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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. This has been brought up before. It has always proven a fairly unpopular idea. I'm against it. Edit: I should probably explain why I am against it. In the games I've played where they did this, it leads to some very toxic and elitist game play. I would rather not see that come to CoX.
  2. I'm still waiting for parity between bunnies and birds/cats. We have bunny ears, but not bunny heads. More bird head options is great, but lets not leave the poor bunnies out in the cold here.
  3. Flip side to that argument: If the best answer as to why something that already exists should be changed is "because I think it should be", that is also not a good enough reason. (Edit: Especially since the main argument against isn't "I think it should be" but is about the power creep that even those advocating for the change admits it incurs.)
  4. Correct, resistance reduces the duration, it does not prevent the effect. And there have even been calls to change those resists to protection. (Yet more power creep.) However, immobs aren't as worthless as your statement seems to imply. When things go sideways and you need to bail, being immob'ed is a good way to kill PCs. A good example is Malta. Sapper saps your END pool to 0 and a Tactical Operative immobs you, things can get ugly in a hurry. Or the nuisance factor. You're on a team, the team clears and moves on, meanwhile you're stuck waiting for the immob binding you to wear off. These situations can be dealt with by popping a Breakfree if you have one or have 3 of another to make one. If you lack any and don't have the requisite duplicates though? It gets annoying and/or frustrating fast. (At least it does for me.) Situational usefulness aside, the point of my response was to point out that Weave provides double the buff of the closest pool power buffs for defense and it also provides added functionality. Regardless of how others may view that added functionality. Two reasons why if Weave were to have no or reduced prerequisites, it would most likely be nerfed.
  5. Training to fight does. I am sorry about your experiences, but you aren't a super hero/villain. I am also unaware of whether or not you have received any dedicated hand-to-hand training, but any training I saw or underwent taught the strikes and blocks first, and you built up your defenses when you learned the practical side during the sparring after.
  6. Right. Pics or it never happened. Here's the quote.
  7. Incorrect. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.fighting.weave&at=blaster Weave is both +DEF (All) equal to twice the second best defensive buffs in the pool powers and it grants +48.44% immobilization resistance. As such, if it was made to no longer have its prerequisites, it is very likely it would be nerfed to compensate. Earlier in the thread, it was requested it be made inherent since there was opposition to it not have its prerequisites. So even this power creep thread saw power creep.
  8. From the day the game launched, players could choose to take powers that they had no intentions of using for the sake of taking them. No one does this. Taking a power because it is thematic for the character even if it won't really be used is one thing. (Edit: For instance, I took Phase Shift on a character because it was thematic, back when the power was actually worth having. I kept it after it became useless to me because it was thematic. Building for theme is a good thing to me.) Taking a power that you will not be using that is not a prerequisite for something else just for the sake of hampering your build is something else. I enjoy looking at the options and figuring out how to get to what I want for the character through the roadblocks and hurdles of the prerequisites. Take those away, and all I have left is how to optimize the character for peak efficiency. Which is a lot less interesting. You are telling me that my only option is to only look at min-maxing and to hell with the challenge of figuring out how to get something incorporated into the build. Why would anyone just take random powers that aren't needed for some reason to access something else? Your response makes absolutely no sense to me. You are correct about us never going to agree on this however. So I'm just going to leave our discussion here. At least for now.
  9. That is the nature of power creep. A series of small changes that progressively add up. In a game already inundated with power creep. Which is why players like me are so opposed to any further power creep. I don't chase the Holy Quad. I absolutely refuse to have Hasten on any of my characters, for instance. I also have characters that take Boxing and/or Kick as part of their attack chain. There are players that take Boxing and/or Kick to use as mules. I haven't seen any such builds, but they were mentioned at least a few times on these forums. As for what others would take in lieu of Boxing or Kick? I can't speak for them. All I know is that every time this is brought up, it is specifically to make min-max characters even more optimized and over-powered for the game content. I also very much enjoy building characters. Part of the fun for me in the game is figuring out what powers are actually appropriate for the character even from their primary and secondary pools, let alone the power pools. (Alt-itis is not a curse or disease, it is an endless adventure.) I especially enjoy looking at the requirements to unlock powers my characters absolutely need for their concept and figuring out how to make all that work. And the more requirements are removed "for the sake of accessiblity", the less fun I find building my characters becomes. The changes that have been asked for, and given in... page 5?... has done a lot to damper the joy I have in making my characters. I enjoy threading the needle on my builds. I enjoy figuring out how to fit the things I need or want on the character. However, the requests have consistently been more and more to take that away. Making the character building less and less interesting, and less and less fun. With the power level availability changes, my characters can now all be front-loaded for effectiveness. Buh-bye challenge of figuring out what powers to take to build to the higher tier powers. I can be fully built for my attack chain by level 26 now. And a solid attack chain makes the need for defense/resist a lot less necessary. Or I can build my armored characters to be virtually unkillable by around level 20 now. I'm only using the T1-T3 attacks? Given that character can't be hurt, that is more than sufficient. And now here we are again, with yet another request to make building uber-characters even easier. I'm stuck sitting here wondering when the character building is going to get boring enough that I just leave the game. (Which I did consider when they made powers available earlier for the already stated reasons.) Because like everyone else, I've done all the game content repeatedly. (I haven't done any Hard Mode content yet, but I main a MM and I expect that to be an unwelcome participant. And as I have no interest in leading a team, I leave that alone.)
