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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. The old version I kept around, the one edited by Khy, seems to calculate hover and fly closer to expected value except Afterburner doesn't touch hover. Lots got updated and tweaked in the background, so not sure what needs fixed.
  2. Here is another useful link to add to the above. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Exemplar_Effects_on_Enhancements
  3. It should not be in the roaming/temp files area, nothing permanent should be. You should do an uninstall from add/remove programs and download a fresh copy of from the other thread, then do a fresh install, paying attention to the install location (or telling it somewhere specific to put it). The builds should be saved to a folder in the Documents folder, so those should be unaffected.
  4. Assuming a basic restart doesn't resolve that, that looks like a Windows issue, not a Tequila issue. I found this, which may be helpful: https://www.wintips.org/how-to-fix-windows-features-list-blank-empty-windows-10-8/
  5. Tequila requires the .Net Framework 3.5. The newer version doesn't work. That seems the most likely issue to me base on some quick googling. Try installing it and see if it helps. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/dotnet-35-windows-10
  6. The planner shows it as 10%, which matches the passive effect for the others, too. So, that is likely correct.
  7. When you right-click on the empty enhancement slot and choose either IO or Set, you can see 50 in the bottom right corner. You can then simply type any level you want, the 50 will change. The only limit is that standard IOs are only available in 5 level increments (20,25,30,etc). If you type a number above or below a given set IOs range, it will automatically choose the low or high end.
  8. Oddball interaction for you. Using the Tanker->Energy Mastery power Physical Perfection. Add Regen.Tissue + Regen, works normally. Add Power Transfer: Chance to Heal to 2nd slot, RT:Regen works normally. Add PT:CtH to first slot and RT:Regen to 2nd slot, RT:Regen does nothing in calculations now. Very odd.
  9. What I did. Extract the zip to its own folder. There are two folders included that matter, Data and Images. I opened Data, selected all, copy. Then, I opened my Mids folder, went into the Data folder and pasted. Any "replace" options, select yes. Then, I did the same process for the Images folder. Worked fine for me. Maybe it will for you.
  10. It is very low priority, frankly. The new sets are way more important. I just wanted to toss it out there in case fixing something else might fix it, too, or if I was missing an easy database edit.
  11. Another very minor issue that has been going on for a good while that we run into periodically in the Tanker forum: Superior Might of the Tanker's resistance buff is enhanced by Musculature (not in game, but in the planner). I haven't figured out a way to self-tweak the database to correct for that.
  12. You can resize the window, just like any other window on the desktop. You have it crunched down.
  13. Clobber and Whirling Mace were flipped in the Jan. 23rd patch (page 4). WM now comes at 20, Clobber at 28.
  14. Just in case, with Musculature toggled on, the bonus from SMotT is being boosted in the planner. Be sure to toggle off SMotT or Musculature to verify your resists. PS. Super Reflexes can do the same thing in the Debuff Resist section, swapping End/Recov for DDR, plus even more Perception.
  15. I did a rebuild of what you had with things switched up more to my general liking. I tried to stay with your basic framework so as to give you some possible usable ideas. Sacrificed: 2.5% S/L Resist, 1.5% E/N Defense Gained: 20% E/N Resist, 10% Toxic Resist, 15% Psi resist, 300+ MaxHP, more net End recovery I have installed the unofficial Mids update from here: Of note from that is the new EndMod set, which I used in Energy Absorption and Stamina. The Chance to Heal Self proc will turn EA into a small 5% heal, too. Not much, but hey, why not? edit: That new EndMod set is coming in Page 5, which is a RC (release candidate) on Beta. It should be live soon-ish.
  16. Oh, just occurred to me to mention this. The Leadership pools were changed for Tankers, scalar change. Is that going to be fixable? I couldn't figure out a way to do it easily in the database.
  17. The primary issue I see with your build is your accuracy. Your final to-hit vs +4 mobs is right around 80%, except for BB at 66%, with Tactics ON. Against +3, you are at 95% with Tactics on, except for BB at 80%. So, with Alpha's +1 level, you'll be fine against things at level 45-50+. But, if you exemplar below 45, losing Alpha and then losing Tactics below 42, you are going to struggle at +3 and +4. That may not be a problem, as you may drop the difficulty below 45 or never exemplar, but as is, if you do drop down/exemplar, you are going to whiff a lot on attacks.
  18. In the /AH on the beta, all of the Artillery recipes are yellow. So, I think it is uncommon. Hard to say for sure as the recipes don't show components on beta. Bombardment is all orange, so rare.
  19. Then you should just need to uncheck PB? As long as it doesn't have the green dot at the end checked, then your numbers should be accurate.
  20. It gives you a window much like the one you can get on yourself in Powers->Combat Attributes. Here is a picture: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/File:PowerAnalyzer.png
  21. Haven't gotten to this yet, but I really should. Great guide and additional info from all! When doing the No Enhancements setting, do you just lose the enhancement values or do you lose the set bonuses, too?
  22. Woot! Glad to have the Power Transfer and other new IOs in. Power Transfer: Chance to Heal Self is not going to be unique. It is marked unique in the settings (easy personal fix).
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