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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. At that point just prevent the power from stacking. Thing is people would still reduce its recharge so it was always up..
  2. Perhaps but keep in mind one of the most iconic of superheroes has spawned a legion of Super Strength/Invulnerability characters--effectiveness would not be a high consideration in the draw due to that.
  3. I am getting back to playing some character who have languished due to my periodic non-CoH flings. Along with playing comes the need to fiddle with what they wear. Not a new character, but have given him some costume updates:
  4. I have never used Willpower so tried to apply small tweaks to what you had. Comparatively the differences are: Willpower is weak in DDR so I tried to squeeze a bit more Defense in while recognizing no amount is really safe when debuff rears its head. That being the case, I was also determined to get scaling resistances in the build. Threw in some +To-Hit but overall lost a bit of +Rchg.
  5. You could try DCUO, though at 11 years old it is closer in time to CoH than modern. But the graphics are spiffy and it has probably the best implementation of Super Speed I've seen to date. It is, however, its own game with its own way of character development, community, mechanics, etc. And frankly, the free play option is manageable only once you have a feel for how to carefully manage your inventory (you may want to pay for a few months until you learn this).
  6. And for those armor sets without click powers to serve as offsets?
  7. You don't do ITFs because you can't sit in front of a computer for that length of time but you do ITFs? Yin is shorter. Hess is shorter. Posi 1 is shorter. Synapse makes Odysseus' journey seem like a quick trip to the corner store, and friends will try to dissuade you from as otherwise your suffering will rival that promised by the cenobites in Hellraiser...so yeah, I can understand not doing that.
  8. Dropped all slots and enhancements to see what I might end up with given the same power selection. Defenses: S/L +3.5%, E/N +5.4%, F/C +11.79%, P -1.24% [normalized to Invicibility on 1 target for both builds] Resistances: S/L 0*, E/N -21.85%, F/C -1.6%, T -8.35%, P -14.25% Recovery -8.4%, Drain -0.03/s, EndRdx +1.25%, Regen 0, To-Hit 0, Rchg +11.25% 3249 hp vs 3142 Dull Pain is up every 167.4s (vs 276.9), heals for 79% (vs 53.32%) and grants 59.5% HP (vs 46.66%) Siphon Life drains So a bit better on defenses, weaker on resistance but not a ton of difference, a bit weaker on Recovery but a bit better on lowering costs. A shade better +Rchg. It was a quickie and is no gift of the gods. Guess is means depraved minds think alike.
  9. I have used Discord for years. As I noted upthread, I am always in it (because I have it auto-launch when I boot my machine). And currently I am in my CoH supergroup's channel. And yes, it operates like a forum of its own. But I associate with plenty of other people who are not members of that SG and only have them as in game friends (global) and that works well too.
  10. When I play with friends I am in voice chat. Heck, when I am playing different games than they are playing we are often in voice chat. What is being asked about here is gathering groups together via voice chat--something I am not really aware of happening in any game.
  11. Having played Lost Ark in its Western release in February, people are not forming groups via voice programs. Most groups you join are put together by the game and everything is via typed chat. Is that not a modern game?
  12. I do not recall across long years of playing WoW using a voice program to get together a PUG.
  13. As I recall, CoH came out the same year, though a bit earlier, as WoW. You can use a voice program while playing CoH. My friends and I did back in the day. But the content is not so hard it is necessary and I am not seeing how forming is aided in CoH or any other mmo by voice being available. Typically there are in-game methods of being paired and that is what happens in CoH. As for actually playing the content, again, someone calling out dangers or calling for certain roles to do something at a specific time is not the nature of the fights in CoH. So while you can certainly hang out in a Discord channel and have fun, quite frankly I type fast enough that for the most part any communication I need to relay (or jokes more likely) can be done while fighting. And that negates the need to communicate what channel and use a program (which I admittedly have installed and running all the time, but that is me...other people are different).
  14. I ran a DM/Elec brute back on Live. Give yourself some time and he will get there, even on SOs.
  15. Bio is a perfectly wonderful set. But having an SS/Bio Brute already, I was not wanting to go over ground I had already covered.
