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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. My guess is Resistance-Loyalist. However, I thought you could still change that by doing the single player alignment missions in Ouroboros.
  2. Adding the text to the bars would be a nice option. I would rather it be an option rather than a universal change to the bars though. I prefer my bars textless.
  3. 😮 Maybe it shouldn't be hidden like that then? I never knew there was a filter there. Edit: It's not actually hidden. It is right there as a search box. Guess I just never noticed it before.
  4. Just as a heads up, I've found Unrelenting from the Presence pool to be a very nice heal, over time actually, for my Brute. Plugs the lack of heal hole. Edit: Also, there is Aid Self from the Medicine pool.
  5. One thing I would request you consider though? While I know ghosts and apparitions are ethereal, saying it is an ethereal blast set doesn't invoke that imagery to me. I would recommend a name like "Spirit Blast" or "Spectral Blast" if the set summons apparitions with all its attacks. Or not. <Name> Blast as a name doesn't really invoke spectral summoning to me. *shrug*
  6. Not since before the changes. Not a fan of the Necromancy power set. It and the Beast Mastery set put me to sleep every time I try them.
  7. Apologies. My misunderstanding.
  8. And this was my contention: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/entity.html?entity=pets_enslaved_specter My concern is that despite how others may tell me that the specters are not that good, their listed stats in City of Data is actually very good. A Mag 4 taunt for 6.8 seconds built into their only attack which does not terrible damage at 17.0767 negative damage (for an auto-summoned pet) per hit which has a 1.1 base accuracy and they can use it every 2 seconds as a 90 second duration pet. (I can't really make sense of their Fade power which is supposed to kill them over time.) As contrasted to Fire Blast's DoT of 9.3842 fire damage every second for 3.1 seconds after a half second delay but only affects the single hit target. I wasn't going to respond further to this thread. You had made your argument and I was only asking if you would be fine with a penalty. Your edit to your preceding comment is what prompted me to respond again. I'm not trying to argue against the OP. I don't really care. The idea sounds fun. I'm just worried about balance. So whatever. I asked a question. Now I posted why I asked it. Not going to try and change your mind, just explaining my side of this discussion. I don't have a horse in this race.
  9. *shrug* I asked you if you would be fine with that, the answer is obviously "no".
  10. If the devs had further increased the costs of MM attacks and/or further reduced the damage of MM attacks as part of making them more appealing to the players to choose, then they would have needed their sanity checked. The pets were added to help bring the MM attacks more in line with other sets despite MMs relying on their pets for most combat. Because you are drawing specifically from a MM power set rather than the other way around as was my take on the MM AT's creation, my take is that the END cost would be higher and the damage lower to account for auto-summoning pets that in turn also attack and inflict damage. I'm not saying the END cost would need to be as high as MMs or the damage as low as MMs, but given the advantage of auto-summoning pets to do further damage to your foes, this seems like a fair trade off to me. Otherwise, why bother with any other set when this new set gives you not only added damage like Fire's DoT, but does so in the form of pets that are free to attack all enemies for 90 seconds each.
  11. I thought only the Necromancy dark blast attacks got this. So that is what I am using as reference since that was an improvement on MM attacks that may not have been specifically asked for, but was in general asked for.
  12. Would you be willing to accept the inflated END cost and reduced damage of every power in the set like MMs get to balance this out?
  13. Primalists were a proposed shape-shifting Epic Archetype that featured a mix of damage, enemy debuffs, and ally buffs, depending on your current form. Although the power sets had been defined, Positron confirmed at the game's closure that plans for the Primalist Archetype had been scrapped due to its complexity. Edit: So no, they got as far as defining the power sets, and that was it. (Above statement pulled from linked Primalist page.)
  14. Why are you limiting a melee-based AT to just weapons? Why can't weaponless sets also be included? As a nature-linked AT, elemental non-weapon attacks make sense as well. Also, Darkness Control only has 1 pet, I don't count Haunt since it is a single target power. And the pets between MM sets and Controller sets are built differently. You may want to re-visit the pets. Without the MM pet upgrades, the MM pets in this AT will be sorely lacking. And the Darkness Control pet will need constant summoning even if nothing kills it. So my recommendations? Don't limit the AT to weapon sets and take another look at your pet plan.
