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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Maybe add special temp powers one can buy with tons of threads or shards, instead?
  2. There are a few ways to deal with mezzes: 1. Rune of Protection from the Sorcery pools can be used proactively or reactively, as needed. 2. You can email yourself a few breakfrees, so you can access them in or out of instances and even while mezzed. 3. Take some sort of stealth power or slot a stealth IO, (or otherwise use abilities to allow you to get the jump on your opponents), and mez/take out those troublesome critters first.
  3. Obviously with everyone soft-capping def via IOs, the enemy's chance to hit should be able to be lowered, and we should be able to reach 100% dmg RES.
  4. More likely it's an easy origin to go with, and the costume creator has many options for shiny armor or horns & spikey bits.
  5. I've tried recreating my namesake character as various ATs or variations on their original build, (a DM/Regen Scrapper), but just couldn't get into them the way I have wholly new characters I've created. I also find the process of leveling up and developing the character to be a big draw for me, so once they hit 50 and unlock all the Incarnate stuff, get IO'd out, etc, they can start to feel stagnant, so I switch to the next alt...
  6. What now? Seriously, though, I think the divide can be looked at from several different angles. For instance, those that want to lead a team and dictate what missions are done and where, vs those that simply want to play the content and are happy to join a team, (but won't or don't want to start them). Similarly, there are those that play for the freedom the game gives to create and realize their concepts - but that needn't actually involve in-game immersion in the same sense you described, vs those that simply want to enact a power fantasy, and care little for the character's look or creating any backstory or connection to the lore.
  7. So I'm just looking at the Brute version, but it appears to always apply a mag2 disorient, with a 50% chance to apply aa further mag 1. Source: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=redirects.stone_melee.fault_brute&at=brute
  8. That looks amazing! Another question, if I may - Will this process work with filament 3D printers, if I wanted to take the plunge but wasn't quite up to full resin ones yet?
  9. Oh no doubt. I am thinking, given what's already been discussed, that the pets don't yet "exist" when you activate the power, so there's nothing to apply the command to, thereby making the behavior command apply to nothing...
  10. I see what you did there...
  11. Yeah, it does seem the better of the 2. I wonder how it'd gel with arsenal or symphony control...
  12. How well do capes translate to 3D prints?
  13. I think part of the issue is that while pets may be visible and going through their summon animation, they technically "don't exist" insofar as they cannot be attacked nor be issued commands, but from the player's point of view, they are there. I know I've had my moments of frustration when I'm thinking "Could you get off your motorcycle already and attack, please!".
  14. Hmm... I checked the list of slash commands and could only find ones that addressed all pets, all pets summoned with a specific power, or only pets with specific names. None apply to ones you just summoned. Still, you could either go by the power you are specifically using or name each minion and address them accordingly. Not perfect, but it's something...
  15. If you use a bind to summon your pets where you click, and it includes a behavior command, will it work? I'm not at my gaming computer to test ATM...
  16. Can you give me an example of the kind of clarification you are looking for? For instance, let's say I create a copy of Captain America, but I reverse the red and blue parts, is that different enough? What if I call them "Cpl. America"? How about if I give them a hammer & shield instead of something using bare hands? It's a subjective judgment to make, and that's the entire point.
  17. Here's the issue - just as a thought experiment, could you propose a set of rules that couldn't be exploited or pushed to the breaking point?
  18. It's been a while since I rolled a support character. I'm heavily leaning toward dark miasma or affinity. I'm not sure what I'd pair with it in either regard. What are your opinions on these 2 sets? Thanks for reading!
  19. I know I'm kinda late to the game on this one, but my 2 inf is to start by, as gently as possible, suggest a different course of action as to how the team is operating, and should you get significant negative feedback, kindly excuse yourself from the team, (preferably sticking it out for the duration of the mission if at all possible).
  20. I liked (most of) RWBY. I kind of think the RWBY x Justice League 2-parter didn't quite hit the mark, though.
  21. The first time I did a TINPEX, we get to the (destroyed) police station, and I keep thinking to myself - "That giant coin/medallion looks really familiar...".
  22. Do you mean specifically for rage, or for all attacks in general? I mean some, like handclap or foot stomp, kind of need at least some FX...
  23. You got me - I did use the phrase "perfectly well". No, no one has to read a guide on how to level or equip gear. They have to read a guide on how to generate a lot of in-game wealth. What you don't like is the rate or frequency at which they get that "white gear" - they're 2 different things. My reference to real life was as an analogy on how wasting money on one thing IRL, which in turn means you don't have money for other things, is on that person to correct their behavior. It was others that started blowing it out of proportion then getting indignant at my offer to help.
  24. It is not about functioning "perfectly well" - It is about functioning "good enough". Then advocate for guides on how to educate new players, not steer them away from the resources already available. Ignoring aspects of the game is not helping them. That's rich coming from someone posting on a video game forum. Get off your high horse.
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