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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. And that is what I disagree with.
  2. Note to self: stop eating lava. Leave it to @Luminara to find or be the exception to what I thought was a rule. 😄
  3. If you want a multi-element set that has magic themed animations? I'll support you. If you insist on calling it Sorcerous Blast, Magic Blast, Arcane Blast, Mystic Blast, or anything else of that nature while having magic-themed power names and magic themed animations, I oppose it. As has been stated in other threads, I can support a Primal Forces set, a Chaos set, or anything else that is not so overtly specifically magic but still uses magic animations, but not a strictly magic power set.
  4. The spot being shown seems to be the south island of the lake in Croatoa. Sally swims a figure eight (sort of) in that lake.
  5. That makes no sense to me. At all. First, the weather at the Rogue Isles is not doom and gloom mirroring evil. Nerva Archipelago and St. Martial are just as bright and sunny as anywhere in Paragon City for instance. Second, just because Grandville suddenly gets a sunny day does not mean the place is any less the home of Arachnos and villainy. It just means that Grandville's oppressive and fortified design is easier to see. Or would be if Grandville itself was not already so well lit as it is. And weather has nothing to do with whether or not a character is evil, good, or other. I can see things moving because of a disaster, even a weather-based disaster, but not just because there is a weather change. Nor would it cause aquatic entities like the Coralax to mingle with subterranean entities like the Pumicites, especially since the Pumicites hail from regions as extremely hostile to the Coralax as to humans. Lava is just as bad for the Coralax as it is for the rest of us. The difference here is that the Valentine's event and the Halloween event are still recognized by most people. Even in cultures that don't have these holidays, they at least know the holidays exist and are celebrated in American culture and to an extent, general European culture as well. Adding an event that does not conform to such a basis is fine, but it should still conform to the lore of the game or expand upon the lore of the game. And the OP does not. It simply ignores the lore of the game.
  6. If you want to try a test, try slotting your Protector Bots with level 52 SOs.
  7. The level of the enemies in a mission does not affect the levels of the pets a MM summons. That is one of the complaints some MM players have, that enemies grow in difficulty but MM pets do not match.
  8. Then please explain what you mean. Because the actual OP does not mention it being an option, it seems to be a mandate to force players to have to contend with extra ambushes if they even dare sneeze in their missions. Which reads like you are trying to force others to play the way you want. And if it is an option instead, then congrats, you just turned TFs and SFs into massive farms. Both interpretations I see are bad. So if you mean something other than those two possibilities, please enlighten us.
  9. First, why would a weather pattern change how easily it is to change character alignment? Second, you are changing the lore of the factions to suit your purposes. For instance, the Coralax aren't found inland because they are an aquatic people. That's like saying the merfolk hold celebrations in the middle of the Sahara. Third, introducing a mechanic that sends characters to random locations where they are likely to die, i.e. sending a level 10 into the heart of Grandville, is not something I want in the game. I'm hoping I'm not the only one that feels this way.
  10. Speed run TFs/SFs annoy me, but I understand that other players may not have the time to defeat most/all in missions, let alone TFs and SFs. Some players prefer to shorten the missions as much as possible rather than get bogged down fighting everything. And stealthy players want to be able to make use of their stealth and not be punished for it by being told that they still have to go back and wipe out the map anyway. (I'm one of those stealthy players annoyed by not being able to stealth things because of mission requirements.) It isn't cheating, it is their preferred approach to the game.
  11. If a team wants to speed their TF/SF, let them. If you don't, form your own team and tell everyone it is not a speed run beforehand. Trying to force others to play the way you want is wrong. And even if you make every objective spawn a mandatory to defeat ambush, solo'ers will still solo the TFs/SFs and speed runners will still speed run their TFs and SFs. Also, calling someone a "motherfucker" for playing a single character (to the best of my knowledge) to reach such a high vet level is uncalled for. Aren't you the one on the 'Suggestion for Incarnate Salvage' thread calling to be able to be incarnate below level 45?
  12. No. Not only is that exceeding the exemplar settings of the game, the game is already ridiculously easy when exemplared down from level 50 even without incarnate powers, let alone incarnate level shifts.
  13. which what? detail explain or it not worth it If you do all 4 initially presented options for the arc, it unlocks a 5th option when you get to the end. You will know you unlocked the final option when you meet a Mender instead of Frostfire at the boat.
