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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Sure, you can get close on the inhuman colors, but they are always 1 or 2 shades off at best. The blue on the wings and tail in the pic get away with being close but not the same because they are separated by the black shorts and the black wing limbs. The arm is still obviously not the same, though you did an admirable job with it, and I would like to point out that the wing limb itself is black in your example rather than a matching blue, otherwise it would stick out like the arm does. This is because with the exception of black, every color on the costume palette is intentionally not the same as the skin palette. Simply close.
  2. Problem being that confuse stacks. I don't know if WoC itself can be made specifically to not stack, I'm not a dev. Only they can answer that. (If Stun also stacks but Oppressive Gloom ignores that, then I would guess WoC could be configured the same way. I don't typically use Stuns, so I don't know their mechanics.) Though I do like your suggestion.
  3. They could also just make Ouroboros (and Pocket D) flag players AFK and log them off like every other zone. Then you don't have to edit the zone, just turn off the AFK suppression flag.
  4. In the 40-50 hero tip mission Miss Thystle's Plea, the mission entrance post says "You can hear the sounds of desperate battle deep with these caves. Off in the distance you can hear Miss Thystle calling your name." It should be within, not with.
  5. This was already reported. The shards only have mobs of level 35+, so when the Geodes of lower level are defeated, they spawn the level 35s. We're waiting for a fix still.
  6. Would it be possible to proliferate some of the office wall art to SG/VG bases? Right now, we have a whopping 2 decent sized wall paintings and 1 abstract wall art. So if you're making an office style base, a non-comic con style restaurant base, or anything else with any class, you have a LOT of 2 whole paintings adorning your walls. Everything else is a wall-mounted photo, old comic covers, and now some recruitment posters. Not really helpful for making a nice interior.
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  7. I understand that the skin option and the costume options are not overlapped to prevent people from playing naked characters, but it is phenomenally annoying that skin tails and wings are not allowed to use the skin palette. Even using inhuman skin colors cannot be matched unless you use black. Can wings and tails be allowed to use the skin palette? Maybe just throw a button on those two menus to toggle between color palettes? Or include a skin option on the obviously flesh wings and tails?
  8. It seems to be a debuff thing. My /radiation emission MM and /dark miasma MM cause every mob in the group most times, and especially bosses and higher, to immediately run away, often all the way across the instance map aggroing everything along the way, as soon as I drop a debuff toggle on the boss. And yes, it is ridiculous. "Wait, Nosferatu! It's just 1 debuff! You're at EB status! You can handle it!" "Come back, Romulus! It's just one debuff! You're an AV for crying out loud!!!! Why are you running away?!" Most times? My pets don't even attack because they are in bodyguard mode and the enemies all just ran away.
  9. How many of them had group teleport turned off and the prompt teleport option turned off with it?
  10. Except the OP was for World of Confusion being a bad power. (Which is not a bug and the post should not have been here.) The bit about xp was a tangent from me about why I don't take confuse powers. That does not make the post or my comment a flag that confuse powers reducing xp based on damage from confused enemies is a bug. It was a tangent that came up as part of the discussion and is already known by those that commented on it, including me when I first made the tangential comment, as a known and properly working game mechanic. The problem with the OP was that it gave no information as to what was wrong. So I entered the discussion after the reason for the post was finally disclosed to point out how confusing it was. Which led into the reduced xp tangent, which again, is already known to be working as intended. (It does not stop me from thinking confuse powers are a waste of time if you are trying to level, but that is an opinion and not relevant to the OP. So let's not go down that tangent again....)
  11. No one is saying the reduced xp is a bug, Zork.
  12. That would be the crux of the problem though. I never seemed to do any real damage. Maybe 10% of their health tops before the group finished killing them. I admit I am terrible at controllers, but there you go. I don't use confuse past the starting levels because it never works out for me. And as soon as I can respec out of the confuse because I'll have a mass hold or stun at that level when I exemplar down, I do.
  13. (I'm not saying I want enemies defeated by confused enemies to give me xp/inf'. I'm saying that is why I avoid confuse powers and was what I thought was the original complaint. Sorry for any confusion.)
  14. Yeah... that is not what I thought you were upset about. At least now I do. I thought you were upset that the group confused mobs attacking each other awards less xp and inf' than if you attacked them without the confuse, even to 0 xp and inf' if the confused group ganks one of their own before you actually hurt it. It's why I avoid group confuse powers, or confuse powers in general, is because I've gotten tired of getting half xp/inf' or less for the mobs doing way better damage to each other than my controller can to the group.
