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Everything posted by roleki

  1. While General gets a little crazy at times, I've not seen similar toxic behavior on Indom; maybe move a character or two over and see if it's better?
  2. That's why, if you're in it for drops, 2/8 is the way to go. Say it takes 10 minutes to clear a 4/8 map, but only 8 minutes to clear a 2/8. Over the course of an hour you get an extra map-and-a-half of mobs to burn through, which brings the total XP earned close-ish to what you could have generated had you run 4/8, but you get 25% more random drop chances.
  3. I feel that way about every AT that ISN'T a Controller. "Wait, the plan is to just attack them, and move on to the next?"
  4. I've put KB:KD in Repel and while it works, it's a bit too spotty and endurance-hogging to rely on as a soft control. That said, my Fire/FF has like 60 knockdown powers (Repel+KB:KD among them) and it's like popcorn city when he gets into melee range, so MAYBE Whirlwind + Repel would make it a reliable tactic?
  5. Just to follow-up, I'm about 86% convinced this is happening on account of mobs getting confused by Arctic Air. I can't say I'm 100% convinced, because I am absolutely certain I've seen this happen when I was nowhere near melee range, but the last couple of times I've been able to recreate it, I was in melee and there ARE confused among the mob AND I have NOT been able to recreate it with AA off.
  6. To be honest, if HC's methodical approach results in more stuff like Electrical Affinity, sign me up for methodical. That set is pretty much perfect.
  7. Oh man, if you're just getting back, next time after you exit a mission, just type /ah in the chat window. That about floored me when I was told about it.
  8. The funny thing is, to ME, Bonfire was an auto-skip UNTIL I saw what the KB:KD enh transformed it into. Now it's pretty much my opener on all my Fire/ stuff, and on my En/En blaster out of the EPP. I find for the most part it glues a mob in place (like an Immob) but without the ability to fire back (better than an Immob).
  9. Fair enough, I'll wear that all damn day, every day.
  10. Tell you what, if you or anyone else who threatens to stop supporting HC over their BLM statement can establish proof you've actually contributed, I will gladly pay for your absence.
  11. I'm not saying give BB an automatic pass on their opinion or dismiss them outright, but the entire time I've been here, Bentley has proven to take the game and its lore much more seriously than your typical rando. Their consternation regarding Blue Steel is totally in-character, whether you view it as tilting at windmills or not. And while a part of me wishes that politics were still just our vote and nothing more, fact is, things are the way they are because that... stoicism(?) made it easier for institutional racism to fester in plain sight. Worse, when oblique racism goes unopposed, it reinforces that behavior and encourages further, more overt racism.
  12. @Luminara Just to be clear, the issue only appears when I have deployed Disruption Arrow *before* igniting the Oil Slick, and based on testing I have done since starting this thread, the effect is exaggerated when I have the Annihilation -Res proc in Oil Slick Arrow. If I light the Oil Slick *then* deploy DA, I have not seen any repel/KB effects. I have *NOT* tried replicating it with Acid Arrow (another -Res) in place of DA but will give it a shot. I am inclined to think this is down to a weird interaction between stacked -Res; I don't even think it qualifies as a bug, it's just something that happens when X, Y, and Z converge.
  13. Ice/TA is either 50+2 or 50+3, and I've observed this running that little circuit around the Portal Corps parking lot, so it's usually an assortment of -1 CoT, Nemesis and Malta with the occasional Rikti and Carnival. Of those, it's CoT that are affected the most, and oddly enough, usually level 50 Death Mages. When there's a group of two, I can pretty much count on one of them miraculously popcorning out of harm's way and spending the next 41 minutes harassing me as I ply my arsenal of harmless slaps and mean looks at his doomed comrade.
  14. I didn't think about what effect Disruption Arrow would have on the Oil Slick itself, that's pretty groovy. That said, I never fire DA ahead of OSA (DA is usually fired between planting OSA and igniting the slick). Reason being - I'm an Ice/TA, if I miss out on 8 or 10 damage per mob I can ACTUALLY notice it, so I want the -Res in play before I set things on fire.
