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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. I do that all the time. On Windows 10, right click on the icon on the dock and click the program name. This will open another window.
  2. Caulderone


    Shinobi-Iri is exclusive with other Stealth powers (the planner description is wrong, check it in game), not travel powers. You can use any travel power you want, but you can use it + sprint + Ninja run in place of a travel power if you so desire.
  3. Caulderone


    1. Retsu, probably Blinding Powder (recharge too long to be frequently useful), possibly Kyoyo (delayable at least). These are very much a matter of opinion, obviously. 2. Shinobi-Iri should be slotted for Defense first. 3. Shinobi-Iri + Sprint + Ninja Run can be used for travel if you want to skip a travel power.
  4. That is, at the very least, a creepy looking tree, if not a hydra.
  5. Been working on an Elec/SR build intended for pure ranged hover blasting. I'm relatively happy with it, but figured I would toss it out here for any suggestions or in case I missed something horribly obvious. This build is intended to work from 30 to 50 for exemplaring purposes. I have alternate builds for 1-21 and 22-29 planned, too. I would be using Bopper's movement guides Steam/Jump pack implementation for fast-fly Hover most of the time, with Fly+AB at max level for Shard-like expanses. Targets were: 95% acc vs +4, perma-hasten, capped range defense, End neutral or better attack chain including End return from Elec attacks, as much resistance and regen/HP regain as I could squeeze in, as much movement speed as I could get to make Hover feel good, Tesla Cage to 3.036 recharge (missed, but got to 3.11) Here are the current work-in-progress exemplar builds. 22-29 1-29
  6. Way worth it on SR, probably more so than on most other sets. Looks all good to me.
  7. 1. No. 2. Yes, they are independent of each other. 3. As long as the regen you give up, if any, does not exceed the value of the HP/Sec you gain from PT:Heal, sure. At Brutes base 1499 max HP, the value of this IO is 3.7475 HP/Sec.
  8. Ridonculous. Truly spectacular. Given that you solo at +4/x8, there is more to it than evident at first glance. Look at accuracy against +3 and +4 level mobs in that build, and you have Gloom/Dark Oblit at 78.38% and 63.69%, respectively, and Rend Armor and AoD at 91.02% and 73.95%, respectively. That would have drastic effect on the DPS versus what happens vs. a pylon. Fighting pylons requires much less acc/tohit than vs. +3 and +4 mobs.
  9. There is a 2nd sticky post with an unofficial update to the Mids installed from this original post. Pine is working on an official update, maybe, based on some info later in that thread. Felis Noctu also has some more database updates in process to merge into that update when/if it happens. Reading the last couple pages of that thread will fill you in. If you have trouble installing that update, I have a post in that thread on how to do it manually.
  10. I realize this part of the thread is a bit older, but I wanted to put this out here as I have done a few times elsewhere. The description of Shinobi-Iri in the planner is wrong. Look at the description in game and it says this power is exclusive with other Stealth powers. I just made a build on Beta and confirmed that Shinobi-Iri can be toggled on and have flight and super jump running at the same time. Not that you need to, but you CAN use it in conjunction with a normal travel power.
  11. This page on ParagonWiki makes it a lot easier. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Memorization_Badges
  12. The other one has to do with mobs Resists, so how much damage they take. This one is about their attacks, how much damage WE take and of what type.
  13. The things missing positions are the most interesting. Yeah, that was kinda why I asked about the other types and split type attacks. We knew S/L defense was really good. It may be even better than I thought. S/L defense and S/L/E resists have frequently been lots of builds targets. They may be even better than expected.
  14. EM is one of the old sets that lacks any AoE for stalkers, which doesn't help, beyond the other things discussed.
  15. Snakes (50%), Arachnos Widows (44%), Hydra (50%), Snakes (24%), Vahzilok (27%) - Scary to actually see those Toxic numbers for certain defensive sets. edit: Missed Arachnos Tarantulas at 27%. edit3: Arachnoids (50%), how could I miss those. I new they sucked with Toxic. edit2 again: I wonder if the same data would show how many attacks are positionless. We always talk about positionless Psi attacks as weaknesses for certain sets. I wonder how many there actually are.
  16. Conceptually, I knew S/L/E were way up there, but I never would have imagined them being ~75% of all damage across mob types. I never would have expected there to be so little Fire damage, either. Cold is about what I expected. edit: Any way to know what percent of those N/F/C/T/P attacks actually have a S/L component? edit2: A quick glance through the chart, and it appears the Circle of Thorns and the Talons of Vengeance are among the most diverse groups.
  17. I know I logged in within moments of the servers coming back on. There were 0 for sale and 0 bidding on the PT:Heal IO or recipe. I was the first one to bid on 4 of each, which I needed to update my tank build.
  18. Yes, but a level 50 +0 AV has 85% resistance to -end and -recov. At +4, that's even worse due to purple patch. At level 30 +0, it's 75% resistance before the purple patch. It is not, technically, immunity. But, it might as well be.
  19. At Max HP for a Brute (3212.59), Regen.Tissue + Regen is worth 3.34 HP/Sec. The PT:Heal is 5% of base HP (1499) = 74.95. That works out to 3.7475 HP/Sec. Now, /Regen has some powers that do way better than that until the ED cap. But, it is something worth looking in to if you want to max HP/Sec.
  20. A great many robots are resistant to Psi damage, as are a lot of mobs in general above Level 40. It is not the worst damage type overall, but its weaknesses do generally appear in level 40+ mobs.
  21. Willpower lacks DDR, End/Recovery Resist, etc., so I feel like Ageless Radial for stripping debuffs would be very nice. Void Radial gives mobs hit -50% damage. Great for tank.
  22. Brute could do Scorch, Cremate, Incinerate for ST attacks. Less damage, but doable. But, stuck with FSC for AoE. Tanker can do Scorch and Incinerate, but you pretty much need one more ST attack. You could pull that from a power pool (cross punch, maybe), but then it isn't a "fire" attack. You could do Combustion and skip FSC. I caved and just use Fire Sword, though I would really like another animation option, and I took FSC because I wanted the extra AoE. So, it can be done, but your damage will not be "max".
  23. Activation time changes. From the patch notes: Leadership The following Leadership powers have had their activation time reduced from 3.63 seconds to 1.5 seconds: Pools > Leadership > Maneuvers Pools > Leadership >Assault Pools > Leadership >Tactics
  24. Anything prefixed with Z like that was on Beta (experimentation is new, leadership activation time changes) as of the last update to the planner.
  25. I like the idea of making the VS's bolt attack into a chain. I also like the idea of increasing VS duration while at it. Zapp (or zapping bolt on Sentinel) would be great, too. Or both. And Thunderous Blast and Tesla Cage could both use an animation time shave, especially TB.
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