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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. You mean like I could just make a Defender instead of a Corruptor or just make a Tanker instead of a Brute? I am well aware that the proposed AT is functionally a Blapper. Just like a Defender functionally is a Corruptor. The difference is what are the primaries versus the secondaries, what is the inherent and how does it function, and when and what powers populate the power sets. Blappers don't get armors in either their primary or secondary power sets, whereas option 1 for this AT does. Blasters don't get mez protection in either their primary or secondary power sets, both options for the proposed AT do. Blasters can attack while mezzed, the proposed AT can't. Blasters would realistically have a higher base damage for their ranged attacks than the proposed AT too. And Stalker's don't get ranged attacks in either their primary or secondary power sets. The proposed AT is an inverse Blaster. Says so in the OP. Just with a different mix of powers and a different inherent.
  2. Okay, I know KW isn't active for contacts, mobs, and missions, but if it were to become so, I have a weird idea for an event for it: Giant monster. What is so weird about that? It's not ye olde typical bag of HP for players to beat into oblivion. Here's how it works: Pick a faction. I was thinking Coralax, but they cap out well below level 50. So I was thinking maybe Nictus instead then. Said faction launches an assault on Khallisti Wharf with the aid of a giant monster (created that is appropriate for the faction). I was thinking maybe the awakened Leviathan, but it doesn't awaken, it would be entirely too big since it is basically Sharkhead Isle, and the Coralax that would be needed for the rest of this don't get high enough in level. So now you have this giant monster attacking from the ocean. Ahead of the giant monster are waves upon waves of faction mobs assaulting almost the entire coastline of the zone. Leading some of these assaults are trigger AVs, though they could also just be EBs or bosses, or even upgraded to monsters instead if needed to be stronger. Until all of the trigger AVs are defeated, the giant monster cannot be harmed. Say the giant monster is shielded by magic (or a force field depending on the faction) that is sustained by the trigger AVs. Once the trigger AVs are all down, the players have a set window where they can attack the giant monster until new trigger AVs make it to Khallisti Wharf and renew the giant monster's defense. Like with Lord Winter (Winter Lord?) and his Guardian, except backwards. Easy enough? This is where it gets weird, overly complicated, or both. Now, all the while the players are hunting down trigger AVs or attacking the giant monster, waves upon waves of faction mobs are still attacking Khallisti Wharf. They would be opposed in part by both PPD and Longbow, who would also be spawning waves of defenders. Either those defenders could function like the Longbow and Arachnos forces in the Galaxy City tutorial, or even better, they could have forces that function like in the tutorial and have established defense points. Those points would be under assault by the picked attacking faction, just not any of the trigger AVs or this would be too simple. If any of those points fall, that's it. They're gone. If any of those points are saved by the players, they're good. No more faction assaults on those points until the next wave of trigger AVs is spawned. If you lose all the established defense points, event is partially failed, even when the giant monster is defeated. Because the surviving mobs go to ground in Khallisti Wharf and Longbow and the PPD are stuck trying to ferret them out. If the giant monster is driven out and any of the established defense points survived, event ends, attacking mobs retreat, players win. And yes, unlike other giant monsters that die when you defeat them, this one retreats when its HP hits 0. Why? Partially because I like how Sally just retreats when her health hits 0 (every time she is hit), I think it would be a nice change of pace, and it gives an opening for an arc, TF, or trial to find where the giant monster is and actually defeat it there. So! I know this was a lot to read and is an overly complicated event that depends on an existing but inactive zone to become active, but what do the rest of you think?
  3. The intent was to meet @Saiyajinzoningen's request for more red side zones. I am avoiding stipulating what that zone has for a reason. Blue side can have its creepy zones and it fits. Red side can have whatever zones the devs decide. The reason why red side has so few zones is because blue side having so many zones was a problem for a not insignificant portion of the player base back on Live. New zones for red side, particularly if it is a high level zone, can greatly expand red side's storytelling without having to rewrite an existing zone. Or Khallisti Wharf could finally be populated with contacts, mobs, and missions to make use of an already available co-op zone that has seen no development I am aware of so far.
  4. Or, instead of taking something away from blue side or trying to convert it into a 'co-op' where the red siders would be actively working against the blue siders by means of aiding the Red Caps (which functions more like a PvP zone than a co-op zone where they do the same missions with each other), how about just making some more zones for red side with their own stories? I know, I know. That would be a lot more work for the devs. However, Croatoa is already established as a hero zone, it makes no sense for even the PC villains to aid the Red Caps, and changing a zone still requires a lot of dev work anyway. So I say, how about just more red side zones?
