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Everything posted by Xandyr

  1. 🤯 BLASPHEMY!!! HERESY!! YOU....YOU...YOU HEATHEN!!! Thou must go forth and roll a Bio tank now. Perhaps the Lord will find it in his heart to forgive such disgrace. And thanks for the compliment 😉
  2. Recently got my Shield/Ice tank slotted out (nowhere near getting all my incarnates, but that's another story). Gotta admit....I've been pleasantly surprised with Shield. AND Ice for that matter. Ice Melee has a decent amount of AoE. I do love to get in the middle of a group, hit Frozen Aura (slotted with a Fury Of The Gladiator: Chance for Resistance Debuff), then hit BU, Shield Charge, Frost, Frozen Aura, Freezing Touch....LOTS of AoE goodness. Plus, I've found that Ice is typically less resisted. Debating on if I wanna finish leveling my Shield/Dark tank, because I'm having a lot of fun with the Shield/Ice.
  3. @Infinitum, you forgot my beloved Bio. OFFENSIVE ADAPTATION, with one enemy to fuel DNA Siphon(which is 3 seconds off from perma) I regen 80.77 HP/SEC, with these stats... In DEFENSIVE ADAPTATION, with one enemy to fuel DNA Siphon, I regen 85.8 HP/SEC with these stats... With DNA Siphon (1 enemy) and Parasitic Aura (1 enemy), I regen 92.17 HP/SEC in OFFENSIVE and 97.91 HP/SEC in DEFENSIVE. In actual gameplay, I've hit 297 HP/SEC in Offensive a few times. This is Bio/Rad, with NO incarnate powers running. The downside to Bio, IMO, is -Regen/-Max HP and Defense Debuffs. Those pesky Romans can take your Defense AND Regen to the negative if you're not careful.
  4. In game is showing Geyser does more damage. Hmm. Who would have thought?
  5. I was always under the impression that Inferno dealt more damage, but I've been told that I'm wrong. So, which is it? Thanks
  6. Alright...pardon my ignorance, but I've a couple of questions. When doing the Tank challenge, what exactly is debuffes, and what stats for the enemies are buffed? Anyone have values? I see a lot have gone with Shield to do the challenge. I'm guessing for the DDR and Shield Charge? How do you think Rad Armor would do? Or Fire( more damage)?
  7. Xandyr

    Shield/Ice input

    Hey all! I thoroughly enjoyed Ice melee on a scrapper, so I started thinking with the increased ranges Tanks got that it should be even cooler for tanks? (See what I did there?) Frost and Frozen Aura sounds like it would be yummy for tanks. Plus, ice isn't fairly common/resisted. I thought about pairing it with Shield mainly bc that's the only primary I have left to do for a tank. As an added bonus, the slows from ice might help survivability since the baddies won't be attacking as fast? You gotta admit that build up, shield charge, frozen aura, and frost sounds amazing. So....anyone tried this combo yet?
  8. Xandyr

    Ice melee

    I put the crit ATO in Ground Zero. Rush a mob, Build Up, Ground Zero (triggering the crit), Frozen Aura, Freezing Touch,Frost. So much fun and so much damage! Appreciate the feedback!
  9. Guess I need to dust off my rad/em and see what (more) he can do.
  10. Xandyr

