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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. A stab..Just toss superspeed and superjump in. Put a KB in one and a slow resist in the other.
  2. If you look at the YouTube page, you'll see it's Angelus Animi. He used several tools of Leandro's design, plus a bunch of hand-editing and donated costume files to put it together. You'll see me in there near the end, looking like I was jumping away as if launching for the War Walls. Joking around at the time about such "close visual inspection" later led to this video.
  3. The above build runs at a shaved hair under 5 mph. It has Combat Teleport. It's completely offset the Recharge penalty. Damage is 75% normal without the Hybrid. Soft-cap Typed Defenses. All resists but Psi are essentially maxed. And Psi is over 50%. Recovery is over 3 End/Sec and resting consumption is 1.05 End/Sec.
  4. Stone Armor can be made ridiculously tough nowadays. The main problems are that it's essentially an obsolete armor set. Pretty much everything Stone Armor can do, so can multiple other sets can do, but without the crippling downsides. That being said:
  5. I find it hilarious that my Fire/Fire/Pyre tank is the thread image...
  6. Bill, you're projecting. I'm not trying to be nasty. Nor am I trying to be insulting. I'm making a very simple point, which seems to be drawing an outsized reaction.
  7. Again, your own response to my question shows that supposition of "more rewards" is *NOT* incorrect. "More challenging and more rewarding" I rest my case.
  8. Simply because you find the question inconvenient or insulting doesn't mean it's nasty. It's a very straightforward line of reasoning. And it NEEDS to be addressed as part of the entire process. Jaded? Yeah, I'll cop to that. I've seen this sort of thing before. Which is why I'm suitably skeptical about it.
  9. Rude? Your questioning of the concept basically proves that I'm NOT wrong. "If i want challenge without reward..." Precisely. But the idea is being framed as "challenge", not "mo money mo money mo money".
  10. CoH: The Quest For More Money! I just want it out there and honest what such a push is actually about. Rewards. Not actual challenge.
  11. And if you were able to do this for no increase in reward (inf/drops/etc)? Good with that?
  12. I'm not talking about a "Billion Dollar Baby" (end build). I'm talking about, generally, through the game. Anything from brand new, through SOs.
  13. Part of it is a kill speed thing. Squishies are softer targets (generally) so they have to be able to kill fast or lock enemies down. Tanks are harder targets, but not TRULY unkillable. Stack enough enemies on for long enough and you're going down. PERIOD. So it's a race to kill them before they kill you.
  14. If my goal was to simply kill ARREST! stuff as fast as possible, I could see not liking Brutes/Tanks. Me, I just get off on shaking hands with enemy faces and smiling through every baseball bat to the face I get.
  15. Part of the draw of SG1 is there's lots of cool moments, but there's no ONE "moment". It's just a consistent string of mostly retcon-free development over time. So you can, if you're paying attention, draw clear lines between disparate events in the series. Also, the moustace-twirling villainy was part of what endeared me to the villains. The fact that they WERE so hammy, after centuries. But weren't REALLY cognizant about how stereotypically evil they were. Meanwhile, Jack & Crew are looking at these guys with cocked eyebrows going "Is he SERIOUS?"
  16. Cimerorans: We got da Debuffs! Team Arachnos: *Laughs In Excessive Defense Numbers*
  17. Probably should have put it in a slightly more polite way (any exposure to Social Media is too much). But the numbers I talked about should be kept in mind when one says *I* never saw one.
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