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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. This reminds me when the Live Devs tried to put ads in the game. This is when the game was in the downturn and needed an influx of money. The most memorable part of that was how many players were going nuts about having real ads take the place of fake ads! They had/have to be some of the most moronic players I'd ever come across. Seriously. Now that I've derailed the OP, I think it'd be cool to see something done with the billboards and so on. However, I don't want to see Dev resources allocated to that. They are a small but mighty team and this is not near the top of my list on things I'd like to see in the game. Yes, true believers, my #1 wish remains the desire to have a Dev controlled AE where players can make missions and the acceptable missions can be dragged and dropped into the Dev controlled AE contacts (which would be canon etc). I have a dream...
  2. I haven't been around as much but would like to thank the HC Devs for all they do. Do they need help? Sure. But too many cooks in the kitchen and various other reasons makes that difficult, I'm sure. That and I have no idea how they operate doesn't give me an option to suggest or discuss. HC team is rather secretive and that's their right to be. I feel the biggest help could be adding content via my age old AE idea but that doesn't seem to be an option either - yes, 3+ years of trying and they still haven't given in! 🙂 Anyway, it's nice to see people wanting to help but it's not always that easy.
  3. I have done this but it is so convoluted that it was still annoying... and wasn't a lot of fun.
  4. Very interesting points. Is there a chance the HC team could post which TFs/SFs/Trials etc get played and how much? I really don't enjoy the Aeon SF and I'm wondering if I'm in the minority or... It's impossible to tell from the forums as a small amount come on here. I don't see Aeon advertised too much on Excel but I'm not on as much as I once was. I do like your point about how it wasn't designed for you. I might be in the same boat. So, who was it designed for? How many players take a look at all the small details and have read all of the info as they played? I would guess a small amount. Wouldn't it make sense to maybe have future content that isn't as densely packed and more streamlined? I'm more than happy these hard modes have been added but the issues with Aeon aren't the modes, IMO. I feel its just too much written material and too many details....and maybe a mission or two too long.
  5. I always thought it'd be cool if some of these unused animations got added - even if they were just alternate options to existing powers. I wish they would undo the 'unrooting' during an animation change. It looks so cheap when your toon is sliding across the floor as he animates the attack. Not the end of the world but it just looks...not great.
  6. Well, I tend to agree with the OP. I've made similar comments. I stopped playing this SF just because it's so disjointed and non-sensical. I really don't enjoy it. If you have to go read a separate document or slow down the SF to get all the info, maybe it's just not great game design. Anyway, I guess the HC Devs don't see it that way as they've followed the same template with their arcs etc.
  7. I feel it's fairly obvious that most do not know what the consensus is here. All I can mention is my opinion and the other 7 that were with me on the arcs. Also, I am also assuming the HC team wants our feedback. Regardless, I am providing my thoughts as I am a big fan of the game and it's pretty much the only game I play. I am not upset or being a troll nor do I have an axe to grind. It's feedback. That's it. Yet I am finding a few here opting to discuss my comments so here I am to clarify them...not sure why... lol Anyway, I'm relaying how I feel. I don't think it's helpful to come on here and be all Pollyanna on here. I think it's ideal to say what you honestly feel in a decent manner. That's it 🙂
  8. Sure, balance is key. However, you could also look at the more popular TFs/SFs etc that already exist in game. The ITF, Yin, some iTrials and so on. I am sure you can data mine which ones are played the most. Maybe let that influence the way HC proceeds. You will always get snark. Always. To please everyone...not going to happen. Aim for the majority. I've said it before and will say it again, the new arcs are not fun to play. Take that for what it's worth. So, you're saying the team format/play style makes it difficult to read the entire dialogue, scritp etc and the solution is go read up on it later? I find this very problematic and disheartening. It's not a response I'd expect from the HC team. I'll conclude by saying this is a game. To me the real enjoyment is the game play and how fun that is. The story and text are very secondary. The story and directions definitely enhance the experience and it's too bad we can't have it all. I feel the Live devs were finally getting this. Maybe let them inspire the HC team.
  9. Rapid fire teamage is a thing. This is one of the many reasons I keep asking for player created radio/tip/paper type missions created by players using a modified AE system. Those missions would be quick and don't allow for various mechanics to slow a team down. They'd also allow for some fresh, new enemy factions, ideas and so on.