  14. Holy hells, WALL OF TEXT. Let's start. First off: What is with you? You do this for every post where you have females listed. Now that pet peeve is dealt with, on to WALL OF TEXT: SG base raids used to be a thing in CoX. They were disabled. SG bases do not have path markers for mobs to follow. Not even MM pets or Controller/Dominator pets can follow their PCs through a SG base. SG bases cannot store inf' for their SG members, so how would they store inf' for raiders? SG bases are not standardized maps. So purchasing maps for them could be problematic for the raiders. Especially since those maps can be altered at any time. (Edit: And also especially since the most elaborate bases build above and/or below their base maps using base items to create their floors, walls, and ceilings. You know, things that won't show up on the base map.) What good is an e-mail notice to offline members if they are at a job where they can't take the time to participate or are asleep? Back on Live before the SG base raids were disabled, they were coordinated by both sides. Why aren't you maintaining that? Your proposal is way over the top complicated. Is that necessary and could it be simpler? Like how base raids used to work. (Assuming pets can be made to work somehow.) Why in the hell would you want to promote expelling players from groups, bitter feelings, and revenge in a game meant to be fun?!
  15. Why would they? If you use a taunt ability/aura on a hostile mob, it is supposed to attack you. If you don't want them to, then take steps to keep them from doing so. It's that simple. Edit: "I'm using a taunt effect and it keeps taunting things, make it stop" is not a reasonable request.
  16. I'll spoil. @50caltech, you need to run the Dr. Stribbling arc several times to unlock a different ending.
  17. It was adding a 7th slot to powers that broke everything.
  18. Yes, there is an Only Affects Self power available for free from START. However, from the sound of it, the author will not want it because it still requires being turned off and on to be used like his/her/their Tanker auras. I could be wrong though.
  19. And even in this case, we have 2 active chat windows as default when we make our characters. So which active chat window with its currently active chat tab does the slash command apply to? Better to just have the person be shown how to edit their tabs.
  20. Even the Vahzilok zombies have full dialogues. It pretty much depends on if say patrols or non-boss spawns are supposed to have dialogue for the mission and what the game decides to pull as the minions in that group. Hells, in one Vahzilok mission I've done, the "boss" leading the attack was an embalmed cadaver on multiple occasions instead of a Reaper because the boss at that time is a minion and the game pulled the cadaver from the pool of minions available.
  21. Superadine and Fixadine are similar drugs with most of their components being the same, but they are not the same drug. I'm chalking that up to convergent evolution rather than Superadine originating from Praetoria. (Note that this does not mean Superadine could not have come from another dimension.) The Destroyers are the Praetorian version of Trolls. They just have more of their minds left over from that subtle difference between Fixadine and Superadine. And yes, there is another dimension you can visit that is all Trolls. I believe you can visit it in 2 different missions, but at the very least you go there once to save them from the Primal Earth Circle of Thorns.
  22. At the end of the arc, Requiem leaves you a message explaining that he was trying to destroy the multiverse as a sort of revenge for the position he put himself in and to end his own suffering. Council Empire Earth was conquered by the Council, not overrun by the Nictus that were turning humans into War Wolves. So it is being led by the Council rather than their Nictus allies, who may not have actually allied with them in that dimension. The lore behind the War Wolves and the Vampyri has been changing over time. Over time the War Wolves were failed Nictus fusions, were punishment for soldiers, were improved troops, and more. Until the lore is finally pinned down and not subject to further change, I doubt we will get information as to why Galaxies, Wolves, and Vampyri are all different but utilize the same source. As I said, I'm open to more lore explaining things in the game, and want it as much as anyone else. However, some of the questions being asked are already (at least partially) answered.
  23. Unless that mental hold does physical harm to your brain, there is nothing to regenerate. The signals are disrupted or stopped, but no physical injury to regenerate occurs. If the gas just drives the oxygen out of your lungs, there is nothing to regenerate. There simply isn't available air to breathe. Let's set aside that being tased is a temporary effect that everyone's body recovers from as the normal flow of electrical signals resumes for a moment. Unless the taser does actual harm to the body, like burning out neurons, you won't be regenerating that either because there is no physical harm. It's just a matter of your body's normal electrical flow resuming after the excess energy dissipates. If you are encased in something, there is nothing to regenerate unless whatever is encasing you did physical harm to you. If it just binds you from moving, regeneration means nothing.
  24. Technically it already exists? In Praetoria, our signature heroes are the villains. It's just that the signature villains you may be looking for are dead. I mean, Belladonna Vetrano and Vanessa Devore exist and seem rather heroic to me, and Riptide is actually trying to do good and look after the people of Praetoria, but basically Praetoria is inverse City of Heroes. (Edit: Obviously not a complete or true reflection, but still.)
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