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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. No they cannot. There are data privacy and data protection laws involved. Read through COPPA, GDPR and CCPA. If you want to know why these would affect us, please ask the devs.
  2. You're free to believe what you wish. Ask the people running HC. They will tell you the same thing.. There are multiple reasons (some logistical, some legal) why this data was purged. If the devs wish to answer the question, take it up with them.
  3. That stuff was purged back in 2019 as a goodwill measure for NCSoft. To set the stage for HC's existence. It doesn't exist anymore. Sorry.
  4. More likely the nearest instance of Unicron...
  5. And for all of you contributing. Whether via money, dev time/active community support or simply being part of the community, THANK YOU! ALL OF YOU GUYS ROCK!
  6. The advertisement space never really took off. It was repurposed on live years ago for the in-game ads for things like Clanket, etc. Unsure if the controls for this system are even functional at this point, or if they're hard-coded effects.
  7. No. IR has nothing to do with Tequila or HC Launcher. IR was designed, initially, as a multi-platform game launcher, as Tequila and (later) HC Launcher, were primarily Windows-only.
  9. Honestly, I have no clue. Never trusted Windows OR Steam enough to even try it. And the..."indie" nature of the game after 2012 was enough that I never even wanted to do it.
  10. Like I said, this isn't some hard-coded recipe or anything. And you've already figured out how to work within the build system to achieve workable results. Kudos.
  11. Exactly, the build I tossed out there is intended as end-game. What you're looking for in the interim isn't so much a BUILD as a STRATEGY. (I had a friend who didn't understand this and tried to level an end-game build up from L1. All I can say is: Resist Armors: 2 Resists, 1 EndRedux (The Resist Physical Damage/Resist Elements/Resist Energy are no-Endurance auto powers, so just go 2x Resist Defense Armors: 2 Defense, 1 EndRedux Attacks: 2 Acc, 2 Damage, 1 Recharge, 1 End Redux Work on your Accoldaes. Atlas Medallion, Freedom Phalanx Reserve/Born In Battle/Marshall. The ones that bump your End. Then work after the +Health ones. Keep an eye out for the +Defense/+Resist uniques for cheap. This'll actually leave you with a build with lots of slack space in it. ESPECIALLY at higher levels. Use the slack space for Health and Recharge Stick with SOs until your 30's. They may SEEM like a huge investment. But stick with taking the SOs are the highest available level, then just keep it there until you're about to out-level it, THEN UPGRADE! In the long run, it'll be less expensive. Once you are able to load L35 IOs, go ahead. And as you level up, just fill new slots with new, highest available level IOs. Once you start pushing into the 45-50 range, start prepping for the final respec.
  12. But are you checking it twice?
  14. Get your shades ready!
  15. Congrats! Took nearly 10 years, but we got there! Was a bit distracted earlier. Congratulations to everyone involved! INCLUDING THE PLAYERS!
  16. Probably a bad time to mention that I have chronic gas... BLUE FLAME! BLUE FLAME!
  17. What can I say. I'm in a "punny" mode. There is maximal cheese in my soul...
  18. Sounds like a Hebrew gang banger....
  19. Simply because something is heavily Winter-O'ed doesn't mean you can't still eke a decent build out. The basic build of the Invuln doesn't really change. Therefore your attacks and the bonuses they grant are ALL GRAVY.
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  20. But think about how much money the dude has! LOTS of women found that place!
  21. To quote Jack Sparrow. PIRATE....
  22. It isn't done right though. It's not posterized and in color-filled.
  23. And no matter what, the engine will be outdated about the time it's actually usable.
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