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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. I really like my Dark/Savage tank. Softcap RES on all but tox (still high) and the DEF isn't bad either. I took the Force of Will pool and when I click on Unleash Potential, I'm softcap to all DEF as well. It's a nasty build! 🙂
  2. Yes and I would rather not see it anymore. Dialogue boxes are fine to get info to the rest of the team. However, this AE v.2.0 doesn't have to be at that level. It's more towards doing to easy missions and adding variety/content to the game. Adding new missions every couple months would be great. I think it's been almost 8 months since our last update? No issues with this and this AE option gives us a bit of a remedy.
  3. It isn't missing info but there are times when the leader is the only one able to read the info. Also, some of the caption boxes overlap and aren't easily read. The new arcs have big time info dump and I couldn't be bothered to go and read up on the stuff. They're too convoluted and I haven't played any of them more than once - due to the noted issues and they just were not fun to play.
  4. Well, that's the beauty of AE v.2.0 - we can have both. We might even have contacts that just provide one arc created by a player because it was crafted in a very professional manner. Personally, my belief is that this is a game and the visuals and fun play are more important than detailed and complex narratives. I look at the Aeon SF and HC arcs - too much info dumped and it isn't easy to read as you play. When someone suggests you go to the Wiki if all of the info wasn't there for you = issue with the mission.
  5. Yep. For sure. That's the entire idea. I like AE but it went right where I predicted it would back when it came out. It's such a powerful tool and it's not being used to it's full potential. Add to that, the HC Dev team is volunteers and very limited so they can't add a lot of content all the time.
  6. This. Also, reviewing the arcs could be done by non-Dev HC team. There could be a small volunteer group that was only AE v.2.0 quality assurance. That's all they'd do. Sure, there are a lot of poorly done missions but those wouldn't get added due to the QA team. Again, I'll emphasize these missions would be pretty straightforward and basic. I think many could make decent missions. It would allow for some variety and originality to the game...I'd be more than happy to run some radio-style missions that didn't have any Council etc in them.
  7. I never played while this Jack character was around so I don't have any opinion on that guy - he just seems to be really hated by the OG community. I also suspect killing off States was a publicity stunt to drum up interest in a game that was slowly losing players (and profitability). It's too bad and they could've done that story with someone else getting killed but it wouldn't have been the same. It is a pretty cool arc and there is some emotion most feel with that cut scene...oh the tragedy! Lastly, wasn't there an AMA with a Dev that said they were bringing States back if the game kept going? That seems silly to me and glad it didn't happen. What are we, Marvel?! Was this the AMA? https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lore_AMA EDIT - So, I did go through the start of 2016 AMA and they planned on bringing back States...well...a reformed Tyrant who would take the States mantle. I am SO glad that never happened. Yikes.
  8. Ok, so, this isn't new from me but I thought I'd give it another kick at the can. I've been promoting this for a few years and will give it another push! However, this time I will explain and flesh out the idea in one spot - right here! So, the idea is to have the players create radio/paper/tip type missions using AE BUT at the same time making it not a part of the regular AE we all know. Why? So players can add material to the regular game/canon and the Devs have to do less work trying to make as much content or focus on the items on their agenda (while also getting out far more content). This is by no means an indictment on our wonderful Dev team, it's more of a way to help. In order for this to happen, we'd need a separate AE system (AE v.2.0) and not one that was housed in the regular AE buildings. The idea is to make new contacts at various locations and each contact is loaded up with new AE v.2.0 missions created by players. Initially, players would create their missions in AE 2.0 like they currently do in AE and then leave them there while HC team decides on when/if to add the mission to the game. Anything added to the game will be canon and the creators need to supply write-ups for the wiki and so on. There will be obvious rules and guidelines around submissions. HC team will have a forum that they lock and unlock where players submit their missions. For example, forum gets unlocked, players can add their submissions until the forum reaches 15 total submissions (arbitrary number - 1 sub per player unless there's room). Then at 15, forum locked and the HC community team can look at the submissions, do a play-through and add the ones that meet the criteria. This could be done bi-monthly and maybe players adding content will get a badge and then later maybe some merits? Initially, these AE contacts can be added to areas where the game needs more stuff to do. So, more for the level 50+ content (add contacts in RWZ, Ouros, Kallisti Wharf etc), Steel, Port Oakes etc. Match the mission theme to the zone if possible. These missions will also need to add regular rewards and not the AE tickets etc. For all intensive purposes, they should look and act like regular missions like with radios and papers. (HC will also give everyone advance warning that this entire project could be removed if it all goes sideways etc). Making the mission part of the regular game and canon will incentivize players. HC overseeing this AE v.2.0 will ensure only proper missions get added to the system. Devs may have to do more front end work to set it up but then maybe it will be less work - hopefully missions can be drag and drop and would require minimal Dev work after set up. We'll also get way more content on a frequent basis. I really enjoy this game. I want to see it thrive and I think we can get a bump in players and interest with this addition. It would be a big game changer 🙂 I don't know what else is possible or if this would be too much initial work but I'd love to hear what others think and hopefully the Devs can chime in as well.
