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Everything posted by Xandyr

  1. I love my tanks. I love knowing that I can jump in the middle of a mob, and I'll be the last one standing. Might be a while before everything is "arrested", but I know they will be. I also loved my Dark/DP defender. Perhaps it's because I love guns IRL. Perhaps because the animations are "cool". Perhaps it's because of Sawp Ammo. Either way, I enjoyed the set. And this is when I started thinking Perhaps I should make a Sentinel. Seems like it should survive (maybe not as a main tank, but close). AND better damage than a tank and my DP defender. Am I expecting too much, or will it satisfy? Appreciate any insight!
  2. Don't need a self rez if you never die.
  3. I can't remember, so I'm gonna ask the experts (hoping @Redlynne or @Force Redux will have the answer) I'm playing a Mercs MM, and I know that Soldiers, Spec Ops, and the Commando can each slot an Achilles' Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff. Now I know that debuffs won't stack from the same player, but will they stack from each different pet? Now that I think about it, I don't think they will stack, so it would probably be best to slot just 1 in the Soldiers ? Thanks in advance. X
  4. Thugs/time is a powerhouse. The buffs/debuffs from Time stacks well with the Enforcers' Leadership. Plus, with Gang War, you can slot the 4 Pet IOs that give your pets +Resistance and +Defense. It's an enjoyable and fun set. I say go for it. You won't be disappointed. Also, one of the top threads/posts under Masterminds talks about binds. Read it, as it may help you control/direcr your pets.
  5. @snarky, I know on my Dark/MA tank, I've never died. Even when a Rad armor tank bit the dust. However, that's with the tanker AO, and the defense buff from MA. So I can attest that Dark, at least on a tank and paired with MA, is ungodly.
  6. I'm kinda leaning towards MA/Bio. Any input/thoughts on this combo?
  7. Ok, OTHER than Stone (Granite), what's everyone opinions when it comes to the toughest/most survivable brute secondary? I'm thinking about making another brute (NOT for farming), and about the only requirements I have is I want a damage aura. I'm thinking/Dark might win out, with /Electric being close? What's your all's thoughts/input? Appreciate it!
  8. Xandyr

    Dark Dark

    Mine don't 😎
  9. Xandyr

    Ice Armor/?

    I have an Ice/Electric. It's pretty fun. No real synergy (well, maybe Chilling Embrace and the end drains from Electric, as was mentioned). I didn't slot for end drain, but I do notice from time to time that my attacks drain end and I receive said end, which helps the blue bar for sure.
  10. Maybe this will help? In OFFENSIVE MODE, I have the following stats: RESISTANCE: Smashing/Lethal 68.02 Fire/Cold 10.77 Energy/N. Energy 12.39 Psi 7.55 Toxic 49.79 DEFENSE Smashing/Lethal 34.88 Fire/Cold 45.78 Energy/N. Energy 48.91 Psi 33.77 Melee 36.78 AoE 21.76 Ranged 23.32 I regenerate 2.05% (57.47 HP/Sec). This is my base. There's been times when I've used Ablative ,Parasitic, and DNA Siphon and hit regenerating 200+ HP/Sec. My Bio/Rad may not be soft capped to everything, but it's damn hard to kill something when you regenerate that much HP every second. That's what I like so much about Bio...it's got some resistance, some defense, and a LOT of regeneration. It *can* be "clicky", but I find it fun. Obviously when you switch to DEFENSIVE stance, your resists and defenses will increase (along with your max HP, which in turn will help you regenerate more HP/sec). I found this toon to be fun and pretty rock solid. I have SEVERAL tanks, and I enjoy them all. Each one has its own strengths/weaknesses (for example, Bio has no Defense Debuff Resistance, and if you get hit with Regeneration Debuffs/Max HP debuffs, they hurt). Hope you get something out of this. Like I said, I have several tanks, so feel free to post/message if there's any questions you may have or need help.
  11. Sorry for the late response. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1519&c=727&a=1454&f=HEX&dc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et me know if that doesn't pull up
  12. I'll post it tomorrow evening. Have you already started playing one?
  13. What AE are you using to afk farm all day?
  14. I'll admit, I've never played SR. I think one of the reasons is because I like having a damage aura. I may look into this.
  15. I admit...I'm a tank. I'm used to having either capped defenses or capped resists (or both 😎). I've played around in mids, and besides Stone Armor, and Shield, I can't come up with a build that has capped resists or defenses. I was thinking about pulling the trigger on either a Rad Armor or Dark Armor brute, but am worried about not getting all my resists or defenses capped. Guess I need to play around in mids more.
  16. Uninstalled old .NET Framework, and reinstalled. Seems to have fixed issue.
  17. I can not save any builds. I currently now have Mids open with a new build for a Staff/SR Brute. I've attempted to "Save" and "Save As" 3 times each and I get an error. When I lick "Continue", the error disappears but the build has not been saved.
  18. I have a Dark/Dual Pistol that is AMAZING. I want to play another defender, but I set the bar so freakin' high with my Dark/DP that I'm afraid any other will be "eh".
  19. I have a DA/MA tank. He's pretty unstoppable. I ran him in a couple of farms just to test him...health and end barely moved. Martial arts helps due to the +Def storm kick gives, and of course the tanker IO +resists.
  20. Xandyr

    Battle Ax?

    Re-made the very first toon I ever made on live...fire/ba tank. Pendulum hits EVERYTHING. The knockup/knockdowns aren't bad...they help a little with mitigation. I just like carrying a big 'ol ax.
  21. Xandyr

    Battle Ax?

    I've not played battle ax since live (like issue 2), so I don't remember much about it. And I honestly don't recall seeing a single tank on homecoming with Battle Ax. So....it's that bad?
  22. Ice/Electric. Fun times. Fun times indeed.
  23. I've been tinkering around in Mids this morning, and planned an Ice/Electric/Mu that softcaps S/L/F/C/E/NG. Not sure if I'll go that route. I definitely wanna try an Ice tank, but maybe not with Electric. We'll see.
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