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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. No problem. And while I refer to it as a "Tanktroller", just keep reminding yourself that you are NOT a Tank. Basically you're "I'm a god! I'm a god! I'm a god! I'M A CORPSE!" Charging in and eating an alpha for a team full of squishies DOES work. But, every now and again, the RNG *HATES* you, and you go down in a blood-squirting pile of fail.
  2. With Invuln, yeah. You can build up a moderate amount of Psi Resist/Defense. But also remember that you're ALSO covered by your Positional Defenses as well. Trying (and failing) to remember an enemy that's tossing out pure [Psi] damage with no flags that'd invoke Positional Defense. Take a look above at the build I tossed out on Wednesday. Sure, it's only got 18.63% Psi Defense. But anything Psi/Melee is going to have to deal with a MINIMUM of 39.94%. Anything Psi/Ranged: 365% Anything Psi/AoE: 31.56% So, while Psi IS still your Kryptonite, it's not nearly as bad as you'd think.
  3. 1: Avalanche/Superior Avalanche: Chance for Knockdown 2: You can slot slows in there.
  4. Some of the Praetorian mission maps have geometry holes you could drive the Rikti Mothership through. It's annoying as hell.
  5. The problem is that you exemp out of Tough Hide relatively fast. When you do that, no more KISMET.
  6. Hyperstrike

    Battle Ax?

    Invuln Axe (Build 2: Tanky Boogaloo)
  7. Okay again, it basically breaks the shortcut on the Start Menu. The thing seems to, otherwise, upgrade fine. And I'm testing this on the and it SEEMS to be working better now. By preference, I'd still rather see each of the forms powers tied into their own columns of powers, rather than just tacked in randomly at the bottom of the Inherents list. Basically, if you select Nova first, and Dwarf second, it leads to a different layout of powers than if you select Dwarf first and Nova second. Nova, then Dwarf: Dwarf, then Nova. Note: I have my biases. I also am running a fairly unique setup. So I have LOTS more vertical space compared to most people.
  8. See the addition above. The upgrade basically ate the install. (Further checking) It's breaking the shortcut. The directory is there and upgrades fine.
  9. Epic AT issues: On the PB/WS front. is dropping form powers into the build haphazardly. In the original Mids, it would drop them below the inherents as one COLUMN of powers for Nova, and another for Dwarf. Additionally, the initial add of the forms doesn't always drop all the powers into the Inherent section. On further examination, it looks like the form powers are overlapping in the interface and what shows up is "first come, first served". General Interface Issues: Also, switching column display (2-6) makes the Inherent section just go blank. Upgrading: Upgrade cycle tosses .NET errors and nukes the program. Location of install: "C:\Mids Reborn 3.0\Mids Reborn.exe"
  10. 1: You don't need additional KB protection. You get that in Unyielding. 2: You aren't really gaining anything with all that Defense overslotting 3: Unless you're going for Cross Punch, Kick >>> Punch. At least with Kick you can slot a Force Feedback proc. Looks like you at least started with something like my Invulnerability Framework. Here's a build off that framework with some things juggled around.
  11. Basically there's lots of ways to skin a cat... <Cat> HEY! *SCRATCH* TANK! <Cat> SCRATCH JEEZE! <Cat> Adamantium BEEYOTCH! Anyhow, there's LOTS of ways to accomplish lots of things in the game. Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to go find a hot poker to cauterize this bleeding...
  13. The thing is, in terms of damage over time, Hot Feet, as undesirable as the fleeing is (realistic though, set someone's feet on fire and they RUN), Hot Feet makes up a significant chunk of outgoing done damage. Granted, this works better on Control types, who can actually Immob/Hold someone in the fire.
  14. Yeah. Making Regen for Tankers is a REALLY sticky subject. Because, if you direct-port either Scrapper or Brute, it's overkill (or maybe "never-kill".) But if you tone it down just for Tanks, you're delivering a demonstrably inferior version of the set.
  15. It's a multi-monitor thing and the way I'm running things is VERY non-standard. Had I known exactly what a problem it was going to be, I'd have gone for the non-4K monitor (2560x1440 IIRC) and run them native res. As it is, I'm having to use screen magnification to keep the desktop legible (4K on 27" monitors is nigh-illegible). (And it woulda saved me about $800 too!)
  16. Essentially, the way Regen works RIGHT NOW, due to a Tanker's higher HP reserves, and the way the scales would shift with it Regen being the PRIMARY powerset, a Regen Tank would be all kinds of broken in the funnest of ways (basically, without any major tricking out, if they can survive the damage spike, they're immortal). 600+% Regen BEFORE Instant Healing and the +Absorb proc in Fast Healing? And think about Instant Healing. 1600+% Regen on 3000+ HP? THEN talk about all the Resist and Defense a Tank can layer in atop that. It gets to "Tickle Fight" fast.
  17. Doesn't work very well. I have to fiddle my Windows desktop resolution or I'm playing in a narrow-tall Window or section of my screen. And these are the resolution choices I'm given. Trying to go full screen basically causes some alignment issues.
  18. It's not about adding or removing. I have had intermittent issues just turning incarnate powers on and off (the green "active" dot).
  19. Must be nice. For me, the base editor hovers between useless and completely non-functional. And I just don't know why. It COULD be my high resolution. But I play elsewhere and don't have this issue.
  20. Okay on Unable to actually turn off Incarnates without removing them from the build.
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