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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Man, I thought I was bad just perusing the forums while at work. But playing the game? I'd never get any work done.
  2. Personally I don't mind the drill instructor leadership method, but it only works if the drill instructor actually knows what he's doing.
  3. I think your best bet would be to ask @GM Crumpet He may not be able to help, but he'll at least get you an answer.
  4. I think it's more a matter of "there's a time and a place for everything." For example: when a coworker sends out an email to everyone that says "Friday will be my last day at work. The company is downsizing and has eliminated my position." That's really not the best time/place to respond with "Oh good. Nothing against you, but I don't think that your position was really necessary and I'm glad the company has eliminated that position." Do you see where that just might be a social faux pas? And that's basically what you, and others, did. I'm sure that's not what you intended, but that's how it came across.
  5. Standard response incoming: "What?!? How dare you suggest that I should have to join a team in an MMO?!? I should be able to solo everything. EVERYTHING!!!!!"
  6. @Glacier Peak, both Ravenstorm and Rockjaw have now joined as well. 😁
  7. Why would you make fun of a new person who's asking for advice? Man, I love how the people on this forum will speed-hammer the report button because "Falcon Man is a big meanie, he hurt my fee-fees, wah!" But then you'll go out of your way to make fun of a new person who's asking for help. WTF is wrong with you?!?
  8. For what it's worth Dacy, I'm glad that you and Bunny were the Base CR's, and I think you both did an excellent job. I think that the Council of Fourteen, and the player base, both benefit from having someone in a community relations position. Contests and events and being able to speak with someone with an official title about concerns goes a long way toward maintaining interest and retaining players. I spent years on the retail forums trying to get the developers to do something with bases and I even talked the official base dev (yes, there actually was one for about 8 months) to post in the base builders forum. While I haven't really been involved with the base community here on Homecoming, it warmed my black heart, just a little, to see that there were still people like you and Bunny and others who were still enthusiastic about base building. I hope that becoming unofficial doesn't kill your enthusiasm or your desire to keep running contests and events. But if it does that's the Council's failure, not yours.
  9. The Council of Fourteen announced, years ago, that they would no longer be supporting the Tequila launcher. Also, people have been talking about this all today: Oh, and here too: And also here: And I expect they'll probably be 4 or 5 more threads about this over the next couple of days.
  10. It's difficult to solo with a Blaster, or with any character that doesn't have mez protection really. There are some things that you could try: 1) Turn your difficulty down. +0/x4 is literally "content for 4 or more players." Not all characters can solo content meant for 4+ characters. 2) Form or join a team. Blasters, like most ATs, do better on a team. 3) Play a Sentinel. A Sentinel is a new AT. Basically it has a blast powerset (slightly less damage than a Blaster) and an armor powerset (slightly weaker than a Scrapper).
  11. If you want to just not worry about your secondary and just position yourself and attack then Willpower, definitely. Now if you really want to spend a large portion of game play not attacking and clicking on heals and hoping they'll take effect before you die, then take Regen. In my personal opinion Willpower is superior to Regen on Sentinels just as it is on Scrappers.
  12. Most people feel differently. There's a reason why talkshows were popular for decades.
  13. Lots of people listen to audio books during their commute. The police generally frown on people reading books while they're driving.
  14. If I was the designing the Name Release System I think I'd only make one change from what the devs have stated. I wouldn't give 50's infinite time, I'd reduce that to 36 months (3 years). I think that if you haven't logged on with your character in 3 years then it's safe to say that you're not using that name anymore.
  15. I never hear anything like that when I'm on Discord. Maybe because my friends are adults who are actually my friends and so they don't want to annoy me. Plus, you can actually change the volume on individuals and even mute individuals. Literally nothing you've said is an actual issue when I'm on Discord with my friends. But, like I said, whatever... it's your choice. I'm not trying to get you to change your mind, I just want anyone who's reading this to know that your "experience" is 100% preventable.
  16. I'm never in Discord with randos, just my friends. Not sure why you wouldn't want to be in voice chat with friends, but that's your choice.
  17. I disagree with too many chat bubbles being a good thing, which is why I have them off by default. Also, the world isn't silent and the supers aren't mute, for me. I always play with friends and we are always on Discord. So everyone has a voice and we're always laughing and having fun. Try it, just once, and you'll never want to read a chat bubble ever again.
  18. Really? I thought Vampirism was a contagious demonic possession.
  19. I'm sorry that you don't understand the difference between getting annoyed and being offended. They're not even close to the same thing. It's kinda sad really that you don't understand that. Ask your mom, I'm sure she can explain it to you. Sure, but it seemed like that was the theme for the entire day yesterday, both online and off. People actually damaged my calm yesterday, which is unusual.
  20. I actually did not know that there's a damage debuff graphic. I'm red color deficient so that's probably why I can't see it. There's no argument. The UI is part of the game, that's a fact. Why is there a countdown timer on my power icons showing exactly how many seconds until the power will be recharged and available for use again if I'm not supposed to look at it? I do agree with you on this: If Vulnerability doesn't have a cast time then Domination shouldn't either. Anyway, have a great weekend.
  21. Inherents or not, Practice Brawler and Active Defense cause the exact same issue and the exact same arguments were used by the players to try to convince the devs to convert them into toggles. And, almost every power in this game has a recharge time. Looking at the UI to see if you can activate the power, if it's still recharging, or if it's not activating because you're held, is part of the game play. You think I love having to monitor my damage so that I don't Footstomp right after Rage has crashed? You think that I enjoy constantly looking at see if Hasten is back up so that I can activate it again? Yes, having to constantly look at the UI is annoying. I agree with you on that. I would also argue that having to look at the UI is an intended part of the gameplay.
  22. No kidding. I specifically said "people who were famous in the City of Heroes community." That meant the retail forums. Everyone on the retail forums knew who these people were. So they were famous, in the City of Heroes community. Not worldwide. Not in your country. Not in your neighborhood. Not with your friend group. WITH EVERYONE ON THE CITY OF HEROES RETAIL FORUMS. How difficult is that for you to understand?!?!? I don't understand why you people are being so pedantic today. What is today anyway? Is today National No One Can Agree With Anything Peregrine Falcon Says Day? I swear to gawd, I could say the sky is blue and some rando on this forum would respond with "Nuh uh. The sky's not blue where I'm at therefore you're wrong."
  23. Ok, let me put it this way. Practiced Brawler (SR mez click) and Active Defense (Shield mez click) both have cast times. So why shouldn't Domination have a cast time? Domination, when it's perma, can be blocked from reupping by attacks and it can interrupt your attack chain when in fires off in mid combat. Just like Practiced Brawler and Active Defense. Isn't that the real reason that you want the cast time removed?
  24. The other powers are passives so of course they don't have cast times. Domination is an active power and, given how powerful it is, it should have an cast time. This is better because it allows you to choose when to use it and it allows you to make it perma. Of course Vulnerability should also have a cast time, but that's a whole different topic. tl;dr:
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