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Fire Chief

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Everything posted by Fire Chief

  1. The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company
  2. How about Mender Derek keeps tripping over the timeline of today and lets say its this day that is his birthday and he keeps coming back to this day and we gift donate over and over...
  3. This was done by Celtic Bolt back in the day
  4. This was one of my faves on live too
  5. This is soooooo awesome to see dig all the CoX/HC art keep it coming plz and ty 🙂 Just logged onto my old DA page ahhhh the memory's lol
  6. This game is byyyyyy farrrrrrrr the bestest game evah for needing anything including inf its nothing to make what I need to get purples for my 50 mains ( lol I call ALL my 50's my mains) or just enjoy the char 1-50 (and I can honestly say none 0 zip nada have seen a farm) with so's/do's same/same to me this game is sooooo enjoyable it means very little to me in regards to inf etc. etc.. Its nothing to find a purple recipe in my inventory like finding 20 bucks in your jean pocket you forgot all about 🙂Like sooo many have posted it's a game...the best mmo evah so yea enjoy 🙂
  7. Great OP I was just thinking I can't remember ever saying nice heelz playing the City I've always said "Nice Buffs" 🙂 much appreciated.
  8. I just got a dark blast/WP/DM Sent to tier 3 and with the incarnate extra damage/def/res the survivability is crazy and xtra damage is very nice for a Sent but in no wayyyy tanky/blastery but the IO'd out minus to hit/DM holds with again the I-stuff is sooooooo much fun 🙂
  9. Gratzee!!!
  10. My fave is for all my Sents and I have a bunch but prob a Black Bolt type like my main Kobolt ice/ice baby Silent Sentinel
  11. This was my theme song for alotta my Ice char. back in the day.
  12. MM's, WS, PB, Trollers, Def, VEATS, Corr, Doms, and last but not...well I do like the whole tank concept just don't feel the lead type in a video game just wanna kick back with Blasters, Sents, Scrappers. and Brutes. Sorry if I left anyAT out 🙂
  13. I think this topic/post/thread just goes to show us we can be anything...play any way we wanna play in this frakin' amazing game we all love 🙂 -Capt. Obvious
  14. I kid I kid but how hard would it be to duplicate this in our fantastic costume creator 😉 This is the link to the high tech suit....
  15. This happens usually with the first or second power in my attack chain and not all the time, very random also it happens on my melee or range chars. the power itself fires off just not the animation it looks really strange and lame at the same time lol. I was wondering if this was happening to anyone else? Thanks for any help.
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