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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Look at your chat window. This is one of those missions where you're supposed to ESCAPE from the base. Those kinds of missions do not give you an exit mission button for that specific reason.
  2. Try 7thKevin. The space breaks the old code of this game for some reason. There's a reason that I'm PeregrineFalcon instead of Peregrine Falcon.
  3. I think the best solution to the Tough/Weave issue that keeps coming up is to make Boxing and Kick worth taking. The real issue is that people don't want to waste a power pick, so make it so they're not wasted power picks. If Boxing does enough damage to actually be worth using in combat that won't be power creep, it'll just be another attack. None of the powers that a player can pick should be utter garbage.
  4. Ah yes, Mission Impossible. I missed that one. And I guess I should also exclude cartoons and anime stuff from my otherwise sweeping declaration. Obviously Michael Bay's Transformers was financially successful even though I didn't care for it. I admit that my memory isn't what it used to be so perhaps I should say that the vast majority of the reboots in the last 25 years have been garbage, in my opinion, and that the box usually, but not always, agrees with me on that.
  5. Of all of the reboots of movies and TV shows that have happened over the last 25 years I think the only one that's been successful is Battlestar Galactica.
  6. Speaking as someone who is not a dev, but who has a little bit of experience with contracts, I can tell you that it probably is contractually forbidden for the Homecoming devs to work with or help other servers in any way. The Council of Thirteen (the group who controls Homecoming) has also probably signed NDA's which forbid them from discussing the contract and/or certain portions of the contract.
  7. I think this is a misconception. No one asked for a reboot of the Fall Guy. Most people don't remember the series, have no idea who Lee Majors or Heather Locklear are, and are tired of the garbage that's been coming out of Hollyweird lately. All they really know is that it's a reboot and, for a lot of people, that's enough for them to decide to not see it. Humans are really good at pattern recognition, and for the last 20 years the pattern many people have seen is Reboot = Garbage. Unfortunately until Hollywood regains their reputation for putting out good movies people are just going to stop watching movies. Which means that the occasional good movie is going to go unnoticed. It's unfortunate but, until Hollywood starts hiring new writers, that's the way it's probably going to continue to be. And Hollywood has no one to blame but themselves.
  8. Hey shut up! Luminara's saying nice things about me, for a change. 😁 Ok, back on topic. I don't really care if this is implemented or not. I do however suspect that the OP's actual reason for wanting this is as a first step to trying to get the devs to allow names to no longer be unique by allowing the global@charactername method, as discussed in the most recent name release thread.
  9. So basically I'm such a meanie that I scare the stalkers away without even realizing it? Well, you all have to deal with stalkers and I have to deal with mods. I think I got the better end of the deal. At least mods occasionally listen to reason.
  10. You know, I've seen more than one post in this thread, and multiple posts in other threads over the years about being stalked and/or harassed. I've been on the internet since 1996 and I've never had anyone stalk and/or harass me. Maybe they tried and I didn't notice because I ignored them once they started annoying me? I don't know. But it just seems weird to me that my experience on the internet can be so wildly different from the norm. You all are constantly being stalked and/or harassed. Meanwhile I'm over here just enjoying my time on the internet. It's like TV but better because I get to interact with the stuff on the magic screen. Serious question: why is my experience on the internet so wildly different from the norm?
  11. This would be a nerf, flat out. Currently a Sentinel can, if he times it right, have Vulnerability on two targets. Turning it into a toggle limits it to one target. I'm not certain why you want to nerf Vulnerability, but my response is:
  12. If you go to Notifications > Options > Push Notifications > Allow Notifications - a pop up in your browser will ask if you want to allow notifications. There you can select "Always Block" and then you'll never see the request to allow push notifications ever again.
  13. Blunt, stunts and Gosling: how did The Fall Guy flop – and what does that mean for cinema? https://www.theguardian.com/film/article/2024/may/10/blunt-gosling-the-fall-guy-box-office-flop-cinema
  14. I agree, and I apologize if my earlier posts sounded like I was saying that you're not allowed to comment about this, or any other, subject. I should have worded my posts better.
  15. I'm not berating you for past actions. I'm trying to tell you what works and what you should do going forward if you want to have a chance to actually influence changes that you want/don't want. At no point did I even ask why this is the first chance that you've had to say anything. You're responding to your own thoughts, not to what I've actually written.
  16. At no point did I say nothing changes after it goes live. What I said was "What they generally don't do is change things in response to complaints after its gone live." Sure, there have been exceptions, but in general you'll find it's much easier to get things changed while it's still on the beta server, still in testing, that it is once it's gone live. And no, Doc Scorpion isn't the only person who does testing under level 50. I routinely see people on the test server under level 50. And, in the last set of feedback threads, specifically the ones about the changes to the Council and CoT, you'll see my posts where I specifically talk about my testing with characters in the 30 - 46 range.
  17. Place a Performance Shifter Proc in Stamina and a Numina's and/or Miracle +End in Health and neither will ever have endurance issues. My experience is that Stone and Invulnerability make the toughest tanks, bar none. I've heard good things about Super Reflexes, but my only experience with SR is on Scrappers. And yes, Ice Melee is a good defensive secondary for tanks, but Dark Melee is just a bit better.
  18. Well, this is the way that the Homecoming developers do it, it's the way the devs did it on the retail servers, and it's the way most other game companies do it. So, realistic expectation or not, you can either go with it or you can bang your head ineffectually against a brick wall forever. It's completely your call. I'm not saying that I'm ok with it, I'm just the messenger.
  19. This is exactly why all of you should read the beta patch notes, test on the beta server, and post in the Feedback threads. The developers have actually changed things in response to feedback in their feedback threads. What they generally don't do is change things in response to complaints after its gone live. So basically you all missed your window to keep this from going live simply because you weren't interested in beta testing or giving feedback. Want to keep more changes that you'll dislike from going live? Give feedback in the feedback threads when a new patch is on the test server.
  20. According to the Arrowhead CEO, it's Steam that made that decision. They don't want to be sued for selling a game in country that can't play it. Reportedly they're holding out for Sony to actually sign something before they remove the country restrictions.
  21. I'm trying to write a response to the OP, but [DIRECTIVE 4] just keeps flashing in the lower left-hand corner of my vision. 😁
  22. This is a selfie of Luminara planning another trip to Spankyland. 🤣
  23. I agree very much with this part of your post. I don't agree with removing MoG from enemies though. Instead I'll make the same recommendation that I made years ago when this subject last came up. MoG for enemies should be reduced in duration to 30 seconds, and during that time the enemy should also have a +300% damage boost. With this it goes from being a time waster to a serious danger that you can't ignore but that also isn't going to make the team sit around and wait for 5 minutes until it drops.
  24. Unfortunately, pretty much nothing is explained in game. Frankly you should just use the Homecoming Wiki whenever you need information about anything. Homecoming Wiki: https://homecoming.wiki/
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