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Everything posted by Xandyr

  1. DON'T TEMPT ME. I have thought about doing this, the penalties of Granite wouldn't really bother me since I almost always team with friends (and one of them has a /kin). Hmm....Stone/Rad. 2 damage/taunt auras...another "heal" attack...awesome PBAoE attack...stack -defense... Hmm...🤔
  2. I feel ya Solarverse. I've done some of the math like you, but decided to go Mercs/Thermal. My thought process, like yours, was the Mercs have inherent resistances, so Thermal will increase those resistances, plus have heals to back them up. Throw in the +Pet Resistance IOs, and they should be sturdy. I'm still a few levels away from being able to slot level 50 IOs, so I'm going to wait until then to go haywire with my slotting. I also agree with /Time. I have a Beast/Time and it is a really fun set, and the buffs/heals/controls really help. I think my next MM project will be Ninja, probably paired with Time (although I hate repeating powersets). On another note, if you wanna dabble with Thugs, I can attest that /Cold pairs extremely well.
  3. If I can get on tonight I will. In Offensive, I have 2999 HP, and over 3k in defensive. I've been debating on switching up some Incarnate powers to see how he'll do.
  4. Xandyr

    Mercs procs

    This may be a dumb question, but I'm Mercs/Thermal. If I put an Achilles Heel:-resist into Soldiers, will that stack with Melt Armor?
  5. Xandyr

    Mercs procs

    So I guess the biggest bang for the buck, as far as the Achilles Heel proc goes, is to just have 1 slotted into Soldiers. 3 soldiers using attacks , you would think, would almost guarantee the proc to fire consistently. Also, would it be best to have 1 or 2 procs in Soldiers, or as many as you can fit?
  6. My main is Bio/Rad. I've built him over and over, and each time he gets better. I have soft capped or near soft capped typed defense. And the regen is crazy. I've hit between 175-207 hp/sec while in a mob. Couple that with very high HP, high defense numbers, and well...it's hard to die. The numbers go up even more if I switch to Defensive mode.
  7. Xandyr

    Mercs procs

    Looks like Mercs can take a LOT of procs. I plan on slotting the Achilles Heel :Chance for Resist Debuff in each of my pets. Would it be beneficial to slot Soldiers with as many procs as possible? What procs would work best in each pet tier? By the way, I'm playing a Mercs/Thermal and always team with friends.
  8. Xandyr

