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Everything posted by roleki

  1. What inspirations do you have disabled? The combine macros work better if you shut off at least a few of them.
  2. Same here, and although the pun usually comes from the combo moreso than appearance, I do try to tie the costume in as well; Danzigawatt really looks like Glenn Danzig and all the pets are named after members of the Misfits/Danzig. As a fellow lover of oddball builds, if you haven't rolled one already, I strongly suggest a Fire/FF controller. Slotted with KB:KD in all the right places, they are little steamrollers.
  3. McDonald's sells a Sausage McMuffin (english muffin, "sausage", "cheese") for 1.00. A Sausage McMuffin with Egg (english muffin, "sausage", "cheese", "egg") goes for 3.79. 2.79 per egg.
  4. I love my Ill/Storm, but I could see where people would pass by while I'm on patrol and think "My goodness, he has absolutely NO control over that mob!" when the reality is, that's just Ill/Storm doing what it does best.
  5. That's at least two Weird Al drops in 3 pages. Not bad!
  6. This happens a lot, where a word or phrase seems to show up out of nowhere, is suddenly everywhere at once, and just as suddenly disappears. The nonsensical phrase "it is what it is" was like this, and in business, there was a dreadful period where everyone wanted to "delight (their) customers" and so on. I can't confirm it, but my theory is that these temporary vernacular blips spring up from trade shows/conventions, like, a keynote speaker uses it on a slide or something and all of the sudden it implants itself into the soft brains of the audience, only to wriggle out and plop down on the main conference room table back at work.
  7. This is all just a fancy-ass game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, except unlike real RPS, 99.99999 percent of the time you're told in advance what the opponent is throwing; there's no 'difficulty' involved unless YOU make it so. Luckily, there are plenty of existing in-game mechanisms that a so-motivated individual could pursue if they wanted to up the 'difficulty' - they could not slot powers, or underslot them, donate all their inf to strangers, roll a petless mastermind, attempt 50+++ content on a league team led by a 38 or so, run an instanced MSR with 12 random people... really, any number of things. I don't think fiddling with XP/reward drops or any of that is going to make the game more difficult, just less interesting for people who understand it will never be difficult.
  8. As a controller secondary, /TA is one of my favorite power sets... Yes, the set lacks buffs, but the tradeoff is an unholy amount of control and debuff. An x/TA can easily lock down three spawns at once if it had to., and has the tools to make minions/lieutenants melt in the background while you grind the bosses down to nothing. The only variable is how long it takes your primary to dispatch bosses. I ran what was believed to be the first (and for a long time, only) level 50 Ice/TA controller on live; I had to light OSA with Taser Dart (TASER DART!) and Jack would run away from a lit OSA... it was the absolute WORST pairing imaginable, and I *still* loved it. That said, I tried a TA/Fire defender thinking that would shore up the lack of offense and light OSA a million different ways; it did, but it exposed how much TA relies on +Mag from other sources to make it effective.
  9. I dunno, I slotted mine with the Space Stone, the Reality Stone, the Power Stone, the Soul Stone, the Mind Stone and the Time Stone and killed nearly half the server like *THAT*. I can't even imagine what a 7th stone would have done.
  10. Loooove Grav/Storm. Unfortunately, I'm at work and can't load the build into Mids or export my own 😞 That said, a couple thoughts based on my own experience playing Grav/Storm... I found I did not need powers like Aid Other or Aid Self, at all. I found that Leadership (spec Tactics) is more valuable than Fighting. I found that Gale three-slotted with FF Accuracy, FF+Rech and Sudden Acceleration KB:KD is amazing. I've found that if you take Stone Mastery's Fissure and slot it, Gale and Tornado with FF+Rech, you will be at +100 recharge throughout combat so long as you have targets in front of you. While you're using the KB:KD proc in all the right places, I fit my Tornado with one as well. Reason being, with Tornado, Lightning Storm and Wormhole (and Gale and Fissure) slotted with KB:KD, I can drop the mobs in a kill zone and they will stay exactly there until dead, and that effect of keeping them stationary is HUGE. Tornado isn't chasing mobs around when it switches targets... multiple Lightning Storms raining on targets packed close together... then Gale and Fissure having a ton of targets in a narrow cone in front of them makes it easier to proc the +Rech, which means more Tornadoes which means more +Rech, which means Wormhole and GDF are ready more often than you need to use them, and so on. Man, this is making me want to go home and play my Grav/Storm. Dang it. ETA: I didn't see you had KB:KD in Tornado. You obv. already know this stuff 🙂
  11. Aw man, that would kill me to drag a character 30-odd levels then ditch it. To my mind, a lot of builds change remarkably when they get the T8/T9 from the primary slotted, and on some it takes a slotted T8/T9 out of the secondary to really get rolling. The real late bloomers don't shape up until their Epic is slotted. Case in point, my Mind/Poison controller was pretty meh until Venomous Gases was slotted, but then I proc'd out Seismic Smash and it transformed into a delightful monster, one of the most satisfying workflows I can pull out of the garage. I guess what I'm saying is, give turds a chance!
