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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. Been trying to figure out a way to reasonably measure my 50% proc chance cap to see how much of a nerf it would be. 3.5PPM proc does 71.75 damage 71.75 * 0.9 = 64.575 avg dmg 71.75 * 0.5 = 35.875 avg dmg which means the procs would do ~55.55% of the current damage for things at 90% chance cap
  2. Hmm.. Interesting idea. I hadn't thought of tying the proc damage to the archetype scalars. I'm not sure that alone would fix the issue. I feel like it might be a whole lot more work, too, though.
  3. For info on the current PPM setup, Bopper's very detailed and informative thread is linked at the bottom of this post. It is fairly obvious from a balance perspective that the PPMs changes instituted by the original Devs in I24 have lead to many unintended interactions that weren't discovered by many folks prior to shutdown. Example: Turning a long recharge debuff power into a Nuke. Here is Captain Powerhouse's last comment on that: " This is more of an issue with PPM procs, though, something that needs addressing sooner or later. " So, I started thinking about what I would change were I doing the tweaks. There are lots of options. The old percentage based proc system favored fast recharging powers and had minimal benefit to long recharge powers. The new system limits the benefits to fast recharging powers and quite obviously way overproduces on long recharging powers. So, I think we should start brainstorming ideas that we can present to CP for that "addressing sooner or later" time. Here are my initial thoughts. 1. From Bopper's thread: Maximum Probability to Proc: MaxProb = 0.90 *Note* Max probability is 90% So, this is the problem child in long recharge powers. Lowering the max probability is an easy change for reducing the overproduction of damage procs in long recharge powers. My initial thought, based on no math as of yet, is to set the cap at 50%. 2. From Bopper's thread: Minimum Probability to Proc: MinProb = 0.05 + 0.015 * PPM *Note* Min probability is 5% + PPM x 1.5% On this one, fast animating and recharging powers like Shadow Punch or Dark Blast get varying utility from damage procs if you slot any recharge at all, but do ok if you don't end up slotting recharge. Example: 3.5ppm gives ~29% proc chance at 0 recharge slotting and ~18% at 0.8 slotted recharge. While I feel like I would like the minimum to be a bit higher, this generally works out as fairly reasonable to me, as it isn't much different from the old base 20% proc chance and can be better with no recharge slotting. So then, my initial proposal is a very simple one. ---->>> Lower the maximum probability built into the existing formula to bring very long recharging powers back down to reasonable levels while still letting them leverage damage procs better than the prior system did. I think that would be all that would be needed. Please chime in with your thoughts and suggestions! Here's that Bopper thread:
  4. My build is at 37M/35R/36A without Mind Link, so it needs to be perma or I'm not even capped vs. non-incarnates.
  5. Gulbaraur's thread is the place to go for lots of ideas. LINK Here is my build from later in that thread.
  6. Welcome home! Here are some useful threads in the Guides forum to help getting started:
  7. Just went to verify the DDR per level. Toggles start at 7.5% DDR at level 1 and gain 0.2% per level. Passives start at 3.75% at level 1 and gain 0.1% per level. These values are enhanceable. Here are the level 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 DDR values before enhancement (toggle/passive): 1. 7.5/3.75 10. 9.3/4.65 20. 11.3/5.65 30. 13.3/6.65 40. 15.3/7.65 50. 17.3/8.65
  8. I think that was supposed to be changed to ATOs instead of incarnate powers? On topic: The Dominator ATOs need to be slottable outside of the control powers. Way too limiting. Same problem Redlynne noted on the MM ones, basically.
  9. I was mostly muling it, but it is often used as a follow up to AS when Hide procs. When slotted for damage, it crits way hard.
  10. Bear in mind that the damage numbers on many things (especially for Sentinels) are wrong. Be sure to check the values in the planner vs the values in the detailed info in game. I tend to modify the powers/sets that I am interested to match the in game numbers before I trust them.
  11. This is the base I would typically start with if planning an Elec/X build, to give you some ideas. I haven't played with /TW enough to know a good target for filling that out.
  12. I have a planned build for an Elec/Elec, but I haven't gotten around to it. Here it is in case it might give you any ideas to use. edit: Shadow Meld up for pretty much every alpha strike looks awful tasty to me.
  13. Haven't heard anything on this yet. Hope it is easy to resolve once CP has time.
  14. The Tanker damage scale changes are a hangup for me. I have edited some of the powers to have the correct final damage based on in game character creator, but it would be so much easier to just change the Tanker damage scale, except it doesn't appear to be in an editable location.
  15. I kinda like the idea of having an equivalent to Thunderstrike like this.
  16. Confirmed same result on Beta server. Likely a bug caused by the Taunt update changes to timing. It was originally ticking every half second and the buff lasted 3/4 of a second. I bet it ticks less often now and the DDR duration wasn't increased. This is something to let @Captain Powerhouse know about.
  17. I wonder how much it would help if the several powers with DoT didn't have the cancel-on-miss function, they just happened.
  18. You do realize this change to DC was scrapped for now, right?
  19. Ooh. So if I mute flurry.ogg, I'll only have the punch noises and no whooshing. Me likey.
  20. 1. I disagree. I have no problem with it as it is and would rather not take the nerf to it that would require. I have no problem with you suggesting it, just want to put out a counter-opinion. 2. It still does more damage at max end and less at low end. That was a wording issue in the note which has been corrected.
  21. Soul Drain is already really, really good. This seems highly unlikely. Build Up gets its damage bonus up roughly 1/3 of the time on a high recharge build. SDs damage bonus can be made basically perma-on, and with one target you are getting half of BU full time. Then, with 10 targets, you exceed BU. Frankly, I think we are better off if they don't examine SD at all. We probably wouldn't like the results.
  22. Especially since the 3' bonus damage was dropped, this would be nice.
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