  15. Honestly, pseudopets are a mystery to me, and /TA is full of them. They had links to them in the old City of Data but I am fairly sure the links didn't work back then, either. In any event, the Oil Slick will ignite if fire or energy are used in its vicinity. In the old days, my Ice/TA had to use friggin' Taser Dart to light it, but these days I use the ranged blast out of the Sorcery pool to make it go. As far as how -Res would result in a >1.0 mag KB, I don't KNOW; I've looked and looked at the explanation for how Resistance fits into the damage calculation a million times and every time I think I've got it, I really don't. That said, if you divide a low magnitude KB (like 0.67) by a moderate magnitude -Res (like 0.20) you get a positive number like 3.35, and given the KB distance I am seeing against the level mobs I am seeing it affect, that seems like a plausible number. So maybe somewhere in the Rube Goldberg damage calculation that sort of math is happening?
  16. I think knockdown is just really, really low-magnitude knockback; I've noticed that if I throw a KD power at a way-gray mob, they fly backward as if it were KB. But there has to be more to it than that, because I've slotted Gale with KB:KD and still sent low-level mobs flying. In any event, I think this is down to some interaction between Disruption Arrow and the unlit OIl Slick. This afternoon, I took the Annihilation -Res proc out of OSA and it was still throwing random mobs out of the AoE in the Portal parking lot. Yellow-con Death Mages seem to be as liable to go flying as gray Possessed Scientists. If the slick is already on fire when I throw Disruption Arrow, nothing has flown out (so far). ETA: not really relevant, but I seem to get better mileage out of the -Res proc than I did a Positron's Blast proc. With the -Res proc, each tick of damage rounds up 2, whereas the damage proc hits once (when the slick is lit) and maybe hits one one guy in the group for 147 or whatever. With the -Res proc slotted, OSA gets rid of Lt's and Minions in one application. That was interesting (to me).
  17. If it's correct I can live with it, but it seems weird to me.
  18. It's not something I've run into very often myself, either, and I run a lot of -Res and KB-type characters. I wish I knew more (anything) about how procs and pseudopets work, because as I understand it, the -Res proc in OSA just fires off when I initially use the power, not when the Oil Slick pseudopet is summoned, or when the burning slick is summoned. If it works differently, I might have to reload OSA with more procs because it accepts a small slew of them.
  19. Unlock and populate your Lore and Destiny T3s; each one applies a level shift but it only applies to Incarnate content, so far as I can tell.
  20. I can't really speak to other ATs, but I run a ton of controllers and in my experience, nothing is as wash-rinse-repeat as a Grav/Time. That's not a BAD thing! Grav/Time just does what it does over and over and over, and it doesn't care about endurance or recharge or defense or pretty much anything happening around it. Grav/Time has an answer to whatever you run into along the way; it may not be the best answer, but it's an answer. Fire/Kin may be ubiquitous, but a MISS! can change how the next minute or so plays out; Grav/Time is pretty much agnostic on that front.
  21. Every so often I'll take my Ice/TA out for a drive, and the past few times I have done so, I have noticed an odd... thing happening. Basically speaking, Disruption Arrow is somehow blowing mobs out of the AoE of an unlit Oil Slick Arrow, but not an ignited OSA. Goes like this: 1) Flash Arrow (slotted 1x Siphon Insight Acc/TH, 1x Siphon Insight Acc/Rech) 2) OSA (slotted 5x Ragnarok minus KD proc, 1x Annihilation -Res proc) 3) Disruption Arrow (slotted 2x Rech IO) 4) Mobs blown violently out of AoE, like easily 10' from where they were standing. But, if I do this: 1) Flash Arrow 2) OSA 3) Ignite OSA 4) Disruption Arrow 5) Mobs flop around, burning like they should What I *think* is happening is the -Res proc and the Disruption Arrow -Res are combining to give negative -KB resistance (?) and it's multiplying the pulses of KB from OSA. I think. Does that sound right? Or is this some kind of bug?
  22. On the one hand, between the sunk cost of the catalyst and auction fees, you'd 'lose' about ~5M per attuned purple. On the other hand, inf pretty much flies at you from every direction in-game, so what's a few million if the end result is a build that runs the way you actually want it to run?
  23. I think Mind Control fits the bill: confusing people, tricking them into falling asleep, scaring the pants off them, etc. My Mind/Poison dude is patterned after a CIA spook, and that's pretty much as close to a trickster as I can get.
  24. If that was on Victory, there's a nonzero chance that was my handiwork. But, Victory was also the unofficial Goon server back then, so you kind of learned to expect weird stuff to happen there.
  25. Eh, even though it is - at best - pointless to try and define a set of player "archetypes" it is kind of awesome that there would be enough people flocking to this old-ass game that someone would even have the IDEA to try and silo them.
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