  15. If you log out at a day job location, regardless of whether you can get the badge or not due to alignment, you still get progress towards the badge for when you become the correct alignment. That is all day job badges to the best of my knowledge. (Edit: They just may not show if you are the wrong alignment.) Edit again: Also, agreed on Praetorians need to be able to earn their badges. They have train stations. Why isn't there a gold side version of Commuter? (Though I do understand Shop Keeper/Price Gouger. Since Powers Division isn't supposed to be holding a secret ID as a store owner as a full-time law enforcer in a totalitarian society.) Edit x3: For clarification: I am not opposed to the OP. I am just saying I do understand that specific badge being the way it is.
  16. Or mad dash to him to get ahead of the ambushes? Drop him fast.
  17. You're not required to fight the ambushes. You can just go take down the boss and exit the mission via the mission exit button just fine. The ambushes are very much skippable, and that was intentional.
  18. I think it is like the ambushes in that Reischmann TF( or SF?) with all the ambushes. They keep coming until a timer runs out. I know the ambushes from Reischmann finally end after 20 minutes of spawning enemies (since that was how long my friends and I had to camp outside the room smacking 5th Column before they stopped appearing each time we ran it), but I only think the Syndicate ambushes end. (If I can weather the ambushes, I only stay and fight until there is a pause in thugs jumping me, then immediately exit the mission. Never stuck around to see if there were any more ambushes on their way.) If there is no time limit for the Syndicate ambushes? Then that would be a very good reason for them to not give xp.
  19. I find the lack of xp on those missions' ambushes frustrating too. However, it does feel like you are swamped with a seemingly infinite number of ambushes, at least on the Shen arc. The ambushes do eventually stop, but that is a massive pile of xp being denied gold siders. (Which given how quickly we already out-level everything, especially gold side, I may actually be fine with now that I think about it.)
  20. There is a marked difference between asking for more information about a proposal, especially when the proposal has already been pointed out as lacking justification, and trolling a thread. This thread has not been trolled by anyone. Edit: There is also a difference between pointing out flaws and trolling. This thread still has not been trolled.
  21. I'm still not a fan of the OP, but I do admit, this is an interesting change to it. Especially in light of what the Tsoo are doing in Dark Astoria and how their story progresses when you get to their portion of the arcs and the Palace of Stone Leaves exploration badge fluff text. Tsoo trying to save souls, especially in light of the horror of their incarnate ink and their possible drive for atonement over the measures they took to survive Dark Astoria and fight Mot, this would serve to highlight the honor the Dark Astoria Tsoo tended to exhibit. And with their Ancestor Spirits at risk, gives them added incentive to do so. However! (Yeah, all of you knew there just had to be a "however", didn't you?) If this were to be implemented, then aside from using Tsoo instead of Drudges, I would propose the following changes or considerations: 1) Keep the event corridors short. There are a few escort events like this in CO. And they SUCK. They aren't hard, not even close to being hard, but they are very annoying to do since you have to know where the event enemies are going to spawn from, get ahead of the group, and anticipate where the enemies are going to spawn to avoid failure. Especially since they keep moving without the player and can trigger multiple spawns along the corridor. Not hard in any form, but definitely annoying. The longer the event corridor, the more aggravating the event is likely to be rather than challenging or fun. 2) Instead of having the Drudges, or preferably Tsoo, simply start at the start of the event corridor and proceed along gathering up souls (I still haven't seen), make them be starting points where the Drudges, or preferably Tsoo, already have souls and/or civilians gathered that are under "attack". Once the player(s) arrive, they can start attacking the Banished Pantheon or Knives of Vengeance or Talons of Vengeance assailants to start the actual event. This gives the players more control over when the event starts so they are less likely to find out about it as it is already finishing or failed. 3) Instead of the event possibly constantly being in motion, make the groups stop at waypoints. This gives the Drudges or Tsoo time to recover their position as well as giving players time to finish clearing out ambushes and additional threats along the travel corridor. They may only remain at each waypoint for a set amount of time, but the players can get the group moving earlier than the set time period by speaking to a surviving Tsoo in the group. This of course requires there to still be Drudges or Tsoo alive in the group or the event fails. 