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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. Hah. I completely missed/ignored the level 30 in the picture. Good explanation.
  2. Ok, went on Beta so I could play with it. Tank 43.81 (3.37 + 10*4.04) Blaster 61.61 (4.74 + 10.*5.69) Sentinel 52.03 (4 + 10*4.8) So, average damage is showing too high for Corruptor at scale 0.75 (vs blaster scale 1.125). Tanker scale is 0.8, so Corruptor should be just under the 43.81 of Tanker. But, it is way to low for that when you add it up (29.79) without the 30.26. There is definitely a bug there. Once fixed, you should expect it to end up around 41 damage, though.
  3. Melee Radial has a slider from 0 to 10 in the Info window. It defaults to 0. Change it to 1-10 and defense will show up.
  4. Someone I was helping in the big Patch thread yesterday had a similar issue. Switching to the Beta manifest fixed it for them. https://manifest.cohhc.gg/testing.xml
  5. That is probably the scourge damage?
  6. RttC only really works with mobs in range, so it may be worth checking it with mobs around. It may only be able to proc when a mob is in the area.
  7. Figured I would follow up on this here instead of in the massive Patch thread. I created a new SR/ Tanker on Beta to test this out. I fully slotted with attuned Defense set IOs at each level 10,20,30,40,50 to try to max out Defense and DDR. Here are the results: L10 = 34.75% DDR (blue) = capped DDR for this level L20 = 51.16% DDR (blue) = capped DDR for this level L30 = 67.56% DDR (blue) = capped DDR for this level L40 = 83.96% DDR (blue) = capped DDR for this level L50 = 95.00% DDR (blue) = capped DDR period So, we see an increase in the cap of 1.64% per level. A point of note is that we should actually hit the 95% DDR cap at level 47 (83.96 @ 40 + 1.64*7 = 95.44). So, here are the DDR caps at each 5 level bracket: L10 = 34.76% L15 = 42.96% L20 = 51.16% L25 = 59.36% L30 = 67.56% L35 = 75.76% L40 = 83.96% L45 = 92.16% L47+ = 95% edit: Figured out how to get SOs at level 10 to enhance defense enough to cap L10 DDR.
  8. Try the Beta manifest, maybe? https://manifest.cohhc.gg/testing.xml
  9. Interesting. Probably a glitch resulting from the new TAoE sets just implemented.
  10. You probably have an old entry for the "manifest" entry. It should be http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml Taken from here: After Installation section 2: Once Tequila or Island Rum has finished downloading and verifying all the client files, make sure that the "manifest file" you're using is "http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml". Changing the manifest may require a few additional files to be downloaded. In Tequila, this is listed underneath the Play button. If it's not the right manifest, click Options and add it to the list of manifests. In Island Rum, this is shown when you click Menu (the palm tree button) > Manifests. If it's not the right manifest, type in the correct one.
  11. I won a day, therefore, by the transitive property, it means absolutely nothing to do so.
  12. Nothing I made in has been effected. Things from pre-2.6 may be weird.
  13. Caulderone

    Ice Dark Tank

    It depends on how you want to build. Want to build for saturated targets (8-10), you want to enhance the defense. Want to build for worst case (1 target), it isn't worth enhancing. Personally, I would build for 1 target and get enough defense to rely on without saturation. Then, saturation would be bonus. edit PS: Winter IOs play very well with typed defense sets like Ice and Invulnerability. Worth considering switching to several sets of those.
  14. So, if we only want the Badgelist, all we should need is the BadgeList.mnu in the correct place, right? Very cool work, btw! edit: Self confirmed. You can just load the Badgelist if you don't want all of the above.
  15. That one is odd. The only thing that comes to mind is uninstall and reinstall from a fresh download.
  16. I could dig the Alpha slot working like a purple set bonus, that would actually be really cool. The only other thing I'd suggest, I have already suggested at least twice in threads in the Suggestion forum. Make an option to turn the Alpha level shift and the other two Incarnate shifts off in the Incarnate interface. This would give us back the ability to do level 45-50 non-incarnate content at +4 difficulty instead of +3, and the solo Incarnate arcs in DA at +4 instead of +1, without having to unslot the Incarnate powers completely.
  17. They are currently attempting to work on that. Here is the Beta forum thread on it. It isn't fixed yet, but that change will go live very soon, and it is somewhat improved. It's a start, at least.
  18. Swift may be odd, but it can be unchecked. I started a build and picked nothing but Hover, no other powers placed. I put 3 fly in Hover, and unchecked Swift. Result: 49.9MPH Hover? Yeah, that isn't right.
  19. This is going to be arguable based on personal preference. Dark Armor: Cloak of Fear, Oppressive Gloom, Soul Transfer Fire Melee: Breath of Fire, Greater Fire Sword, Taunt (if Scranker, not if main tanking), Build Up (for some, I want it)
  20. Page 5 is getting ready to launch very soon now. Coming among the various things are some new IO sets. I want to focus on the new Power Transfer endmod set Proc. Power Transfer: Chance to Heal Self (3ppm, 5% heal) This can be slotted in anything that takes EndMod sets. For a Tanker, the heal is 5% of base HP (1874) = 93.7 HP healed. At 3PPM, this works out to 4.685 HP/Sec when slotted in an always active power (stamina, physical perfection, etc.). Comparing that to Regenerative Tissues: +25% Regeneration: At base HP (1874), this works out to 1.95 HP/Sec. At max HP (3534), this works out to 3.68 HP/Sec. These numbers are the same for Impervious Skin: Status Resistance & Regen. So, for anyone who has added an extra slot to any build and used RT:+Regen or Imp.Skin:SR&R, you would be better off once this goes live switching that slot to another power that takes the PT:Heal. Assuming you already have Panacea elsewhere, this is going to be the best HP recovery slotting for Physical Perfection. This will be very, very nice for Tanker primaries that lack any direct healing. My SR/ build will be having two of them, one in Stamina (slot moved from Health) and one in Phys.Pefection (replacing RT:Regen). This will result in my effective HP regen going from right about ~38 HP/Sec to about ~42.67 HP/Sec. TLDR: ************** For HP recovery, PT:Heal comes in 2nd behind only Panacea. ************** edit PS: This can also be used to turn Power Sink, Energy Absorption, and several Mu Mastery powers into minor heals. edit2: Math Late Edit: I thought Panacea's heal was a flat 7.5%, but it apparently isn't. So, PT:Heal is actually better than it for HP recovery. Panacea is still likely more valuable because of the additional End return. Double Late Edit: See the 2nd page of posts and you will find the following: There is apparently a lockout timer, designed to prevent multiple heals in AoEs. This causes any PT:Heal past the first one in passives to have drastically reduces results (PPM halves for each added 1 beyond 1). TLDR this time: Any PT:Heal slotted beyond the first one is unlikely to be worth it. Ugh. A 2nd one can be worth it until you hit roughly +20% MaxHP. After that, the 2nd slot is better off as RT:Regen. Edit - Way Later!: As Bopper noted towards the end of the thread, the issue with PT:Heal stacking has been fixed. Yay!
  21. Bruising was removed. Tankers got a Melee damage modifier increase from 0.8 to 0.95, and a ranged modifier increase from 0.5 to 0.8 PBAoEs get a radius bonus for PBAoE and an arc increase for Cones with some exclusions. (Example: Fire Sword Circle is radius 10, boosted to 15 by buff). Here are the patch notes for most of the changes:
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