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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. From here: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Kismet:_Accuracy " This enhancement increases tohit (not accuracy as shown in the name) for all attacks by 6% for 120 seconds. (This proc has a 100% chance to fire; guaranteeing its effect.)" So, if you have it in a passive that isn't greyed out, it works all the time. If you have it in a toggle, the toggle has to be turned on. It shows up under Powers->Combat Attributes->Base section To Hit I just verified that in game as showing up for me.
  2. Does that only work attuned? What about a level 21 proc? edit: Just checked in game, the Level 21 PS +End shows level 18, not level 17.
  3. Actually, any level 21+ one works. It doesn't need to be high level. There are currently only two sets in the L21-50 range. That will be altered to 5 sets once Page 5 goes live, thanks to 3 new EndMod sets being added at L21-50.
  4. I just posted a related idea in another thread on Incarnate EBs. How about an option to disable the level shift and incarnate shifts in the Incarnate menu. This would give those of us who want it back the option to do actual +4 normal mobs, and we could increase difficulty on Incarnate story arcs, too.
  5. Another option that might be easier to implement than this would be to have an option to disable level shift and incarnate shifts in the Incarnate menu(s). This would also give us back the option to do +4 vs normal mobs, too.
  6. If you never add slots to Health or Stamina, the most efficient use of each base slot is Panacea in Health and PS +End in Stamina.
  7. Here are a couple Incarnate guides: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,2038.0.html https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3804.0.html Here is the Wiki on IOs: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancements Probably best to ask the KM/WP scrapper question in the Scrapper forum. More likely to catch eyes.
  8. What I am proposing is the definition of optional difficulty increase. Current Incarnate content with +1 level shift is identical with +1 incarnate shift. Current +4 with +1 level shift = +3. So, anyone wanting to maintain current difficulty can just choose +3 now. Folks who want more challenge get +4 with the Alpha slotted. Folks who want even more challenge can choose +4 without Alpha slotted. Tada! Completely optional difficulty increases for those who want it with current difficulty as an option.
  9. I suggested this in the Incarnate weekly post a couple weeks back. Change the Alpha from +1 level shift to +1 Incarnate shift and give us back +4 vs L45+ non-incarnate content without unslotting Alpha.
  10. Haven't played with this set myself, but just looking at the DPAs of the attacks and guestimating, I'd go with: Precise-Serpent-Precise-Sky (replacing Sky in AoE situations with Eye). If lacking recharge to get Sky under 5s, which is hard, add in Guarded, which isn't bad for the Melee defense. The first maximizes use of Perfection charges if you never miss. The second helps maximize charge use when you do miss sometimes.
  11. It is "bigger", going from 74 degree arc to 111. Better is somewhat subjective. I still wouldn't like it.
  12. That is what I intended, but didn't spell out. The debuff(s) would apply with the sleep, but they wouldn't be obvious or apparent until the mob woke up.
  13. Actually, if I remove the /copy from the end of the link, I can load the page and then do File->Download without having to log in.
  14. I don't have a dog in this show, as I have never built a TW anything. My question is simple. Now that TW isn't a P2W set sold for profit, why should it get to keep being outside the stock damage/end/rech formula at all? Note: I'm not saying it should or should not. I just don't see why it shouldn't be normalized, and would be interested to hear reasons.
  15. I hope they shave the TF animation like they did for Dominators. I really hate that slow leap. It still isn't my fav on Doms, but it is at least better.
  16. Interesting build. It will be interesting to see how EM gets improved in Page 6.
  17. Yeah, I feel like my second idea (secondary effects that stay once sleep breaks) would be much easier to implement. That first idea probably would probably require sticking a pseudopet on the target(s). Probably too much hassle.
  18. Except, based on your last post right before helping me find the Focused Fighting hum, that particular sound hasn't been figured out?
  19. One option might be to make all sleeps more similar to Static Field. All targets that get hit by the sleep get a "tick" once a second putting them back to sleep over and over for the duration. Another option might be secondary effects that last for the duration of the sleep if they get awoken. These could be immobilize, slow, -recharge, or the like. These could symbolize the target(s) being groggy and having a hard time concentrating because of the residual effects of the sleep. Either of those would likely mean needing to reduce the durations, maybe not all the way down to hold/stun, but somewhere between.
  20. DA/TW looks like it can be very effective. However, it is going to be very End hungry until you get fully IOd. Claws is fairly End efficient and Ice gets EA by 26. So, that will probably be more fun while leveling. TW is also due to be adjusted (down) in Page 6, which is still a ways off, but is worth considering if you don't want changes coming your way down the line. In other words, I would lean towards Ice/Claws.
  21. Going to quote myself from another recent welcome back thread: -------------- Welcome home! Here are some useful threads in the Guides forum to help getting started:
  22. I'm looking at you Static Field. Great question.
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