  10. *raises hand* So the goal isn't fun, it's improved min-maxing/character optimization. Which is full on power creep. Well, maybe power trot. In a game that is already of questionable difficulty to even casual players from all the previous power creep. You see, that is the issue I have with the request. That it is all about improved min-maxing. About freeing up power slots to load up on even more defense, resist, or damage. Nevermind how easy the game already is. Which was the driving factor in the creation of the Hard Mode content. Which with more power slots to better optimize their characters, will eventually get to the point of even that not being a challenge. Edit: And by the way, Maneuvers is +DEF (All), not +Def (Some). Edit: You might be surprised by the things you can pair up when you don't chase the Holy Quad. You may not as well. Just saying there are lots of options for character building when you don't limit yourself to the Holy Quad.
  11. There is Hover, Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, Stealth, and Infiltration also available. There are more defensive options than just Weave. And except for Weave, you can grab all of them without any prerequisites. Defense options galore.
  12. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Set_Bonuses#The_Law_of_Fives
  13. Let's take a look at that. I can't find Brawl on CoD, so just going to use Mids for this. Brawl (on a Scrapper): 22.52 smashing damage 2 second recharge 0 END cost -20% ToHit debuff, but only if you have either Boxing or Kick -10% recharge debuff, but only if you have Boxing or Kick Boxing (on a Scrapper): 49.92 smashing damage 57.41 smashing damage if you also have Kick 64.9 smashing damage if you also have Kick and Cross Punch 2.5 second recharge 4.42 END cost Mag 2 Stun for 4.77 seconds with a 10% chance of triggering Mag 2 Stun for 7.152 seconds with a 100% chance of triggering if you also have Kick Mag 3 Stun for 4.77 seconds with a 35% chance of triggering if you also have Kick Kick (on a Scrapper): 55.18 smashing damage 63.46 smashing damage if you also have Boxing 71.73 smashing damage if you also have Boxing and Cross Punch 3 second recharge 4.94 END cost 15% chance of scoring a KD Looks like 30% chance of scoring a KD if you also have Boxing -3% END to all targets with 100% chance if you also have Cross Punch -5% REC to all targets for 4 seconds with 100% chance if you also have Cross Punch Street Justice: Initial Strike (on a Scrapper): 57.81 smashing damage 3 second recharge 4.37 END cost Mag 2 Stun for 7.152 seconds with a 10% chance of triggering Street Justice: Heavy Blow (on a Scrapper): 79.83 smashing damage 5 second recharge 6.03 END cost 30% chance of scoring a KD I may be biased, but that doesn't look at all crappy to me.
  14. Personal attacks do not help you. Please stop.
  15. Probably instead of a new teleport to MM power since we already have 3, maybe have the pet recall get fixed so that when the pets are supposed to teleport to the MM they actually do? Edit: And maybe revert MM pet AI? I would rather they stupidly stand in the damage patches requiring me to move them than fleeing cross-country because someone dropped caltrops. Edit again: Better yet, fix the flee mechanic so pets and enemies stop fleeing cross-country because someone dropped some caltrops. Have them flee out of the damage patch and then stop running away. And not bother fleeing debuff patches.
  16. You mean this as a "they can't possibly agree to this" defense, but I can live with it. Easily. You should brace for the rest of the community though.
  17. Why imagine? Run incarnate content. Your pets are at your MM's level.
  18. As a permanent "temp" power that gives the character an ability without having to give up a power slot for it, they should never be able to slot any enhancements.
  19. Considering the defense values of Combat Jumping and Hover? Weave would most likely have its bonus cut in half to be equal to them.
  20. I never take Hasten. Ever. And any change that lets players more optimize their characters is very much power creep. They are attacks. They have their use. Boxing can stun. Boxing is guaranteed to stun if you also have Kick. Kick can do KD. It goes up to 40% chance to KD if you also have Boxing. They do less damage than a melee AT's own attacks, but that is because they are power pool attacks. And their END cost is fairly low at 4.42 and 4.94 respectively.
  21. Teleport Target has you covered. Works great for recalling stuck pets and fleeing pets. Slow pets are already supposed to teleport to you when you get too far away. Edit: You can also buy Assemble The Team from P2W/T2V. Or grab Incan' as your incarnate power.
  22. No. Edit: The pools are weakest powers are accessible first, then better powers. You are asking to invert that. That is like asking to get your primary pool power's nuke at 1st level.
  23. The Fighting pool is not "near mandatory" for any builds. It is part of the Holy Quad, and that is the meta, but it is not even remotely mandatory or necessary for anything in the game. Nothing will change my mind short of actual proof of content that requires players take the Fighting pool or be guaranteed to fail at it. (And before anyone cites PvP, I mean actual game content. Missions/arcs the characters do. [Edit: And you can't just crank up the difficulty. The difficulty has to be +0/x1. So show me a mission where at +0/x1, it is impossible to do without the Fighting pool by any character. Then I might accept that it is "near mandatory".]) No more inherent power pools.
  24. I really need a CoT Behemoth fishing in one of my bases. The regular NPC doing so at a lake of fire makes no sense, and replacing him would be great.
  25. I was going to make a new thread requesting an eye roll emoji, but decided to do a search instead. I second this request. Sorry for this being a necro, but it is what I was going to make a thread for. Please give us an eye roll or a groan or a face palm emoji. Thanks. (Edit: There are just times when no other response will do. Sorry.) (Edit again: And I mean as a reaction emoji we can apply to other's post please.)
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