  16. My Energy Melee/Shield Stalker is the first Stalker I've had that excites me to play. It is non-stop, "Let's see who should be defeated...how about you...then you...then you!"
  17. Water Blast works well with Kinetics...very well.
  18. You could do something like this, depending on what you're willing to exchange for better Psi defenses: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1450;661;1322;HEX;| |78DA6594596FD34010C7D7B14368EE3457AF348DDBDC605224DE11943ED086468A0| |48F51946E12232B897208F816D016F1C2D17248E5FA163CF3CECD17A04502C4F112| |269E59C5504BCECFF35FFF776767D6295E5F71D7EBAB6799E43A6F547BBDCAB9EEA| |0CF1DE59ACE5B352E33B81C70CF9872A5C80DCEB5F2A0C3BB9572BFCB5B8D7E338A| |432BBCCE5B3DAE5DD10DA3D3BEC6BBCC536AB70D6D556F34FB7AABE134A37287F34| |DB7F9B8CEAB1DD07D22D8E4DD5E53EF442F74F49A867396DB03A352ACF6FABC7B63| |0AB248C1AD4AF033BA191BDAD94D85B16585D96E11B790CA36710779EC36F20DB39| |A93F09486C10CF278967806E95C62A6497011644998A55DD914DD7BC48748EF23E2| |63A4FF09F22DB8646196BFCBE60AFE1FC8C99FC45FF872E8377286327A072E3B999| |9FD228AA3EC1D6246871B3718F220235EA20F39E5270690EFC1354166692224E172| |61A40D3AEE62B49C6B08179341F288C53CF398C15C9C9840CEABC4D3987E3A0A710| |CBA00661F99159F1F17990F201782444A62819250C114A024A4401E5B9020A6E19D| |2076722805FF1BFC008049CC417B780DA74BAC23178BC44BC40DE45209F9115C51C| |AD516BD63C3C12DE2363202B94D8B0D4D7FC3DDA60E8887C435AA026DE813BC3D2B| |4A3E4BBB158301983126668C5189B254A22C95284BA61C9926C114177D8A2770F7A| |323A38A4EA977B1DDB97BC4FBC8130F88BBC43D640D524E0A73721FC5934F89CF88| |CF91DA0BE24BE4E8DF2223D2C998C7260A19E6859437A5CFF0AC094933A514AC582| |0492E34B1C6059D7815B96C205795F1273C9C5398B886A318265B3F2A9514E10049| |32A52FCEF1B74CD2C151E9F01FE93256FDAB4594243A19A7E8A4FC89004476D3214| |BF03A6809BC614BB0631DD9572DC1ABDCB87CC3BF5507E0FA| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  19. You've just solidly defeated your previous opponent in the death match held at Golden Giza and because you won you are given the option of who you face next, Hammerhands, who hits 33% harder than the guy you just fought, or Flashfists, who strikes 33% more often. Which do you choose? Attacking faster is adding more damage over time just like hitting harder does.
  20. Just be sure this does not cause you to rage since afterwards you will be useless during your crash.
  21. So what percentage of people actively participating on the forums know that? From time to time while playing the game I run into someone and the conversation turns to builds. At that point I tend to ask if the person is on the forums. Of all the times I have asked, I have only ever -=*ONCE*=- had someone respond they use the forums. And I know the friends I had who came to the game when Homecoming opened to the public never used the forums beyond the necessity of registering so they could get and account and get into the game. So somebody offering something in a thread? Not something a lot of people are going to know about.
  22. Yep. Had a brief bit of regret Energy Melee was not in its current state when I made my SS/Bio brute. But then I took a quick look at Energy Melee (which I like...really enjoy my EM/Shield Stalker) but Whirling Hands is no Foot Stomp and I would have to use Focused Accuracy to enjoy the same security in hitting higher level targets. And it makes sense. Your target starts dodging your attacks, you get pissed, and you RAGE!!!!!!
  23. What is work for YOU may be very different from what is work for someone else. I am not sure how one makes it through a life without coming to appreciate different people have different tolerances.
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