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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. It left because it took so long for the other one to get dressed.
  2. Fire Armor's quirk is it does not come with KB protection and does not toggle on immobilization protection but rather Burn's itself free. Any other Resistance set would simply have a toggle turned on and ignore those debuffs (as BZB well knows). On the other hand no other protection set, defensive or resistance, has the damage dealing capacity of Fire Armor. That is the balance.
  3. Dark Melee: Smite allows for the following enhancements: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge, Taunt, To-Hit Debuff, and Endurance Reduction. Thing is there are ways which are seriously poor ways to slot the power which most people simply are never going to do--all recharge, all taunt, some combination of endurance reduction and to-hit debuff, etc. If those bad combinations take up bonus you are forced to take a substandard collection of enhancements to get some given bonus. If only certain combinations get you bonuses then you're constraining the range of builds you were otherwise claiming would be a broadening. By spreading out commonly sought benefits as the currently used IO system does (there being a Acc/Dam/Rchg enhancer with lower than normal values but which will sum with other enhancer's like values) you give greater flexibility.
  4. You may have missed my previous post: There are two issues this thread has gotten to: "Should the game be balanced based on IO sets?" and "Should there be development taking into account IO sets exist?" To clarify, I do not have a problem with some development aimed at the cutting edge crowd because as Luminara points out, the impediments to dealing with such content are mostly self-imposed as opposed to game imposed. I would be opposed to the notion the game should be balanced around IOs because what constitutes an IO build in most people's minds are powerhouse builds when in fact there is a lot of room to end up with subpar results. And that before we deal with questions like, "How many set bonuses does it take to qualify as an IO build?"
  5. Are you suggesting that because some people do not bother to keep up with how the game is being developed it should not be further developed?
  6. "IO Balanced" design leans towards the notion of being a powerhouse but it is quite possible to kit out a character with IOs poorly and having something which falls far short of what is theoretically possible with IOs that it is only marginally better than what SOs would get you.
  7. There was also that ED made certain results previously attainable results impossible which IO brought back into existence.
  8. Are you asking/suggesting that TO->DO->SO should have continued in some fashion ala TO->DO->SO->....->[x]O? Or are you asking why IOs at all?
  9. I simply turn off the cloaking powers on my EA or Stalker characters when not on mission. Are you really admiring your costume while you're fighting?
  10. Thing about Tankers is people then expect you to tank and hold aggro so the group doesn't wipe. Not a hard job but here is the thing... ...Brute can be made plenty tough enough and nobody expects you to do anything but wade in and start hitting things. Also Fury means you'll do decent damage at low levels.
  11. You big disgrace! Waving your epeen all over the place. We will, we will, block you!
  12. Truthfully is it now worth trying to floor endurance bars on things you fight over flooring health bars. AVs cheat in any event. If draining endurance inconveniences anything you are fighting, look on it as icing on the cake as opposed to something to shoot for.
  13. The first four powers in Dark Armor are toggles. Leaving aside the damage aura (and its 0.52/s cost), if you want the full spread of resistances and mezz protection you are looking at 0.63/s cost for Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, and Obsidian Shield (all available by level 10 in the secondary position). Electric Armor will run you 0.73/s for its equivalent powers (also all available by level 10 in the secondary position). Electric Armor is running you 0.10/s more. So Electric Armor does run more, but the amount is negligible. Compare that 0.1/s to the cost to use the initial attack in Savage Melee, Savage Strike, which is 1.2/s. Savage Strike, which you are highly likely to have taken and be using in the 1 to 35 level range, is consuming 12 times as much endurance. Slotting one SO in Savage Strike saves you nearly 3.6 times as much endurance as the difference between running Electric Armor's base required toggles and running Dark Armor's. There is also the prospect of facing Freakshow...heck, a much better chance of it in my experience. You kind of laugh at their endurance drain too. 😛 Yeah, but Electrical Armor brings its own endurance recovery to the party. 😁
  14. Dark Armor is infamous for its toggle costs. Not sure anything comes close. Electric Armor's toggle costs are: 0.21/s Static Shield 0.26/s Charged Armor Conductive Shield 0.52/s Lightning Field Dark Armor's toggle costs are: 0.08/s Oppressive Gloom 0.21/s Dark Embrace Murky Cloud Obsidian Shield 0.26/s Cloak of Darkness 0.52/s Death Shroud Full activation of Dark Armor's toggles costs 1.48/s whereas Electric Armor's full activation is 1.25/s. You can use them but you of course lose the benefit when you do. It is up to you however when you do. I figured it for me when it was worth holding onto the bonus and when it was worth consuming stacks. I have yet to proc bomb a character though I am considering doing so on my Elec/Rad tanker. Did I mention that Rad is not kind to endurance? I must admit I seriously questioned in his mid-to-late 30s if I wanted to continue to work on the character. The trick was getting Energize to the point of being close enough to permanent that Power Sink would cover the portion of time when it wasn't.
  15. Savage Melee's inherent mechanics give you an endurance savings when you maintain stacks (admittedly minor over time when you factor in them also boosting recharge). I have reservations about ascribing endurance woes to that set. I did for up a Savage/EA scrapper (so even more +Recharge at work) and do not recall endurance being a horrible problem (say like on my Rad Melee/Shield scrapper). DM may have mitigated some of the issues for me since it brings a heal to the table at level 8 and an endurance recovery power at level 18 so you have healing/endurance tools early. But I also am a stickler for slotting toggles with endurance cost reduction (one slot) and attack powers with either one or two slots of reduction depending on how tight endurance is since attacks are where you are really spending your endurance as a melee. It goes without saying that Stamina gets 3-slotted with Endurance mods ASAP. Edit: On a Brute at low levels you do not need to focus so much on Damage enhancements since you have Fury, so I am quite willing to put Endurance Reduction in attack powers and worry about getting them up to three damage slots post-30.
  16. Well Bio does use its T9.... But I believe I already posted an image to this thread about Bio. 😄
  17. One of my most powerful characters on Live was a DM/Elec Brute. Nigh unto unstoppable.
  18. Yeah, DoTs are a shining point for Brutes. Wonder why I never see anyone declaring in other forums when damage auras come up (or here for that matter), "Better on a Brute"...because Brute aficionados are tasteful enough not to do that?
  19. Erratic1

    Regen Tanker

    And you can always rename yourself Pie Shell.
  20. My current machine's cpus are beneath the threshold to support it. So want it or not, it will have to wait until I am prepared to get a new machine.
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