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Everything posted by Xandyr

  1. careful, he'll go off on you too 😆
  2. Damn dude....chill out. My difficulty is turned up. Maxed actually. I don't use fortify pack. Don't need to. Beasts are soft capped. "Fun" is what, I thought, this game was all about. Guess I was wrong. I will agree that thugs are awesome. I like the fact that you slot slot the uniques in a power like you said. That's icing on the cake. Either way, play what you feel is best. That's fine. That's your prerogative. Straight up highest damage output is thugs/storm. Have fun.
  3. He also asked what is the strongest MM, but perhaps you overlooked that because you were shooting me down. Anyway... "Strongest", here, needs more definition. Are you simply wanting the most survivable? Absolute highest dps? Strongest defenses? Strongest debuffs? Etc etc etc I simply meant to state beasts/time bc: - good damage bc they crit - excellent buffs/debuffs from time - excellent heals/end recovery -can soft cap pets' defense ( without using fortify pack) - excellent team support - nobody ever mentions beasts - mm attacks can be slotted with LOTS of procs - my pets hardly die - perma Chronoshift - fun combo It's universally agreed to go /storm if all you care about is damage. I would pair it with thugs. I had a thugs/storm back on live and it is a potent combo. Either way, I hope the OP finds what suits his style/what he wants and has fun...bc that's what it's all about.
  4. I dunno....my Beast/Time MM is pretty awesome 🤷‍♂️
  5. Glad I could help get some more thoughts planted into your brain lol. I'm actually a Dark/DP/Psychic Defender. I went Psychic just for the extra hold. I have -to hit debuff( -29.53% from Darkest Night), Fearsome Stare, 2 Holds (Petrifying Gaze and Dominate...not to mention the control/soft control that Dark Servant brings to the table) and 2 of my attacks have Devastation: Chance to Hold. I sometimes feel like I'm a controller with all the holds/controls. It comes in handy.
  6. So, you can confirm, on the Live servers, that any Procs that can be slotted will fire, REGARDLESS of which Swap Ammo/Round you're using? This might make me do a respect. I was thinking that the Touch Of Lady Grey would only fire when "standard" ammo is used. If I am using Cold or Fire Ammo, and that Proc will STILL have the chance to fire.....this might be a game changer for me... On a side note, has anyone tested to see if it's actually worth slotting the Procs? Does the chance of damage/debuff/etc outweigh damage you would get by just slotting another IO?
  7. I love bio. My main tank is bio/rad. SOOOO hard to kill. I also have a DM/Bio scrapper and a claws/bio brute. The brute is fun and very resilient. I would imagine as a tank it would only be better....survivability and the changes for range/cone/targets etc for tanks. I would also think stone would be good also.
  8. Xandyr

