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Fire Chief

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Everything posted by Fire Chief

  1. Aint gonna happen although this is the best community chat wise in-game I've ever been (have seriously played every major/minor mmo out thar) a part of it just aint gonna happen human/super hero/fantasy/robot nature lol. My suggestion is combine general/help/ and whatever other social tab you might have and the devs can call it "Generic Social Channel". Just sayin' but just sayin' lol I don't follow them on my char's I did at first but yeah that stopped real quick but that's just me sayin' lol (JMS is the new IMHO lol).
  2. This guy is like a few I make and the look and story just comes together...
  3. I still street sweep in PP makes me very whimsical lol
  4. Sent archer taking the ninja tool mastery in the epic pool 😛
  5. I would like to rename them purple nurples this could open up soooo many more things... purple nurple
  6. Elec/Ice slow em and mow em 🙂
  7. You wanna talk about your depression that's ok (been there too) but for someone who has been afflicted with chronic pain to the point of disability and knowing relatives/friends who are also afflicted and mine all of my adult life why shouldn't I be offended by pain domination (but I'm not, not at all). This is ridiculous to be soooo upset about a name in a video game to the point of having it changed and the only reason I even replied to this post was because I'm tired of other agendas always taking there cause to the forefront and me/others stay silent. Believe me anything in RL I can leave behind and truly enjoy what this game brings to me in my pain therapy as a most outstanding game (hence taking my mind off my pain) but then somehow can be changed by a few offended by a name is really silly to me 'specially with char names running around in game wayyyyyy more offensive then shock therapy. Sooooo again lets just put it to rest for "affinity" plz and ty and enjoy this awesome game, gotta fly TC
  8. Shock Therapy was such a cool name for a powerset rest in affinity very cool name 😞
  9. Fire fire fire fire fire...blaster 😛
  10. WOW!!! these are gonna go out the roof on the AH, price wise hurry up HC I wanna be first on after update lol
  11. I'm not gonna go into great detail about the name thing because its been a thing since the beginning of live but I like it just the way it is and I've played all the games with the other name options and did not care for them at all this is my opinion. Plus I'm still amazed at the names I can still get and build my AT, powerset, story, and costume around that very name!!! Soooooooooo people seriously just do your due diligence and concede to the one word in the awesome Led Zeppelin song dancing days... You know it's alright I said it's alright You know it's all in my heart You'll be my only My one and only Is that the way it should start? Dig!!! <---- this one 🙂 my copy and paste foo just had to use the whole lyric it goes with the idea of all the related posts 🙂
  12. It worked *phew* its all gud in Fire Chief land 🙂 Thanks Homecoming 🙂
  13. Yeah trying the same thing with a name I had live and tried all above methods that can be implemented now and getting no response trying them 😞 what's weird is I can get the name on all servers 'cept Excelsior my home server.
  14. Diggin' the Shock Therapy set hope to try it out just remember electricity follows the path of least resistance 😛
  15. I too have an H2o/Bio sent currently at Lvl 42 and LOVE IT!!! I haven't picked an epic (maybe later dark mastery for tentacles/concept) and so far 3 pool powers my personal preference/concept mostly are flying (hover) and leaping (combat jump) plus mystic flight (concept and biggie for the TP through doors that get blocked lol). The situational clickies are awesome plus at Lvl 42 I have all powers picked for both h2o and bio with 2-3 powers in h2o 6 slotted already. The survivability is crazy were I can take the alpha when I get sentlocked lol. Having sooooo much fun so gonna say good for OP.
  16. I just rolled up a Elec/Da and its been a ton O'fun just street sweeping in Steel right now at lvl 16 but yeah I'm liking it a lot got a cool concept and everything.
  17. "There is a sucker born every minute." I don't think it was gold farmers who coined this but yeah.
  18. Rad/bio on the journey just lvl 36 right now but deff my main alt.
  19. I lost names from LIVE and believe me I quit other mmos when I couldn't get my so-called siggy names But this game is sooooooo awesome HC inspires me to come up with others!!!
  20. @FireChief was my global {still is) my chars were/are... Fire Chief Kobolt Mandragora Daimyo ...just a few on Virtue 🙂
  21. I love the TP option in Mystic fly (I know not everyone takes this but most of all my chars are magic soooo)...if I get blocked by pets in a doorway or for anything pet blockish I click and TP right through them.
  22. Late to the party...no!
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