  5. Or even getting them to spawn where they are supposed to on a regular basis. Select back for placement, and they can still spawn somewhere in the middle away from any of the map ends, or sometimes even at the front. (And I'm talking about indoor maps. I know outdoor maps don't have front, middle or back.)
  6. Thank you for the interest in the proposed AT. However, Super Reflexes has the innate increasing resist ability, though as your health drops rather than as you attack. Same as the scaling defense IO. I'd rather avoid the overlap with the two. Especially since Option 1 of the proposed Striker AT would also potentially include a super reflexes-based power set as a primary option. Nice idea though. Do you have any other insights/feedback into the proposed AT?
  7. You don't need a large team to see if the support character is going to be fun. Find a player or two to run with you on the test server. Are you having fun supporting them? If yes, then odds are you will still have fun supporting a large team or even a league. If no, then odds are you won't still have fun supporting a large team or league. Sampling works. Edit: Sure, having larger teams is better for testing, but there is not much difference in supporting teams regardless of size in my experience.
  8. OP argument: player made a character, got the character to 50, found out does not like the character after 50 levels. People don't seek out playing 'sub-par sets', which none of the power sets really are depending on play style, and wasn't even part of the discussion since the discussion was about a character being not fun to play after 50 levels, but obviously players still find characters they design to not be that fun. A ready solution to avoid being in that position exists in the test server where you can make that character, immediately jump to level 50, immediately slot that character with enhancements for free, and so see if the planned character will be as fun as imagined. It has nothing to do with planning to have a character you don't enjoy. It instead has everything to do with test driving the character for fun. Your argument is as broken as ever. Avoid me if you want. Ignore me if you want. I'm going to call bullshit every time I see it. Edit: Also, by saying the ability to avoid being in a position where after playing a character for 50 levels by being able to play the character immediately at level 50 is an insufficient fix and a new fix is required, you are indeed claiming the complete rebuild of the character to include power sets, and in your request, origin as well, is a need. By claiming the already available option is not sufficient so a new one is needed, you are claiming there is a need. @Greycat's comment is correct. From you: The available options are insufficient. If they weren't there would be no need to ask for one that is. There's that word. "Need". You say it is needed. Instead of something like "Yes, the test server is available, but I would like added options to deal with this" which would have not proclaimed the OP to be a need. See the difference? You presented it as a need instead of a desire. And we already have the means of completely avoiding being in that situation, so it is not a need.
  9. My pets still don't follow me in my bases.
  10. So the option to completely avoid the need for a late development respec into completely new power sets on your character at no cost to the player or character, is insufficient? And yes, it would be no cost because you can make a level 50 character on the test server and slot that character with full IOs. And if you are inclined to argue that time is also a resource, then I would also point out that the time involved is also a requirement for playing the character to level 50 before finding out you don't like it. And you spend less time on the test server getting to that point to find out. Do you have any idea how ludicrous that sounds? The option to prevent being in a situation where you have a high level character that you don't enjoy is available, but it is not sufficient? Because why? You don't want to use the test server?
  11. Well, that is the gist of what the OP is asking for. And as has been stated in several responses, there are options available to players for making sure the character they intend is going to be fun. If those players don't want to make use of the already available options? That's on them.
  12. There's a point I hadn't thought of. Which brings us back to the test server. If you want to avoid the situation of having a character you don't find fun, make it on the test server and auto-level up to test it. It doesn't even need the bio or character costume/design. Just run default character from the creator with your chosen power sets at your chosen level and give it a go. No fun? You invested nothing in it other than the time it took to use the test server's tools.
  13. Aside from the comments already posted in response? There is the consideration, which has also been posted in this thread, that the request is likely not even possible.
  14. Scirocco going hero was supposed to provide this. And his redemption arc looked interesting from the available cut scenes on YouTube. I would like Scirocco's redemption arc to be finished, both because it would provide what the OP is asking for and because I really want to play that arc. Edit: I realize that data probably no longer exists, but I can hope.
