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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. Yeah, but Blizzard has Stupid Money (aka FU Money) and nearly 5 MILLION subscribers still. And if they're alone in the field... If you wanna game on an M1, it's going to be WoW. Captive audience.
  2. I think we already discussed him in PM. So you have the option to turn most of the game content into a tickle fight.
  3. Ah. I thought I'd auto-updated this version. Don't mind me. Dropped on my head EXTENSIVELY as a child.
  4. But MY tankers are larger than life! (Don't tell that to my lady tanks! They dislike being called "large" or "big" or anything like that. They'll boot your head!) EVERYONE should team with my Tankers! Everyone NEEDS to. If not, your life will never be complete! =)
  5. I was booted off a team on Live (Freedom) for being a Force FIelder instead of a "H3@L0R" I look at it as "They've done me a favor."
  6. Someone told you wrong. In End Game, everything is useful. Even if not particularly well built. When well built, they're even better. Play what you want. Worry about the prejudices when you have nothing better to do.
  7. Play on a couple of well heeled Fire/Rad superteams. You still don't have to say "Nice Buffs". But you'll learn what "Nice Buffs" are.
  8. "Proof that there is a God and that he wants us to be happy."
  9. We could always discuss giving mez protection to squishies at first level... OH WAIT!
  10. NO! No it would not! It makes a huge mess of my nice, orderly aggro piles! Only filthy degenerates (and Brutes) go for that sort of thing!
  11. Not sure why "less than perfectly optimal" chafes you this bad. Not saying it's a *FLAW*. It isn't. Not saying it's *BAD*. It's not. Not saying it gets people killed. It doesn't. What I'm saying is Tanks that use stealth are doomed to The Special Hell. (You know you are!) Okay, all kidding aside. It's merely a different way to play. Different is just that. Different. NOTHING MORE. Okay? We good? Because this hair is split so fine the constituent quarks are breaking back down into the quantum foam...
  12. Unsure whether or not this was an attempt at humor..
  13. If you're going to do something, do it RIGHT. Half-assing just causes problems. All that was said is that Stealth is basically antithetical to a Tanker's mission. Not that a Tanker can't have it. Not that a Tanker can't benefit from it. Just that there are times when stealth powers make performing at a high level on a Tanker...more difficult. If you're reading beyond that, that's on you boss.
  14. Blank "But it goes to 11" look. Of course! Not saying Tankless teams can't be successful (look at Fire/Rad Controller super-teams for Flaming Roomba Of Death). Tanks merely make things SAFER for squishies. This from the guy who's tanked Tower-Buffed Lord Recluse on a Fire/Fire/Pyre blaster.
  15. I'm waiting for some of the bugs to be unceremoniously crushed out of Mids 3.0 before I start fiddling with Energy Melee builds.
  16. And I could probably tweak it some to blow Psi Resist to 90%. ...TAPTAPTAP Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
  17. And here it is with saturated Invincibility AND Melee Core. Basically unless enemies are throwing pure, unadulterated psi (and even then), it's going to be a tough slog for them).
  18. Okay, if we're going to toss Hybrid on top, same Inv/SS from earlier, tossing Melee Core on top. Zero enemies in range.
  19. No. You're holding up other servers as examples and asking "are THEY unbalanced"? We're trying to tell you YES. And we keep trying to tell you. You're not half or one-third a scrapper or tank. The risk of getting mezzed is part of the game design.
  20. You were the one who talked about +0x1 Maybe next we'll just implement "Easy Street" mode. Or you could just. Y'know, get yourself PL'ed. "Continually" buying them DOES indicate a problem. User error. No, because then you get people referring to the power(s) as "mandatory". Because there should be some form of justification. Not just "I want it." At least with Psychic Mastery, an argument could be made that specializing with psychic powers would give you a bit of resistance. Then play on the other servers that're doing what you want. Problem solved. As for "Not super-huge in outlay." #StandardCodeRant It's really unbalanced. No that's not just knee-jerk. You're welcome!
  21. Been there. Done that. It happens. Change your strategy. You are NOT meant to play through the entire game at +4x8. Nor is anyone.
  22. Getting REALLY sick and tired of beinc alled "obtuse and antagonistic" simply because I disagree with you. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LIKE OR AGREE WITH MY OPINIONS. If you disagree, and can't sway me SO WHAT? We can agree that we disagree and simply move on. But stop trying to respond to discussions on game mechanics with attempts at social and political attacks. Because, at that point, you are no longer discussing the game. You're simply calling names and casting aspersions. And there are REASONS why certain things in the game are the way they are. So let's put it another way. What are YOU willing to sacrifice in order to gain this advantage? Damage? Range? Recharge? Ancillary effects? HP? Endurance? Animation time lengths? Or are you demanding a buff with no downside whatsoever?
  23. So new content, new power sets, etc, are completely impossible unless we drastically change how mezz functions on squishies? Yeah. Uh. NO!
  24. Because this is how power creep starts. Just THIS much. Then. Not sufficient! More! Learn how to play the game using the tools you're given. Stop demanding everything be made "easy mode".
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