  10. Well, you seem to be reading my posts so you should know about what I do like. HC team is doing a great job but I will always ask for them to go outside the box for missions. Are you not a bit tired of seeing the same factions? They add a lot of depth and story but not a format that is friendly for teaming - which is odd for an MMO. I often suggest alternates like use the dialogue box that pop up on screen instead of making it essential to be able to talk to in-mission contacts and the such. I think the Storm Blast power is great. It could use some upgrades on damage but it is visually appealing and a bit different. Initial feedback: I like!
  11. Some great discussion. For those that enjoyed the arc, did you run them solo or on a team? I see @cranebump noted he may not have. Maybe give it a go on a team as well. I do applaud HC for trying to change it up and add more but, in a team setting, it's really not fun.
  12. I am also noticing trend (?). No, not really. I don't know you but it is odd someone would chime in and be nothing more than a troll. I am here to express how I feel about a game I really like. We're all free to provide feedback and discuss topics and so on. I find it a tad offensive when people post as you did - offer nothing to the thread convo. However, I guess since you're making this observation, maybe someone else will as well. So let me clarify as I assumed most here were good at comprehension (my mistake). I take no issue with the story. If you look at my posts you'll notice I take issue more with the mechanics especially in a team setting. The HC team has used this same style/format for pretty much all of their arcs. It's unfortunate as I team almost all of the time. I've also repeatedly asked for new or original enemies as we've seen the current factions for years upon years.
  13. Good to know! And yeah, incarnates really take you over the top so I get that - I still maintain that incarnate stuff has 'ruined' the game. Ok, not ruined but really took away a lot. The struggle and challenge is what drives most to play. Incarnates really changed that. Too bad.
  14. Back on Live, I'd play Red side a lot and barely played Blue (or Gold). The Red content is the better and the SFs are a bit better than most Blue TFs (infinitely better than Shard stuff, Citadel and so on). Red isn't perfect but it is better. They learned a lot and that was at the expense of the Blue side - hey, they launched the game with it so it makes sense you learn from there. Anyway, I don't play a lot of Red now because it's tough to find teams. It is pretty easy to get an SF going but not regular missions, papers and so on. I'm not too concerned about it. I don't game as much but when I do, it's CoH (this line should be a meme!).
  15. This may sound odd but I've never used an Amplifier. I like to build sturdy toons and try to ensure they have good numbers in most areas. Do the Amps work in Trials and challenge TFs/Sfs etc?
  16. So, I ran the arc with a team over last weekend. It seems they follow the same formula as previous arcs added by HC and, to a degree, the Dr. Aeon SF. They have lots of story and info and that's my biggest concern - there's too much stuff to read in a team dynamic. That and you don't interact with contacts in the mission if you're not lead. We also get to deal with the same old factions and so on which is kinda meh. Overall, I'll say I really disliked going through all of this. Actually, it was awful. The arcs are long and drawn out. I really don't think they're good for a team dynamic. Most of the team didn't understand the fully story as they couldn't read along. I really wish the HC Devs would try and make these new missions more team friendly. I don't know if I'll ever run one of these again. It's really too bad but I did want to relay why and hopefully some changes can be made to the mission template used by the Devs.
  17. Hey just looking at the build and you don't have any DEF softcapped...? What am I missing?
  18. I wanted the extra damage of the CORR. I have a storm/energy DEF and it's a blast. I changed it up this time and just trying to slot and play. It looks like it'll be great for AoE and has lots of mitigation against large numbers of foes. So far, it's a fun toon!
  19. Yeah I get that. I like the methods I implemented so far. Anything you see that I should change or adjust?
  20. So I went this route. Any suggestions? @Crysis, I like your build too but one concern is your END.
  21. View This Build In MRB Hey all, here's my quick build. A bit of a gimmick build. I want to improve defence and keep the high recharge option and so on.
  22. Mysh/Doom - thanks for the info. I was going to put in more than three. Lightning Storm, Wall of Force , Tornado and a few others in the Storm Blast set (waiting to see it on MIDS before I decide). So, I am thinking like 5 - maybe more, maybe less.
  23. I am starting a storm/storm Corr. I don't proc out most toons but I will be looking at piling on the Force Feedback proc for the + recharge. I usually team so I'm ok if the set is a bit light on damage. It seems like it'll be a lot of fun with lots of AoE potential. I am looking forward to the MIDS update!
  24. I think I am going to try this out. I am thinking storm/storm. Is there a max amount of FF procs we can put in a build? Does the rule of 5 apply or...?
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