  12. Being born into the time & circumstances I was, I don't know how I could *not* be a geek. Star Wars came out when I was 4; Lego came out with minifigures soon after, then video games, GI Joe/Transformers, comic books were sold pretty much everywhere... and I was the target demographic for ALL of it; we were the first generation of kids where toys and culture were weaponized specifically to grab and hold our attention. Both parents worked and we lived in BFE, so I spent a lot of uninterrupted time immersed in nerdy things foisted on me by marketing wizards. Happily, of course, but it doesn't make it any less unappealing to realize exactly how it came to be.
  13. Don't know if this would factor into your decision, but most of the time (not ALWAYS, but most of the time), people on teams will have certain expectations out of your Tank. Nobody expects anything out of a Corruptor. (j/k)
  14. It should have a button that does it instantly. No wait, it should do it as soon as you log in, whether you want it to or not.
  15. Who is canceling what? What are you even on about? Go around, slap all the asses you want, climb on top of someone while you're at it. Who am I to interrupt your good time?
  16. I dunno, is defending unnecessary behavior that could be interpreted as sexual harassment the hill YOU want to die on?
  17. It's been asked before, but bears repeating: have you searched for and applied new updates for your network adapter? Have you tried resetting the TCP/IP stack? Instructions here: https://grok.lsu.edu/Article.aspx?articleid=19483 When's the last time you rebooted your modem and/or router? You said earlier you have 2 ISPs. How do you switch between them? Is there one router with a primary and a failover? If so, what happens if you temporarily disable the failover and/or remove the secondary ISP's connection, or vice/versa? If these are separate network connections, have you tested both ISPs at dslreports.com, and if so, what sort of numbers/grades did they throw you? How complex is your network? Is there a switch or multiple switches between your computer and the modem/router? Have you rebooted these recently, or, had any power outages/surges? If you can log into the switches, do they have port statistics? What happens if you eliminate the switches from the equation by running a cable directly from your PC to a LAN port on the modem/router? Can you log into your modem and/or router and check for updates? Does your modem/router show a list of connected devices, and if so, do you recognize all of them? If you can, remove all other devices from your network and test the game again; if it is better, add one more device back and test again, and continue until you hit the device that is screwing things up.
  18. Passing off sexual harassment as "boys will be boys" is how rape culture perpetuates. I have a dick and I know this.
  19. The Code of Conduct only has one line on this subject: Video Policy Whilst Homecoming is still undergoing efforts to become a legitimate operation, live broadcasts or uploads of gameplay footage are not permitted. Seems to me that even if it's just for use as a Zoom background, using footage sourced in HC would likely violate that provision.
  20. It sure seems like there are a lot of us, but I don't think there's anything specific about CoH that speaks to that part of my brain; I just like that ten minutes spent in-game in CoH is still 10 minutes of progress that counts towards something that I will pick up the next time I log in, whereas 10 minutes in Rocket League or whatever is just passing time. I love that HC is still being discovered by 'new' players; 'Homecoming' really is the most appropriate name for what is going on here.
  21. I run mostly controllers, and of those, most are on 2/6 or better for solo missions and nothing seems to overwhelm them; Carnies, Malta, Banished Pantheon, Cimerorans, no problem, even if it's off an ambush. But let me unexpectedly run afoul of one of those giant Jaeger spawns? I'll be on Preventive Medicine in moments. Weirdest thing.
  22. Amen! And to dovetail onto that, there was a thread a couple days back where someone was wondering if they should sweat being at 44.5 Def vs. 45.0; to get that extra blip of +Def, folks were recommending the character ditch Kismet +Acc which I believe is questionable advice at best. Kismet +Acc is a 6% ToHit buff and that sounds tiny, but if you're swinging at +4's it actually buffs your base ChanceToHit almost 16% (.45 vs .39) and that's before factoring in critter Defense or -ToHit debuffs. Not every build can fit Tactics slotted to +15% ToHit but every build should be able to slap a Kismet in there somewhere. It's one of the best single enhancements in the game!
  23. Can't speak for others who do the same, but at least for me, dual-boxing my alts is about streamlining the execution of a build moreso than the inf/drops. Sure, it's nice to have resources coming in while I go about it, but if accumulating inf was my goal, there are much faster ways to do that than farming. And once that alt steps out of AE, I can always exemp down into content I've skipped, or wiggle around in flashbacks if the urge strikes me, though admittedly, the urge has not struck me yet. Now, I don't begrudge people who enjoy the grind (such as it were) of playing through content, but to me it's like sitting down on the couch and watching all 9 Star Wars movies, then racing over to the recliner to watch them again... except in HC, it's like settling in for that marathon when you know you're on the second notice from the electric company and they could cut you off at any moment. Running around in a sewer with 0 end while something is trying very hard to puke on you might be someone else's ideal position to be in when the lights go out, but it's not for me.
  24. Biggest pet peeve - people who lurk in the Help Channel waiting to fart out "THAT'S WHAT GOOGLE IS FOR!!!" the very instant a question comes in. What they are basically saying is, the Help Channel is exclusively for asking questions whose answers cannot be found after an exhaustive google search. If that is the case, why even have a Help Channel? Also a peeve - people who AFK in a spawn zone, (like the parking lot outside of Portal Corp) whose presence effectively prevents mobs from spawning until the camper moves/is DC'd. Also a peeve - tanks who herd mobs on the streets and spend the next 45 minutes trying to kill them with their arsenal of piss-poor attacks; meanwhile, nothing can spawn behind them.
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