knockback power in the set and only knockback power in the game I love--so much so I am contemplating asking it to marry me). Drop it on a group in a small room, at the end of a corridor, or standing on a bridge in ITF and once you're done laughing your you'll enjoy a happy afterglow.
  17. Most sets with KB only have a power or two with it. EB is its own special gift.
  18. I was only noting that while bodies fly away with Meteor, a goodly chunk of them should be dead. See upthread for my complete agreement with you on Hurricane.
  19. Can only drop a burn patch if you have it and not infrequently a group is lacking such due to composition or levels (DFB with geometry issues is a real pain). I do agree that wall pseudopets is probably not a good idea because that is processing taken up for events which mostly do not occur. Same as goes adding code to mobs for them to check if they are stuck in a wall. Better to my mind would be a system command which, when issued by a player, checks a radius around them for potentially stuck mobs and dislodges them. That way it is only being invoked as necessary.
  20. As a T9, Meteor should have been killing most of what was hit. And given the long animation time on Meteor (2.57s) along with the need to have to target its arrival I would normally expect a goodly chunk of Meteor's potential targets to already be sufficiently along the way to defeat that Meteor definitely should have finished them off. The person using Meteor may not have known that if you Upthrust immediately after casting Meteor both effects will manifest at the same time, further reducing the likelihood of anything surviving.
  21. Or act to inform people of their asocial behavior. I am put in mind of the time fighting the infinite spawn of witches where the Storm Summoning character kept running forward after the crowd alphas had been absorbed by the melees and scattering the group all over. I offered in chat, "I am not sure it is helping the melees to be knocking the spawn apart." Of course this was met with a comment about not needing to be snarky, but really, how much nicer could the phrasing have been? In any event, I think the message was received.
  22. At this point I half consider people using knockback to be trolling. Who at this point does not know what Energy Blast does or that a lot of people dislike KB? I don't make Energy Blaster* because I am not trying to annoy people. *Well, there was that one time when I'd gotten off a team with someone who had so annoyed me with KB that I wanted to make the most annoying character I could and made a Grav/EB Dominator, but I don't play him (well, at least not past level 40). Edit: Hmmm, now thinking about a Seismic Blast character with KB slotted into the normally KD and KU powers with Meteor not slotted for damage but for nothing but KB. Part of the game after all.
  23. Not sure the wisdom of speaking for everyone else, let alone those you disagree with. I am annoyed when my power anchors get sent somewhere such that the power anchored on them is not serving a purpose. I am annoyed when in the quarter of a second before the keypress occurs activating my attack (area, single target, or otherwise) my target gets sent flying away. I am aggrieved when my buff power which needs the presence of foes around me for its effect triggers with nothing around me. And given how many people PUG, I am certainly not sure of the wisdom of being dismissive of the PUG experience.
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