    AV/GM killer

    What is considered the best AV/GM killler (solo) now? Used to be fire/rad. Is it still top dog, or is Ill/Rad or Ill/Cold better?
  9. I love my beast/time. It's a fun set. Being able to heal/buff/hold/etc goes a long ways. I sometimes team with a demon/time, and together we are nigh unstoppable. As far as /rad goes...I love rad. My main from live was a fire/rad controller. When I saw that it was going to be ported to MMs, to say the least, I was ecstatic. I rolled a necro/rad, and was completely dissatisfied. My guess is because of Necro. If you plan on running with a team, it might not be so bad, but solo, I spend more time summoning/training than anything else. The zombies die. A lot. A whole lot. Even if you throw out your debuffs first, they still die. If any of your pets even look at a baddie, they die. Maybe bots/rad would work better since they are more defense based. I just got a bots/traps to 50, so I'm hoping it's as good as I've read for AVs/GMs. My fire/rad troller was for soloing AVs/GMs, and with Homecoming, I want another AV/GM killer. Time will tell.
  10. To the Homecoming Team, I sincerely appreciate everything you've done to bring us Home. Everytime I hear about the donation window, I'm ready to donate my hard earned money, but it's always closed. To reach your monthly donation target, in a matter of MINUTES, EVERY MONTH, speaks volumes of the community and the love for this game. Again, thank you and /em salute. I'll continue to be Home and waiting my chance to finally contribute to the cause!
  11. Touche. Didnt think about the shields from the Protector Bots. I'm in the process of building my own, and was thinking about taking the Force of Will(?) pool...mainly for Weaken. Have you any experience with it? I'm thinking the extra -defense/-resist would be pretty handy.
  12. Am I overlooking it, or are you not using both of the pet IOs that give your pets +Defense?
  13. Hi all. So, I really wanna try a Beast MM. I had a beast/FF , but deleted it. Mainly bc I found FF to be boring. I want my secondary to compliment Beast...aka help with their defense. I already have a /Cold thugs (which is pretty awesome). So, I'm kinda leaning towards /Traps. Playing around in Mids Reborn, it looks like it's possible to softcap my own defenses, and get the pets up to 40% or so. Who has experience with this combo? Is getting Provoke necessary? I'm skipping Detonator, but I think Trip Mine will be useful. Should you take Teleport Foe? Lastly, how are Beasts? Decent damage? Ideas on slotting? Appreciate any and all feedback!
  14. I have a thugs/cold. Pets' defenses will be softcapped. I don't have aid other, but may respec and try to fit it in. It's a fun set, and safe. The teams I've been on have loved the shields,sleet, and heat loss.
  15. Dark Armor/Martial Arts You can soft cap defense (especially with Storm Kick giving a defense bonus), great resists (and Psi resist!). Most all your attacks have the potential to stun, which stacks with your auras. I can literally jump in a group and have all of them stunned/mezzed/feared and not be doing anything.
  16. Can someone post the link that describes the upcoming tank changes?
  17. Did a 4 man ITF last night on my Rad/spines tank. The only issue I had was the Cimoreans in large groups. I would get a large group and just stand there and let my quills whittle them down. Over time, their attacks lowered my defenses and I started taking more hits. I'd have to start using all the powers at my disposal to stay alive and "arrest" them. Course, I guess any tanker that stands in a mob while only using a damage aura would have that issue. At one point while taking on Romy in the end, I had an emergency and had to go AFK(wife needed help with my 2 nieces). I came back about 5 mi utes later, and I was still standing toe to toe with Romy (and was actually still holding his aggro while the blaster,corr, and scrapper were attacking him). All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with this tank and set up.
  18. I'm on Excelsior also! This has been a great topic IMO and some awesome responses/interests/opinions. I ended up making a Radiation Armor/Spines/Mu tank. Almost fully slotted the way I want, and still have incarnates to go. Capped a few resistances, very strong defense numbers, then throw in the -to hit debuffs from aura and darkest night....good stuff. My global is @Scarlett Angel. Holler anytime I'm on and would love to team with any of y'all!
  19. What is the HP cap? 2800?
  20. I've already got a Dark/MA. His Melee/AoE/Ranged defense is soft capped. It's a pretty fun(and a little rare) set
  21. Hi all ! So, my first tank I made on Homecoming (by the way, can't say THANK YOU enough for bringing back our City) was a Bio/Rad. I've gotten him fully Incarnated out, and he's a BEAST. Since level 50, he's only died twice (both times were on a TF fighting Mother Mayhem(?) and I died in the patches of doom not knowing what they were. Anyway...I've done that TF again, and now knowing about those patches, i haven't died. He's pretty awesome . Then I rolled a Dark Armor/MA tank. Got him to 50, slotted out,etc. He has never died. I refer to him as a "tanktroller". I can literally/em newspaper and keep mobs stunned and/or feared. There's something to be said about having your Melee/Ranged/AoE defense softcapped at all times. If I get hit, I've got a nice heal to keep me going. It's a fun set, and very "controllerish" due to stuns and fear. Now, I'm thinking that it might be time for me to make yet another tank. Of course, it'll have to be strong,pretty,and durable. One that refuses to die. I played Stone Armor on live, and hated that I almost always had to have a Kinetics with me...so scratch that set. What other sets have y'all played that are nigh I destructible? One that holds aggro and refuses to faceplant? I'm thinking WP (especially since I've never played that set past 18). Dont have much knowledge of Rad Armor. Convince me what my next tank should be!
  22. I've had a level 50 Dark Armor/Martial Arts tank for quite some time now.
  23. Hi folks. I've yet to really play a Sentinel yet...mainly bc I've really been enjoying my tank(s) and playing a couple of MMs. I think I'll delve into this new class, but I know nothing about them. I looked at doing a Dark/Energy Aura Sentinel, but I'm open to anything. From what I've gathered, they're basically a ranged scrapper? Decent ranged damage and decent defense? Their inherent power is Opportunity? What exactly is that? On a team, what "role" are you? Damage? Semi-tank? So, please enlighten me. Thanks in advance!
  24. There is now a level 50 DA/MA tank.
  25. Xandyr


    I was planning on putting that Superior Command of the Mastermind-Recharge/ + AoE Defense Aura into Soul Extraction (along with all the other + Pet Resistance and + Pet Defense IOs. Those alone will add like 35% Resistance and 10% Defense to pets). What IO bonuses do you shoot for? On my Masterminds I always go for Recovery, Accuracy, Recharge,Defense. Thanks
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