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Everything posted by calash

  1. Slightly change that a character who does not zone in until the end of the mission, but solo's the AV in record time and you got Saitama.
  3. I love my SS/Fire for different reasons. 2xRage + Fiery Embrace make for some awesome burst damage numbers. The big orange numbers just make me smile.
  4. That was a lot......
  5. So is the challenge to roll an alt using the least used powers for a set?
  6. The ban makes me a sad panda, I would run these arcs just to see the costumes I missed. Voltron and Prime spitting fire at me...how could you not love it. Any non-discord ways to submit? Not a huge fan of the service myself but I would like to contribute. If not i will look into sending the info that way.
  7. /em looks at the pointy end of a light based sword device
  8. And now I want CoH version of Zork. Or Legend of the Red Dragon. Where are my BBS people at???
  9. A bit unrelated, but you got me to take another look at Hand Clap for my SS/Fire. I was unaware of the KB to KD enhancements, it changes the power for me.
  10. I understand, but it is a shame, there are some great recreations out there.
  11. I stopped by for a quick look and ended up spending a good 15 minutes just looking at everything. Very well done, thank you for sharing.
  12. Is there any way to set Auto-cast on Rage to never stack, but still allow the button to be pressed when you want a double stack? Use to have a Fire/SS tank, now SS/Fire brute. I hate the crash personally but understand and accept it. My only issue with the current test version is I am very likely to press that button when it will cause me a crash later. That being said, none of the changes here would make me respec out of Rage.
  13. I love this and want to marry it, have it's babies, and give them rage when they turn 18.
  14. I had been going with a very literal concept for my characters. 6 or so years ago the CoH reality was unmade. Now it has been made again, some history is the same and some is very different.
  15. There are no emoji to express the amount of joy I am feeling right now!! Welcome back!
  16. Calash checking in, former Shield of Valor member.
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