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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. I don't know how much work it is to proliferate the powers - if it is a lot then I am ok if they aren't proliferated. I also feel it would allow that AT to be a bit unique. I'd rather see time and effort spent on new powers and other additions to the game. I like the efforts made to create new powers and add some somewhat original twists to them.
  2. I'm a fan of Brutes. It seems Tanks are getting a bit more damage and a bit more AoE so I might be sliding towards the dark side.... I also am wondering if anyone can tell me if they are liking the revamped Axe set for Brutes? What did you pair it with? Have a build? As far as fave Brute....tough call...maybe my Titan/Bio?
  3. I usually use a handful of pools. It's standard to get Hasten, Boxing/Tough/Weave, Maneuvers and maybe even Combat Jumping. I've strayed on the odd toon to try out these other pools (Sorcery, Will and just taking a look at Experimentation). I've used a few others here and there. None of these are game breakers or must haves and I don't think they're supposed to be. I guess they're a fun little add to your toon and give you some variety. I still don't get why we don't have other sets like Utility Belt and so on.
  4. Almost all of my toons are vigilantes. I prefer red side but the pop. is small so I am doing blue stuff. But when there's a call to red, I am there! Also, I like to team. Therefore, Vig provides for the most flexibility and opportunity to team.
  5. Tons of people play these missions - they're quick and fun. They're a lot like the paper/radio missions.
  6. I don't care about arcs or details to them, really. Sometimes I'll read parts on the wiki. If I'm in a mission, I will read the material in caption boxes and word bubbles that flashes on the screen. Also if I'm talking to an NPC, of course. I don't solo and I don't have much desire to try and read everything when teaming. This is part of the reason why I don't like the Aeon SF and other missions where it's a flood of text.
  7. Hey so how would you all rank the new Axe set compared to other tank secondaries? It it near the top now? I am thinking of making an Axe toon but can't decide if it should be a tank/brute/scrapper and what to pair Axe with. Any thoughts?
  8. Hey so do you have the Mad King v 4.0 build to post? I've been messing around with your earlier poster 3.0 and have really liked it (yes, I made some changes lol).
  9. Definitely not a CoH 2. Or I hope that wasn't the idea. It's the same old with minor adjustments and tweaks.
  10. Cool thread. Does anyone have a build for the ill/cold AV killer?
  11. A few have noted the theme environment of the Gold side. I didn't even think to comment on this but I should. I thought it was dumb. We're in a superhero game and this angle is fine but it became too much. It was a major part of the game and theme. I really hated how all of the signature characters had their alternate versions. I got tired of it. It seemed a lot of the game had big influences from the fantasy/D&D type stuff, which is fine, but it also got to be a bit much. The HC team is too small and not paid so I'm not expecting anything massive to come out. Overall, I'd say the Live devs really whiffed on Going Rogue/Rouge. A ton of time, effort and resources and the result was really meh. Such a shame. Yes, Goldside is ok and I will journey there for some of the missions but that's about it. I see it as a wasted opportunity.
  12. Praetoria is a nice looking zone but the Live Devs really had no clue when they made that the expansion. Dividing the shrinking playerbase even further made no sense. In any event, we have it and it's there. I think maybe a level 40+ TF there might be a cool add at some point. I also think having my alternate AE/player made content would be a good add. They could add a lot of repeatable content in there. Thinking the HC Devs can add a pile of options is pie in the sky. Just add the alternate AE mechanism and let players make some content.
  13. I tried one: https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1815&c=753&a=1506&f=HEX&dc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
  14. I started this but just don't know...do you have a build by chance?
  15. No new zones for me. I would be fine if the Devs made a new trial, TF and/or SF which included new zones within them. We already have way too many zones and many are rarely used.
  16. Myshmeister, I was looking at doing something like this but was thinking Storm/Psi. Thoughts? Ever try this combo?
  17. I haven't made many psi toons nor do I have many CORRs. So I thought I'd try this concept BUT I don't see anyone mentioning psi. Is it not so great for CORRs or....? I'd love to hear opinions on this and even builds if people have made this combo. 🙂
  18. I'll admit, I never looked at this section before. And wow it hits you. Would it be out of sorts to have a wall in Pocket D where Devs can put up the forum (or global) name of members that have passed? Well, maybe not Pocket D but a co-op memorial would be nice. Just a thought 🙂
  19. Well, I like this idea a lot! I would be interested. Until then, how about a virtual meet with the Dev team? Covid lockdown made this the norm. It might be fun having a Bringing in the New Year virtual meet. Ideally, it'd be more like a panel where we could ask the Devs stuff and so on.
  20. From what I am told, it would take some front end work to change AE to allow this addition. Then it would become easier to add - maybe not quite drag and drop but yeah. I think it'd be worth the front end work to make this happen. This was from a Dev. Another Dev mentioned this idea was looked at but things came up. So, not impossible. The comment was: "That basically amounts to creating a separate instance of the AE server that uses a different database, and modifying all the AE code to be able to talk to multiple AE backends depending on whether you're talking to the 'public' or 'contest' one." Also, most do realize that your creations go to CoX HC - this would be part of the disclaimer that would be front and centre of the application thread. This seems fairly basic to me.
  21. Those mini looks are awesome. I don't have nearly enough to get a slot so I will envy all of you. Also, I don't know if anyone can tell me but why hasn't the HC Team made costume sets? I know we've had patterns and the such but no sets (like Knight set, Celestial, Valkyrie etc).
  22. I feel these repeatable missions are ideal. Many of us want a small play session every now and then without the commitment of a long TF. Many have a lot of things going on and now that we're out of lockdown, I am one of those. It's busy on many nights and days. Yes, I am tired of doing the same old repeatables but I still do them. I feel the OP is underestimating the number of times we've gone in on these - a mere 1000 you say! So, yes, I am here AGAIN to beg you all and the Devs to implement the player made repeatable missions using AE. These would be similar to style to the radio/paper/tip missions and be made by players using AE. It would be a new set of AE contacts that are canon and the missions added to these would also be canon - everything added would be Dev controlled and reviewed by HC staff first. I know it will take some adjusting AE to have these special contacts but it would be front end loaded work which should then allow us to 'drag and drop' missions into these new contacts. I feel this is the only way players will get a good influx of content. I'd rather the Devs focus on this than another arc or something like that for now. After this is implemented then they can return to their normally scheduled programming 🙂
  23. This is super awesome of them but I don't plan on attending that many times and trying to hoard the goodies. That's not my style - seems a tad selfish lol
  24. I've suggested taking 2XP out of the p2w vendor and doing a 2XP week every month. If this is far too radical then I'd suggest doing the 2XP week and then having a 25% XP boost at the vendor. Alternatively, allow the p2w give very time limited 2XP.
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