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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. After you did this post I pondered a similar one, and then decided not to! I have a lot less arcs than you, and a full 9 of them ( 45 missions) + a prequel are the same story. So...anyway. And I'm lazy.
  2. Create a character you want. Now head to https://cod.uberguy.net/html/category.html?pcat=mission_maker_attacks or https://cod.uberguy.net/html/category.html?pcat=mission_maker_secondary and start picking extra powers to give the critter. Only powers from those categories are allowed, everything else you enter will be discarded. Then, open your critter in Notepad (or the text editor of your choosing) and paste the powers' internal name into the critter with "Power" in front of them, then save the file: Only 25 lines of powers can be added, and as per usual AI, half the time they won't use them These critters will NOT give XP when defeated. So, adding one to an existing XP giving group will help alleviate that. Or simply giving an ally a rez to make them more useful is also a thing. When editing the critter it should look something like this. Save and off you go.
  3. I'll probably post again, or just bump this one, in a month. After the HC donation window obviously 🙂
  4. Yes we do! Look for the AE on your mini map. Most zones (not all) have an AE building. And Pocket D has its own AE area.
  5. This one is being kept up to date with Homecoming additions.
  6. Hi all. Every month we donate to keep the servers/shards up and running, and that's cool. But I'll just point out that the HC WIKI also needs some love now and then. Most of us use it regularly and it's hosted by one lone volunteer by themselves. So if you're feeling generous wander over there and help keep the lights on. Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - A City of Heroes Community Wiki
  7. I built effectively a Seer to get through. Mind Control & Empathy. Ok, I don't do a lot of damage, but I also don't die much. You, Ghoul! Attack your friends. Infiltration on, I'll be over here clicking glowies.
  8. Yeah, you can get to First Ward via the Imperial Underground. Look for the Doorkeeper.
  9. Gold is fabulous. This time when you hit 20, try going straight to First Ward instead of taking the Rift mission. More Praetoria!
  10. Curious! I'd not tried that before. So, I replicated what you did and for me at least the new mob didn't even appear as a choice either. So, looks like we're out of luck. Or you're going to have to add a Custom to that mob.
  11. I personally count vanity projects as "Mary Sue" arcs where the thinly disguised player Main is the great hero and you do all the shit work for them while they get lauded.
  12. Ok, that was damn interesting. Firstly it provides definitive proof that the AE is not "just" farms, SFMAs and vanity projects. This is something that frankly would never appear in the actual game. And that's a strength of the AE rather than a weakness. I loved M1. M2 and M3 not as much. And M3 has enough glowies to give @Kyksie apoplexy. That said, it was very atmospheric and oddly fun. I have yet to check whether being able to sight read music would help, because it's not a skill I possess so I can't really comment. I'd recommend people try this to see something totally different, just don't go in with any expectations.
  13. Ok, @Zhym, initial blurb is changed to this: After failing to detonate a neutron device in the Magisterium the Resistance is reeling. PPD died, but so did key Resistance members. Somehow Cole's forces got past Vanessa DeVore's shielding. Odysseus is intent on flushing out a rat. [A Praetorian Crusader SFMA prior to the Praetorian War]
  14. Not much I can do about that! The presence was telegraphed so, LOL.
  15. Hmm, in the blurbage? 300 characters and I used 298 😞 I think I did call it Imperial Crusader in the titles.
  16. What would possibly be weirder is you doing this arc, following the above, and the traitor NOT being you. And that was another of the knots!
  17. No, I get that entirely. Sadly a limit on the options as you say. I let the option that this is a Resistance AE guide the choice in the end. I did rewrite that intro a few times, tying myself in knots trying to make both options somehow work. Alas.
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