    Claws brute

    I have a Claws/Bio brute. It's fast, fun, and seems to kill fairly quick.
  9. Can't get Mids to update. I tried updating in Mids, and I even downloaded the Weekly Release in MRBU. It works fine, except when I try to build an Electric Affinity MM. Here's a screenshot. How are you all getting Mids Reborn to allow you to build an Electric Affinity MM? I can build an EA Defender, Corruptor, etc...but not an MM. Nevermind. Finally got it work.
  10. For the life of me, I can't get this to work. I have the Mids Reborn folder on my desktop. When I want to launch it, I click on that folder, then scroll down to Hero Designer.exe, then the builder launches. I followed this : Click Download Weekly Release Click "Source code (zip)" under "Assets" section of most recent Weekly Open downloaded file Extract contents of "MRB-Updates-######" to Mids install folder, overwriting as prompted For a clean install, only extract the "Data" and "Images" folders However, after I open the downloaded file, it'll extract the files to the "Mids Reborn" folder on my desktop. But, when I launch Mids Reborn, it is not updated. Do I need to delete everything associated with Mids, and start all over? I guess I'm an idiot... 🤬
  11. Should I leave mine at "while I'm working" or change it to "idle" (or whatever the other option is). I've left my pc on since Sunday morning and have only gotten 2 units.
  12. Claws/rad perhaps? Anyone?
  13. I started early yesterday. My PC has stayed on the entire time since. I set it to "Full Power" and "While I'm working" and haven't turned my PC off. In about 36 hours, I have received 1 WU for my PC to work on. If it would actually send me these WU's for my PC to work on/solve, I could actually contribute. But no....only 1 in over 36 hours.This is ridiculous.
  14. wow...OVER 9 hours, and STILL haven't gotten the first packet/download. I set mine for FULL POWER and "While I'm Working". About to head to bed, but leaving PC on. Do I need to change a setting or something, or are Folding's servers THAT overwhelmed?
  15. Been a few hours, and it's failed to download a packet...so that's kind of a handicap for those trying to get rewards... my global is Scarlett Angel. When I signed up for Folding, I put HC_ScarlettAngel. If by some unknown act I should actually *FINALLY* be able to download packets and start, will I receive credit towards any of the rewards? Or do I need to go back in and try to edit my Folding name?
  16. Saw the in game message and joined. HC_ScarlettAngel Send some of those packets my way! Set for "full power" and "while I'm working".
  17. Hey all! I normally play Tanks, and have decided it's time for a brute. My main tank is Bio/Rad, and my secondary tank is Rad/Spines. I've also done DA/MA and DA/TW. Knowing that I favor tanks, obviously survivability is a huge factor. With either of my main tanks, I never have to worry about my health. I love high defense,high resists, and high HP/Regen 😁 I've kinda always wanted an Electric Armor toon (I'm a fan of damage auras). So, I figured instead of a tank, I would go with a brute. My top 2 primary choices are either Claws or Mace. I thought for a bit about Katana (+defense would be nice) but the numbers favor Claws or Mace. Mace would help with the potential stuns, but I haven't played Mace (or Claws) since like Issue 4. I could be persuaded to make another Radiation Armor toon. But like I said, I've never played an Electric Armor toon. So, all you Brutes, sell me on a good toon. Claws/Electric Mace/Electric Something else? Thanks in advance!
  18. Tank >Rad Melee >Irradiated Ground does not accept Tank ATOs
  19. Howdy fellow Tankers! I'm thinking it's time for a new tank, and have some ideas about DA/TW and Ice/Claws. I have a DA/MA tank and a Fire/Ice Armor scrapper. The DA tank was very "controllerish"...i.e. everything stayed feared,stunned,or disoriented. The Ice Armor scrapper was....a bit of a let down. So...I'm wondering of these 2 combos, which do you think would be more durable and more fun? I've not played TW yet, and the only Ice Armor TANK I had was an ice/ice tank back on live (never got past 40). I know Ice Armor would be better on a tank, and I think ice/claws might be fun. However, a part of me wants to try out TW since it's supposed to be the end all be all of tank secondaries. The reason I'd pair it with Dark would be to be like the "grim reaper". Anyway, what's your all's thoughts? Pros/cons of each?
  20. I have a thugs/cold, beast/time, mercs/thermal, bots/traps, ninja/time and a necro/dark. Choose a secondary that compliments your primary. Thugs have Leadership and some defense, that's why I chose Cold. Their defenses are capped. Mercs have some resistance (hence my thermal). Beasts have defense, and time offers more defense(and heal). Necro has some resist, and lots of -to hit debuff. Ninjas have a little bit of defense.And of course bots have defense(bubbles from your tier 2). My favorite/most fun to play would be my beasts/time. It's a fun effective set, and the chance to crit is even better. They're pretty sturdy due to what /Time offers. I like the ninja/time, but only when I'm teaming. The rest of the team helps keep aggro off the ninjas, and helps keep them alive. Bots/traps is just easy mode. Thugs/cold gets boring(to me). The Mercs and Necro are shelved. Decently fun, but nowhere near as fun as Beasts. Get the Pet +Defense and +Resists when you can. Those will help a lot. Bodyguard mode helps as well. Just dont go into MMs thinking that you're gonna be unstoppable. You're not. Your pets will die at times (even my capped Thugs or Beasts die occasionally). The biggest thing is just have fun.
  21. I have a Bio/Rad and a Rad/spines tank. It's hard to say which is better because I enjoy both. However, I personally like my Bio/Rad better since he was the first tank I played since we came back Home. I love being able to switch from Offensive Adaptation (which I stay in 95% of the time) to Defensive Adaptation (for when things get REALLY bad). With Bio, you can build it to have so-so resists and capped Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative Energy defense (with Smash/lethal pushing 40% and Psi around 32%). That's in OFFENSIVE ADAPTATION by the way. The kicker is your heals and Regen. When I'm in a mob, I can regen around 195 HP/Sec. I've hit 220+ hp/sec before. It almost makes you feel like a God. The downside? No resists to Defense Debuffs and Regeneration. So, either take those enemies out first, or switch to Defensive and keep an eye on your health. Now, the Rad/Spines is STOUT. If you're in a fire farm, you can literally walk away, fix a drink, smoke a cigarette, come back, and you'll be surrounded by dead mobs. Capped resists goes a long way. I made this one because I wanted ALL THE AGGRO, and the fact that I can debuff enemies and heal my teammates. I didn't realize at the time just how strong Radiation Armor was. I will throw this out there as well...I teamed with a friend that was running his Rad/Spines tank, and I was on my Bio/Rad tank. He died once, and I never came close to dying. A lot of it depends on what set bonuses you go for and how you build your tank. Have fun!
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