  15. I mostly get what you are saying. Mostly. I need to point out that commonly used macros and binds can be stored in a word processor file of any kind to simplify the process, just tweak the character as needed. Saving and loading costumes isn't anything at all, the game does all the work other than clicking the buttons for you. Where you lose me at is the level to 50 and respec. You plan your characters to require a respec when you hit level 50?! Like, that is an intentional thing you do with your characters?! And as has already been pointed out in the thread: origins, ATs, and power sets are locked in the character. If this has changed, an announcement from the devs would be appreciated. (Also, just because your character starts doing things differently doesn't change how and why your character first came into being with their starting abilities. You started out as a science origin character and picked up magic along the way? Just like the super strength character that finds and starts using a sword, you're still a science-oriented character. The science-granted abilities you had didn't just go away, you can just also use magic now. Unless the magic completely transformed you into something/someone else. In which case you are a new character, so make a new character. You started out as a technology origin character and you suddenly pick up a mutation? If you still use the technology you started with, then you are still a technology origin character, you just now also have one or more mutant powers to help as well. If you abandoned the technology you used? It is still there, ready and waiting for you to go back and use it. It didn't suddenly just disappear because you now prefer to use your new mutations. If you lost access to your technology? Then you are a new character, so make a new character.)
  16. Article 1 Heading 4 Subsection 3 of the Cottage Rule. I like that. Anyways, I'm actually for the OP. I use Provoke on a few of my characters too. If it had better duration, that would be nice.
  17. Tonfa can also be used for trip and takedown attacks. So a new set could include knockdown attacks as part of its combo system. Something the Dual Blades set can't do without procs. (It also lacks the correct animations for the maneuvers.)
  18. So do to Dual Blades what was done with the other melee weapon sets. Create a Stick Fighting set that is similar to but slightly different from Dual Blades. Edit: Personally, while I admit it would be more work, I think taking the Dual Blades set, cloning it, slightly changing it, and making that a new Stick Fighting set would be a better option than just re-skinning Dual Blades' weapons to include tonfas.
  19. Her movements are still a monkey's bounding, not a horse galloping. Impressive though. Edit: Doesn't beast run already do what she is doing in the video?
  20. Are you kidding? That is an entirely different type of strut than the author is asking for. The author is asking for quadrupedal movement, specifically equine movement. Are you now trying to tell me that a human physique is capable of that kind of motion?
  21. Still means a bipedal human model can't gallop or strut.
  22. When the TF was released at launch of game, the Mech Men were not new. As per the wiki (https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Council/Robots): Zenith Mech Man Zenith Mech Man Vandal, the genius behind the Council's technology, created his first robots during the 1940's. He's been improving on them ever since. Now known as the Zenith Mech Men, these tough and deadly machines are 100 times more dangerous than their predecessors of 60 years ago. Modern Mech Men have tough, thick armor, redundant systems that resist damage, and a powerful onboard AI that makes them faster and smarter than most human soldiers. When you are sent after them, they are a vastly upgraded model. They are "new" in that they are a new model of the robots. There are players that would say this is a good thing since it means you can steamroll the streestweep and be done quickly. Why would the Freakshow have any role in the TF? You are raiding active Council bases. If the Freakshow took the base over, then it is obviously not an active Council base and would likely have had any data you were sent to retrieve wiped or moved to another location. (Edit: Neither would the Freakshow or any other faction have the requisite Council data disc you need to find from the streetsweep.) Vandal is noted as being a roboticist and tinkerer. The Council is not known for being involved in investigating the Well of the Furies. The Council pursues incarnate power by going to Cimerora and dealing with the ancient Nictus there. For that matter, the Well isn't even addressed in the story until later. The earliest SF I know of that references incarnate power sends you after the Flames of Prometheus, not the Well of the Furies. And the Nemesis plot TF about incarnate power is about Pandora's Box, which is a repository of Zeus' power, not the Furies. I'm all for cleaning up the legacy TFs. Some are just overly long with all their filler missions. I would advocate not changing the stories of those TFs though. New TFs can be made to address the things you want to see.
  23. No, they really can't. A little crack in a hoof does not allow for wielding weapons. It does not even allow for basic gripping of large objects. The reason why tool using creatures in any depiction don't have hooves for hands is because hooves are not suited to wielding tools. Tentacles or psuedopods? They work. Hands with opposable thumbs regardless of number of fingers? They work. Claws (edit: as in pincers)? Can at least hold a tool, though they would need something else to enable them to use anything like a trigger on any human designed gun. A basically reinforced toe? Doesn't work. Just leave it at the interaction is ignored like if you give your character hook hands for both hands.
  24. The way a quadruped can move and the way a biped (using human base form) can move on all fours isn't the same. How do you propose making a bipedal form moving on all fours gallop or strut? Edit: Look at limb arrangement for instance. A horse's forelimbs bend back the way our legs do, and their hind limbs bend forward the way our arms do. Our limbs are arranged opposite in joint layout of each other. So a bipedal form using a human base does not have the range of limb movement necessary to emulate a strut or gallop.
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