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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. Honestly, I agree. The early levels could use some new stuff as well. I just felt the 20 range was an area where you have lots to do. A lot of the TFs and SFs in this range are solid and I enjoy playing them over and over (except Citahell - one of the worst in the game IMO). I think the Live Devs really screwed up with Going Rogue. That was an epic mess. Sure, it has some cool stuff but talk about out of touch. Anyway, here's to hoping!
  2. I am praying there is a shift in philosophy with the HC Dev team when it comes to adding missions and TFs/SFs etc. I haven't enjoyed any of the HC materials that've been added to game. They have info overload and all players cannot follow along with the story/narrative. The actual play is often convoluted and confused. I appreciate the effort but the overall results are lacking. I tried the content a couple times with SG mates and never went back to it. It was not fun. I also hope they add more incarnate content. It really was odd that they added contacts in the 20 range. I'd suggest the better route would've been to add co-op missions for the 45-50+ range in Khalisti Wharf. I also hope for full costume sets and pieces. HC has not done much there. Again, I know it's a tad critical but it's honest feedback. I appreciate the HC team and all of their hard work. They are doing an amazing job and do it on a volunteer basis.
  3. When I think gun, I think bullets or lasers. Sure, this isn't always the case and I am not against this set but it is odd. The even bigger oddity is that it doesn't shoot anything like lasers or bullets. That is one thing they should add - projectiles. Obviously I'll give it a go and see how I like. My initial reaction is 'meh'. It's another power set that just uses existing powers (for the most part). I did like the more innovative ideas that were involved in previous HC powers. Not all were awesome but it was different.
  4. Live did not have as many players? Uh...what....uh...WHAT?! How do you know this?! Do you have any facts?! HC is awesome at being transparent and shows the number of players on at any given time. Excelsior had approximately 1500 players on and it went to the queue system. So, are you trying to tell me Live had less people on it? Really? I don't have facts but will throw common sense at you (which is not common, clearly). If Live had 1500 players per shard and had 12 shards or so, they wouldn't survive. The sub fee from 1500 people per shard would not come close to covering their costs etc. The HC capacity is far different than Live.
  5. No, we do not. Please don't excuse this type of boorish behaviour and suggest it's due to the times. We're all from various generations and each generation has this 🙂
  6. Just like the Title line reads. Each issue has so many pages and each issue does not have the same amount of pages. It's kinda silly. Also, this 'page' has a lot of stuff so you could've called it an issue. Anyway, this page moniker has always annoyed me. I vote to call each one an Issue regardless of its size. Cuz, in CoH size does not matter! 😉
  7. I am saddened that this type of person(s) is on our game. I hope the 'host's' contact info was put out there - mass ignores are one step is getting rid of these types of idiots.
  8. I think you're correct. I think it was all for publicity and to push their free to play model - for the most part? Dunno. Anyway, I thought taking away the suffix/moniker would make one feel that this is no longer a rogue server but the 'official' game.
  9. This is utter rubbish and massive assumptions made by you. This game is run by volunteers. You have no idea what it takes to run this game. I don't think they're getting paid to do this. Sure, this update took a long time but oh well. This is why I put in my brilliant AE/players generate content idea into the forums....but I digress. Bottom line: you have no idea. Appreciate what you have and don't criticize unless you have ALL of the information.
  10. So, just a minor suggestion (maybe question). Why not call this game City of Heroes and drop the Homecoming part? We're licensed and no longer have to be recognized as a rogue server or one of the unofficial servers. We're City of Heroes!
  11. Do you have this build posted? I'd like to check it out.
  12. I was thinking this myself...from a concept/theme perspective...it's a really odd bunch of powers for a gun set. I also hope this set wasn't made to address the origin concern about natural etc toons not having a control ability etc? Anyway, I'll definitely try it but I'm not feeling wowed so far.
