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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. Scrapper = Evasion (20) <-> Quickness (35) Stalker = Evasion (20) <-> Dodge (28) <-> Quickness (35) [and personally, I would then like Dodge(10) <-> Agile (28) as Stalkers are in melee range] Sentinel = Evasion (20) <-> Dodge (28) <-> Quickness (35) [as Sentinels can play at range, I would leave Dodge and Agile alone unlike Stalkers flipping them] Any and all of the other stuff I would like can wait. That change is easy and gets the focus of SR, defense, to all 3 categories by a reasonable level. I love me some Quickness, but it is gravy versus the potato that is the toggles.
  2. Didn't the Brute range modifier change to match it's melee, then the APPs use ranged? Yeah, found it, it's in the Jan. 23rd page 4 patch.
  3. Indeed. A simple switch of Evasion and Quickness for Scrapper/Stalker/Sentinel would be enough for now.
  4. Unfortunately, I didn't make a list as I self-corrected them.
  5. The Devs now have a solid tech to fix things in a reliable, repeatable way that was not available previously. They are using that to fix things. This is exactly what they should do. You demand that others make a case for fixing things. Your case against it is "it has always been broken, why fix it?", which is beyond flimsy and you would need to make a better case against the fixes.
  6. No kidding. Now that they can ditch the pseudopets, it should all be fixed. Indeed. Now that the mechanism to fix this exists, fixes can, will, and should come. Just because it has always been broken is no reason not to fix things.
  7. So, it sounds to me like you are saying that nothing is allowed to make progress and become better from beginning to end. edit: removed this bit as too much That mindset gets nothing done anywhere. Everything stays stagnant and nothing ever improves or becomes more fun from start to finish.
  8. About these: Fixed several villain powers being tagged as both Ranged and AoE: 5thColumn.Fifth_Column_Minion_Soldier_Heavy.Missile_Launcher BanishedPantheon.Banished_Minion_Ranged.Musket Crey.Crey_Lt_Boss_Armored_GrenadeLauncher.Sleep_Gas Event.Zombie_Ranged.Musket Guns.Grenade_Launcher.Grenade_Launcher_Sleep_Grenade Portal.Axis_America_Missile.Missile_Launcher Temporary_Powers.Temporary_Powers.Particle_Cannon Vahzilok.Facemaker.Venomous_Spray V_ParagonPolice.Grenade_Launcher.Smoke_Grenade V_Snakes.Boss_Low.Venomous_Spray V_Snakes.Elder_Cobra.Venomous_Spray V_Snakes.Stheno.Venomous_Spray Could we get some clarity. Were they all tagged AoE? I remember seeing these in a post on the General forum. Good to see someone caught that.
  9. For clarity, the change I see is from -30% resists (in Mids) to -22.5%. In Mids, everyone gets the same -Resist that defenders get. If Mids is correct, this looks like a bug fix, one which probably should have happened long ago. But, it will be painful.
  10. Tanker > Super Reflexes > Evasion: Fixed a bug where this power would not maintain its Defense Resistance 100% of the time. YAY! WOO!
  11. Woohoo! Patch is on test now: Tanker > Super Reflexes > Evasion: Fixed a bug where this power would not maintain its Defense Resistance 100% of the time.
  12. Woohoo! Patch is on test: Tanker > Super Reflexes > Evasion: Fixed a bug where this power would not maintain its Defense Resistance 100% of the time.
  13. Were you talking to BB or me? Since you quoted both, it is kinda confusing.
  14. 2 & 4: Turn them into PBAoE buffs that effect the caster. 5: Pulsing patch of some kind, think Static Field from Elec.Control, but not necessarily sleep.
  15. There are several powers where that simple fix is convenient to do.
  16. Hoping for us to find a solution that did exactly that was why I started the thread, although I do see the problem.
  17. Keeping in mind that you can't boost them if you have done so.
  18. I have no doubt in my mind that the Devs will never do all of one or all of the other. It will be more akin to a seesaw, tilting back and forth as they have time.
  19. Yeah, that plan seems the easiest and most beneficial. I can dig it.
  20. This was exactly what I was just about to post. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is for people using it to accept. Remove the top end, egregious outliers first and get the pain over with.
  21. Ok, I looked at the Brute version. I believe the issue is the +10% one in Blaster has the (Variable) tag. The brute version only has the variable tag on the +2.5% version, which is correct. I can't figure out how to remove the (Variable) tag from it. If you can, that is the easy fix. If not, you can go into the Brute version and click the Copy button, then go into the Blaster version and Paste. This overwrites the effects with the Brute version. Delete the two taunt entries, and it should then be correct.
  22. I'm going to make a suggestion that has nothing to do with your actual question because I can't help myself. I am an accuracy junky. Against +4s, your to-hit ranges from 71-82%. Against +3s, you are better, but you still have a couple attacks (primarily Freezing Touch) at 88%. This can be easily solved by taking the extra slot from Build Up (going to 1 pure recharge) and adding it to CJ and sticking in the Kismet +6%. This caps your final chance to hit vs +3s and brings your minimum against +4s from 71% up to 82%. The recharge on BU goes from 45.52 to 46.78, so minimal effect. edit: And the loss of the 2% damage bonus from the set in BU will be more than made up from actually hitting and delivering your damage more consistently.
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