    Ice melee

    Hey all. So I rolled an ice/rad, and so far I like it. Few questions for the gurus... Is Ice that rare? I think mine is the only ice melee scrapper I've seen . Is Frozen Aura a "must", or can it be skipped? Seems counterproductive to me as Frost is a cone and Ground Zero and Rad Therapy are pbaoe. Once you use those, the enemies will break free from Frozen Aura. Freezing Touch is a DoT. When it ctits, will the first tick be the crit, or every tick of damage? Same for Frost? What's everyone's thoughts on Ice? So far to me ot seems like this is gonna be a great combo (capped or near capped resists to most everything, good damage, and the slow from Ice will mitigate incoming damage a little). Thanks for any advice.
  11. Appreciate the thoughts and advice. The SD/DM tank is level 34 I believe.
  12. That's actually my latest tank I'm working on
  13. Hey all. I normally play tanks, MMs, and the occasional Def. I've tried to like and play scrappers, but I'm so used to my tanks that I'm a little "gunshy" I guess of jumping in worrying if I'll survive. Anyway, I have 3 potential builds. Which would you go with for the most fun, most survivable toon that still pumps out good damage? Ice/Invuln I dont see hardly any, so it must be horrible, or really good haha. It looks like you can cap a lot of your defenses and resists,which would be a huge plus. Dark/Rad Seems like it would be heals galore,meaning you shouldn't have any problems surviving everything. I do LOVE my rad tank...would I be disappointed with rad as a scrapper? Or do a rad/rad scrapper WM/Shield Classic I suppose. End hog? No heal worries me. Might be able to get decent resists? Maybe I should just roll all 3? Haha Like I said, I really like my Rad Armor tank so maybe I'll try rad armor on a scrapper. But looking in mids, Invuln seems to be the most survivalable. Thoughts? Thanks
  14. I just think that Swap Ammo would be perfect for the Mercs. It'd definitely help with their utility and damage. And while I'm at a "wishlist", how about making the medic drop like a mini triage beacon instead of the crappy single target heal?
  15. I have the following tanks: Fire/Staff Elec/Staff Invuln/WM Bio/Rad Rad/Spines Dark/MA WP/Staff Shield/Dark (work in progress...only level 32) Ice/Elec My favorite? Bio/Rad. It's fun, damn near unkillable, and it's awesome seeing you regen 200+HP/Sec. The Elec/Staff was fun to play, as was WP/Staff. Fire/Staff has soooo much AoE. I'm thinking the new Shield/Dark tank will be a beast. But yeah....Bio/Rad is my fave.
  16. It is almost unanimously agreed upon that Serum is one of, if not THE worst, power in the game. It has also been noted that Mercs underperform in every category. Could you change "Serum" to "Swap Ammo" (from Dual Pistols)? This would give the Mercs a "small" boost to their performance while addressing the uselessness of the Serum power. Having Swap Ammo, and choosing whether your Mercs use incendiary, cryo, or chemical rounds, would give such a nice boost to their usefulness. Thanks.
  17. So I decides to roll an Illusion/Dark troller. Trying to plan my Incarnate powers, and not sure what to take for my Alpha. I won't necessarily need the Recharge from Spiritual as I'll have Hasten and PA perma. But the end and defense would be nice. What do you take/any suggestions? Thanks!
  18. Greetings all and thanks for taking time to read this (and hopefully provide some feedback). I'm thinking about rolling a new controller, and have it narrowed down between Illusion/Dark or Fire/Dark. I have plenty of experience with Fire, so i know how it performs. I have limited experience with Illusion. The concept i have either would "fit". My main objective is to contribute as much as possible on a team. However, I would like to go big game hunting (solo AVs/GMs) also. I'm kinda leaning towards Illusion for: 1) haven't played much with Illusion before 2) it "looks" like it should do more damage with Phantom Army and Phantasm duplicating itself 3) Group Invis,in theory, shoukd stack well with the -to hit debuffs in Dark (plus easy LotG mule) 4) Deceive seems like it might be a fun power 5) PA might help keep aggro off of myself So, experts, which do you think would perform better at bringing down AVs/GMs and being a great addition to teams? Thanks in advance!
  19. I never use Fortify Pack. I'll check my beasts' defenses tonight.
  20. Xandyr

    Dark/DP Help

    There's my build. I hope I exported it correctly. It's rather end heavy, that's why I had to go with Ageless (plus the recharge is always welcome). I attached snippets of my stats and powers/slots just in case. I'm sure it could be made better, but for me, it works.
  21. Xandyr

    Dark/DP Help

  22. Xandyr


    Greetings all! What's everyone's opinion about this combo? I played Ice Control very little on Live, and have never played Nature. Just wondering what to expect out of it. Thanks!
  23. I have a fire/staff and an electric/staff. Staff has a LOT of AoE, so it "feels" like you are doing a ton of damage. I stay in "form of the body". Between fire and electric, I actually prefer the electric more. Capped resists and close to soft capped defenses.
  24. Scrappers? All I can say is... NERF Regen!
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