  9. A huge pet peeve of mine is not having a unique boss. Not only does it seem lazy to me, it's not as interesting. If the boss is the same as the rest ...it's lame. Sure, I get this for the lower tier bosses when they wear street/gang gear and so on. But not for supers! I don't know how many times my teams have ripped through mobs and didn't even see/notice the boss was in the pile. I also think it'd be cool if the load screens were pics of the mission's big bads. This was part of my AE idea - have teams also submit a pic of the boss as a load screen (as long as it was high quality etc). Anyway, not every mission needs a unique looking boss but most do!
  10. Do we really need new armors and/or powers? Sure, I like getting new stuff but it's just a re-hash of what we have or it isn't too different. I'd prefer new stuff for us to do (such as my famous AE idea!) or other stuff.
  11. I don't mind the system etc. My biggest complaints are the looks of some of the GMs. The Kraken is an iconic creature. However, in CoX, he looks like a blob of human waste. There are some other GMs that're like this. I also thought it'd be nice to add some additional GMs for events etc. I wish the HC team would re-skin a few of the less impressive GMs and then add some new ones for events. Holiday GMs that come around only during that window? There was a player who suggested something to do with the zodiac. I then added a suggestion that they do GMs corresponding to the zodiac and only came out during their corresponding time periods. Getting all 12 would result in a power or something like that.
  12. Can anyone tell me about that wolfman looking NPC that is out on the edge of the map? He doesn't seem to have any purpose...? I know, vague, but I ran into him exploring a while ago. I'm at work and can't provide location.
  13. This reminds of of those classic skits (on talkshows, ads etc) where a rando reporter would go out into the U.S. and ask random people on the street some basic questions. A lot of it ended up being pretty funny. 'Murica!
  14. Well...it's kinda hard to keep it interesting. I don't play much and have tons of toons (many of them hit 50). I guess I'm on an extended break right now. However, what keeps me going is the thought of my AE idea becoming a reality! That's about it. I will keep advocating for it. I do like the game but there isn't a game out there that I can play constantly. I am sure I will come back and play more often that I do now but that won't be anytime soon. I appreciate the Devs and their work and the friends I've made here. This isn't a snipe at anyone or a rant...it's just the way I feel right now....right now...it's your tomorrow...
  15. OR you're Mr. (and Mrs.)...
  16. You're clearly a robot in disguise!!!!!!!
  17. Yeah, I am 1 000% in support of something new and original being added into the game via these player made missions. CoX has been around for a while now. I'd love to see something new and original. HC Devs can focus on expanding on the canon. And by new and original I mean new supers, factions, motivations etc. Of course, players can't make elaborate and extensive additions. Likely it'd be some new characters and factions. That would be great!!!
  18. So, when's the last time you joined a team that was playing these Dev choices and arcs? Exactly. Add to the fact that they once awarded Dev Choices to farms and it is kinda a tough ask. The whole idea here is to leverage players to create content since the Dev team is so limited. Why do you think there are never teams playing non-farm AE missions? Hence why my ask for alternate AE and contacts that aren't in the AE building and so on. I believe there would be a lot of Dev work to set up the alternate AE contact system. However, after that it would be easier to add content. The HC team has given us a SF and some story arcs. To be honest, I really don't care for any of them. I rarely see teams wanting to play the arcs. Aeon gets some attention but not a lot (from what I see on Excelsior). Anyway, I feel this would be great for adding content and help out our beloved Dev team.