4) Once the escortees are free and under way, only the players and the Tsoo are subject to harm from attacks. The souls/civilians are instead subject to capture (like they are in CO's version of this.) Souls/civilians being captured have a window where the BP/KoV/ToV are in the process of subjugating the target via timer bar teleportation. Lose enough souls/civilians to being whisked away, the event fails. This helps reduce the likelihood of a random troll just griefing the event. 5) Tie in consequences to the loss of Drudges, or preferably Tsoo, other than simple event failure. For instance, maybe losing all Tsoo in any given group increases the chances of souls/civilians being abducted by causing them to run away. This is only subject to being triggered in there are also no players within 10 feet of the souls/civilians. If a player can catch up to the fleeing soul/civilian, they can lead them back to the group and continue moving them to the corridor "exit" or recovery point. This will require more than one player to do the event unless that player is able to keep the Tsoo in the group alive. It also gives the player incentive to keep the Tsoo alive as the Tsoo are the primary force keeping the souls/civilians from simply running away and despawning as if captured leading to event failure. Since the Drudges. or preferably Tsoo, will be flagged as allies to the players, players can heal the Tsoo to improve their chances of survival and players cannot grief other players doing the event by killing off the Dudges/Tsoo themselves. (Edit: 6) Make the waypoints have additional souls/civilians being defended by Tsoo that acted as advance scouts for the event. This provides additional Tsoo to compensate for lost Tsoo from previous parts of the event. It also makes the corridor advance more critical since you would have a growing number of targets to protect. Though this may make the event overly cumbersome and annoying.) Just the two cents worth from someone that is still moderately opposed to the OP.
  22. Less crossing over as in First Ward slipping into the spirit world and more trapped as Mot's Dark Astoria doesn't actually have lore links to the spirit world. Rather, his presence traps souls that he feeds on since he is the only member of the Banished Pantheon (as in deific pantheon rather than cultist worshipper faction in CoX) to not actually be banished into the spirit world in any capacity. (Instead he was inside an idol that drove everyone mad to the point of suicide that was brought to Astoria for eventual destruction.) Edit: All of which can just be argued as being semantics anyway. *shrug* I would rather not do as the OP suggests. That's me. I am a single individual. That is merely my opinion.
  23. I'm guessing you mean Echo: Dark Astoria since I don't recall seeing wandering spirits in Mot Dark Astoria. And Echo: Dark Astoria already has Adamastor who can be summoned by the players. Also, while I understand that the Drudges as spirit guides are not constrained to Praetoria but are linked to all dimensions, I would rather not expand them beyond Night Ward. (Edit: Except in possibly a new zone that carries on from where Night Ward leaves off gold side.)
  24. First question: Why would a super hero need to disguise himself/herself as a citizen of Croatoa? They aren't enemy agents attempting to infiltrate hostile territory. Second question: Since all the ghosts in Croatoa are happy to leave Croatoa once the Red Cap influence keeping them bound there is lifted, why would the ghosts even have a giant monster presence? They don't want to be there. At all. Croatoa already has Eochai and Jack in Irons. And if I remember correctly, the war is a separate event from the giant monsters themselves spawning. So I think there can be multiple instances of them in the zone, the pair fighting when they reach the north, and individually at their non-war spawn points. And that isn't even counting when their seasonal event duplicates appear during Halloween. Croatoa is full. The ghosts don't even want to be involved in anything going on there. They say as much in the missions where they actually thank you for enabling them to leave. Edit: And unlike Scrapyard who died fighting Mako while fighting for his fellow Scrapyarders' freedom and is summoned routinely by the Scrapyarders to help keep fighting Cage and Arachnos for their freedom, the Salamanca/Croatoa ghosts don't have a focus to keep them there. They are trapped souls trying to leave, not willing combatants ready and waiting to be called back to take up a fight they have no interest in.
  25. That would be because the ghosts are not aligned with any group in Croatoa and are just trying to break free and move on. Edit: So for clarity's sake: the ghosts are not fighting in the war between the Red Caps, the Tuatha de Dannon, the Firbolg, and the witches. They are like the civilians in the mayhem missions. There, caught in the middle, trying to get out, and vulnerable to being picked on by everyone. (Except that they can fight back and typically think the PCs are involved with their torment.)
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