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Everything posted by Heatstroke

  1. Agreed Im rocking like 50 ish myself and it would be a real Quality of life thing
  2. agreed 100% you could even add Reward Merits and Emp Merits too
  3. This would be a big help when we log in. We can see is this character near a level to get Emp merits.. its a QoL thing that I think would be good for many.
  4. this should be something that is easy to proliferate. Many of the Water powers would port right over. You might need to add a few melee powers or borrow from other sets. But it should be easy to do.
  5. I hope we see something good. I really need some inspiration to play more regularly
  6. and Water Assault !!!
  7. yeah that didnt help LOL
  8. Id love to see Water Assault for Dominators.. Dominators definitely need some love. As do Sentinels.
  9. Yeah was fighting mobs my level. Im kinda pissed about this because it never did this before. Now it seems like they increased the KB so much that it sends mobs flying everywhere.
  10. I havent played my Grav/Time in a while and new Propel is knocking everything back. I have tried both the -kb Procs. I didnt do this a while back. Its also like a small AoE now as well. Target one and everyone around it is affected by the knockback. Is there a way to stop this from happening?
  11. this was in the files back in the day for Issue 25 https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Wind_Control We have seen Blasters, Corruptors, Defenders get new sets. Tanks got a rework all of which we cool and some was certainly necessary. Controllers and Dominators could use some love as well. especially since they havent gotten a new Primary since the game was live. PS Water Assault for Doms... think about it !!!!
  12. Bottom line. I like not getting mezzed to death and the ability to do consistent damage over time.
  13. Does the Venom Grenade come from the Mace? For the theme I want to have as little redraw as possible. Thanks
  14. Fire/Storm Controller and Water/Storm Cor And if you go with the Leviathan Patrol pool you can have Waterspout AND Tornado.. muahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. Doing a little testing, I was wondering why not have " Charge Up" Build up enough Static when activated to make the Tesla Cage available as an "opener" In the same way that " Build Momentum" works for Titan Weapons, "Combat Readiness" works for Street Justice, and Tidal Forces works for Water Blast. I think this would be a welcome change and there are powers that work this way already.
  16. sigh.... opening Mids...
  17. I just dont know if its worth respecing my whole build on my Sentinel to squeeze in VS. But then again as a Sentinel I dont get stunned... so shouldnt be an issue with it Detoggling.. but then it could easily aggro stuff I dont want aggroed...
  18. Can we please get an alternate animation to Hurl Boulder. Hurl from the super strength powerset IMO looks SO much better than some out of round rock being lobbed ever so slowly at a foe.
  19. Why is there no Damage/End Mod DSO? This seems like a natural to me. and who 4 slots travel powers?? Seriously...
  20. My question is if Dominators Electric Assault gets ANY benefit from these changes and if not Why not. It seems to me that they could also benefit to some degree from these changes. Also what about building up Shock from the Epic power sets? Has this been considered at all?
  21. Update.. I did this. You have to make your hidden files visible and then you can delete the Reborn stuff in Roaming and Local App Data . Once you delete all the old Mids files you can download it again and the error is gone. I have no more issues loading Mids now
  22. I am also getting the same error. I tied the same steps and nothing works. Its weird because it was working just fine earlier today.
  23. How about.. FIX SENTINELS... period.
  24. Wind Control was already in the works. Wonder if they have even taken a look at getting that finished.
  25. Im just hoping for Dominators to get more powersets as they have the LEAST amount of combos in the game and for Sentinels to get.. something.. especially the Ice Armor secondary for Sentinels.
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