  13. I haven't tested this set but wanted to provide initial feedback. -It seems very odd a rifled-based set is being used for control ATs...very odd. -Each power in the set just seems like it's already somewhere in the game and a variety of these powers have been cobbled together to make this set. Not very interesting or exciting on the face of it. Hopefully I'm wrong. At some point I'll give it a chance but it really doesn't seem fun or interesting at this point. It looks like we've seen all of these powers on various ATs and power sets.
  14. I haven't given this a play through yet but wanted to comment on some general items (some of these already noted). 1) I could be wrong but this level range has a lot of content. I'm not sure why this range was added - only the Devs know this. 2) I really wish the content would become more unique and not play off what's been in game for so long. How about new enemies, factions and material that is completely original. And good grief...more Nazi stuff?! Really?! For the love of mankind... 3) All of HC's missions/SFs have had too much info dumped as you play. The speech bubbles, text, dialogue boxes etc. It has been awful in team settings. I don't know if HC is still doing this but I've abandoned playing the HC arcs and the Aeon SF. They are not fun in a team setting and I play MMOs to team. Those are my initial concerns and feedback.
  15. I haven't gone into new characters for a while. I have a lot of toons and don't want to start a new one until I do more research and put together a build. Or maybe a new powerset comes along that I like. Honestly, a new AT is beyond due and that would be cool. I really like some of the ideas the other servers have in regards to new AT. Anyway, for the new toons, I usually hit a DFB, maybe do the opening arc. I then usually jump into a Posi 1 then 2 and maybe Synapse. I will also jump in on some red side SFs. I may also dabble in some radios/papers. This easily gets you to 20 and then some more decent TF/SF options open up. I really dislike Citadel and have done it maybe twice since I found HC (late 2019). Anyway, there are also events that help a bit like Rikti invasion and maybe trick or treating and so on. Maybe DiB, Summer Blockbuster etc. I am in no rush and play sessions are more fun this way. It's ideal when you can actual team with some online pals that also like to level up or just enjoy the game and some content. CoX really does have a ton of options. If I'm feeling rather nutty, I will join a goldside team (when they're around).
  16. Is there much point in applying to the Dev team? I did this years ago and not a single word or reply as to what is going on with the application and so on. Nada. I actually reached out to a few Devs about ideas etc. I organize large teams in my real life and helping HC enticed me. Not sure if it was just me or everyone that didn't make the cut got ignored (if anyone did make the cut, that is). Regardless, I appreciate the HC team and all they do. This is big and great news. Hopefully adding the Paragon and Victory Devs to the team may result in some more content and some new ideas.
  17. Some exciting news. Victory and Paragon have some unique features - will those be added to HC or...? Also, HC clearly hasn't done much towards adding costume pieces. Are the new crew able to add some significant amounts of costume pieces? I will admit the HC arcs and SF haven't been for me but it seems like there will be some other good stuff in this update. HC, awesome work here!
  18. This is the same entity that was in Star Trek The Motion Picture. VGER aka Voyager. But as a younger, less powerful entity. VGER will be the new Hami. Instead of a blob, we have a wall of light.
  19. I think it may have also been a good time to reduce the number of initial character slots handed out to players. There's obviously been a huge influx of new/returning players and I am sure many proceeded to name hoard. Le sigh. OP, I will say I've also come across this and took it as a challenge to find a new name etc. It will take a bit of getting used to but it'll be ok. I will never have a toon name where it's all caps with spaces between letters, ends in a 1, . or -. The worst is xX _____ Xx. No thanks :)
  20. Same. I can't do it. I won't do it. You can't make me! I think it looks awful.
  21. As long as they're not just re-skinning an old powerset - which was/is the norm. We have too much of that.
  22. Lies! It isn't in her powerset!
  23. I'm still amazed her and other NPCs can be at the same place AT THE SAME TIME! Which one is the original and which is the clone?!
  24. Oh hey thanks for that. It was always a piss off during Live. They kept the numbers so secret. Glad it's not a thing here.
  25. I also note I can't see how many people are on the various servers. This is the same old non-sense that the Live game used. It's an archaic way to operate. Or did I miss where this data may have been moved to?
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