  19. Drag and drop. Just as it sounds. If a mission is approved then Devs would take it from build status and put it into the regular contact. It then becomes live and part of the regular game. I also agree these new contacts are regulars and part of the game just like any other contact. I'd like to see new material added monthly and not wait for a page. Last page was over 8 months ago. This suggestion is to make minimal work for Devs and add content frequently. I absolutely want players to add whatever they like as long as the quality is good and makes sense for this game. I'd love to see stuff not connected to this game as well as stuff that plays off existing canon. Like I said before, I am tired of the same old, same old or variants of it. There are a lot of players that really like this game and have talent to add content. I would prefer to see supers that we haven't seen before and load screens designed by some talented people.
  20. Some good points here. I don't know how easily they could drag and drop arcs into these contacts. Again, my hope is to have minimal work for the Devs via this tool. If you're submitting content for this then you'd have to do the writing for wiki etc as part of the submission. I would actually encourage original, new ideas, enemies and bosses. I am so done seeing the same old or variants of the same old. Let's get original! Maybe this can start out as a pilot project with one contact and then expand after we go through the growing pains and work the out any issues. Maybe players can team up and make missions and design characters. Another idea I had is to customize the loading screen for missions; players can design and put together their own - if this is possible and not a lot of work for the devs. Anyway, lots of options here and here's to hoping this becomes a reality. Content could be added monthly or maybe even weekly. Players that submit and get added could maybe get a special title, badge and/or merits. 🙂
  21. I think it is painfully obvious that it won't be part of the original game - especially since that game is gone....done...shittered. The regular game is HC...for me, anyway. Again, seemed obvious to me. Anyway, I feel this AE idea would be impactful. It'd pull out a lot of creators and the such to get their missions into game. It would be something new and original for the players. It would be less work for the Devs. CoX seems to be losing players and what not and I get it. Not a ton of new stuff and the new stuff added is not a lot - a lot of it is good stuff, don't get me wrong. I like it but players will lose interest when new stuff doesn't get added. When was the last update? 8+ months ago? (maybe I'm wrong?). I don't lay any blame on the Devs. I really appreciate them. They put out some quality work. A lot of it is on par with the Live game (if not better). Having the players do some work isn't the worst idea. Like I said before: help us help you!
  22. Well, it's something I've been pitching for well over 2 years. No dice...so far. I've never put together the full, detailed version of what I'd like to see as the Devs don't seem interested at this time. So, allow me to go with a brief outline here... The idea is for players to make AE missions that get added to the game. Not the current AE version but a separate AE that is overseen by Devs. The idea is to create a lot of content without taxing Dev resources. This new content would be part of the regular game and canon. These contacts would not be in the AE. For example: let's say we put a contact in an area that has a need for content and something new. Tons of options here but I'd suggest Kalisti Wharf. Co-op and a place that doesn't have much going on. So, you place a contact here and have it connected to a separate AE system. Then Devs announce players can make AE content as long as it adheres to strict guidelines and rules. You could open up a forum slot and say this month the first five AE arcs posted will be reviewed and added as long as they pass Dev review. For those that pass, drag and drop them into the new content. Hopefully this results in minimal work for coders and those Devs and they can focus on their regular material they're planning to add. Any player created submission must also have a proper write up, HC wiki entries for original characters/mission and so on. The idea is to make as little work for the programmers, coders etc. The missions, of course, will be similar to radio/paper/tip missions but those are very popular amongst the players. If this pilot project proves to be a hit then you can add more contacts for other ranges and themes. For example: big global threats could have a contact in the RWZ....and so on. Anyway, I'm not going to flesh this out in extreme detail. Devs have told me it's a lot of front end work to make this alternate version of the AE where you drag and drop into it but I think it'd be worth it. Thanks for reading! 🙂
  23. None of the above. It is clear the game needs more content, missions etc. Devs, help us help you! Implement my AE idea! 😄
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