  15. I've seen it happen once on a new character in Mercy Island. Was wondering how I clicked the recipe "button" on the right side of my screen when the P2W window was on the left side of the screen. Attributed it to being too tired, and it never happened again. Don't know why it happens, but am glad to know I am not the only one to experience it.
  16. Right, the devs are supposed to figure it out. Forget I asked. Sorry.
  17. So... uhm... how would you propose disabling a power effect during the active duration? Mobs are spawned as combat (friendly/hostile) or non-combat. Without requiring a de-spawn of the target, which can shift the target to a completely different part of the map when the non-combat version spawns, how do you propose this be addressed? A power that turns off confuse when an enemy shifts from hostile to friendly can cause confuse to become useless as it keeps getting flagged to turn off because the confused target changed alignments like it should.
  18. I can't speak for the devs, but I always figured the domination bar was built up by the dominator's actual domination powers, not any pools powers, epics, or what have you. The fact a few other powers also build up domination always felt more like a happy accident. The problem with domination is that when you read it, it reads a lot like fury in that it grows every time you attack. Except it only actually seems to grow when you use a mez specific power. I agree that domination needs some clarification, and I would greatly appreciate actually knowing what affects a dominator's domination bar, but as I said, I always just figured it was the dom's primary mez powers and possibly their secondary attacks.
  19. That has actually been happening since Live. The restriction keeps bosses spawning upon map load as lieutenants. So that part works. However, lycanthrope bosses are still bosses, just forced into being lieutenants because of a toggle. So when the transformation happens, the boss, downgraded though he may be, is still a boss spawning a replacement boss. And the toggle does not affect new spawns. It's just something most solo players that don't willingly fight bosses have learned to watch for and fight through.
  20. I've seen this bug like twice. Across both Live and HC. Basically, you damaged one or both Hercules Titans in a single spawn enough that it triggers a merge, like you said. The two Titans get close enough to start the merge, animation starts, but one of the Hercules finishes being destroyed at start of animation. Game goes "Wait a minute, can't summon the Zeus with a single Hercules" and the summon does not happen. Normally, this results in a single visible remaining Hercules that continues the fight. However, if the timing is close enough, both Hercules have started their de-spawn so the game can summon the Zeus. Since the summon is aborted, the partially de-spawned Hercules remains to fight as it is supposed to since the Zeus does not spawn, but it is not rendered because it is also not supposed to be there any more since the summoning animation for the Zeus has already started. Voila, invisible Hercules Titan remains to try to rip your face off. Since both times this happened to me I was on an MM, my pets didn't care it was invisible and still smashed it. I'm not sure this problem can be fixed though, since it is a very specific window of time under very specific circumstances that it happens.
  21. I can see how that would be a problem for other powers, but I don't get why you would even need to use that command when summoning pets. Pets already summon at cursor location when you use the power. Having a macro to summon pets is the same as just using the power icon. You click it or hit number key, you place the cursor where you want and click to summon at chosen location. For that matter, targetable AoEs work the same way. Having the command work as intended is good, yes, and the discrepancy you point out needs to be fixed, but why bother with the command when it is already built into the power anyway?
  22. Given the animation, brief rooting makes sense. Does Conductive Shield also root? They have the same animation. If not, then someone goofed and one or the other needs to be fixed. If so, then it is because of the animation.
  23. Unfortunately, that is how confuse works. Friends are enemies and enemies are friends. You confused him as an enemy so he became a friend. When his health hit the trigger point, he became a friend, so you became an enemy because he was still confused. It's why using confuse on mobs that go friendly during combat is so tricky. With any mob that starts an enemy, gets confused, and then switches to friendly while confused, (s)he will resume attacking you because the confuse prompts him/her to do so. Retreating until confuse wears off or avoiding using confuse alleviates the problem. Regardless, this is not actually a bug, but how the power works.
  24. I don't know why City of Data says Self only for the standard effect for presents. The activation data lists everything the inspiration affects.
  25. Look at the Team defense inspiration. It reads the exact same as the presents for everything except Entities Affected and Entities Autohit (which both read the same for their respective inspiration). Team says Entities Affected/Autohit: Player Teammate (Alive), Self. So it buffs those on your team within range and you. Now Presents says Entities Affected/Autohit: Ally (Alive), Self. It buffs all allies within range and you. Presents were never meant to buff just the user, they always buffed all players (and allied NPCs with a lower priority) with a limit of 16 targets buffed.
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