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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Ok, maybe this is a dumb question but here goes: Since you appear to dislike PuGs so much why not just make friends and only team with those friends?
  2. I'm really starting to hate this thing that internet people do where they accuse people of whining whenever they discuss a subject that they don't want discussed. A question was asked and the subject is being discussed. People are giving their opinions. The only person whining here is YOU.
  3. Entitled whining? He was just asking a question. Please explain to me, exactly, how asking a question is 'entitled whining'.
  4. There have been many threads about this subject and they generally go down in flames. Mostly because a bunch of people logged on to Homecoming on launch day and created 800+ characters to name camp all of the cool names and all of the names of forum posters that they could remember. And this isn't just me guessing, a GM has confirmed that this happened. Needless to say, those people who are name camping hundreds of names don't want us peasants to be able to use those names which is why they freak out any time this subject comes up.
  5. With the new Enhancements, Energy Transfer now affects teammates! For those times when you want to PvP inside an instanced mission! 😁
  6. Now try this. Type: "/visscale 20" into chat, fly up to the top of the highest building in the zone and then look around and take a good look at the entire zone. 😁
  7. So what? Why, exactly, should they care? People were told months ago that this move would be from the Closed Beta "Paragon" server to the new Closed Beta "Vanguard" server. This was said. Why should they care that you can't/won't read? The GM can't move your characters to another server. No one is required to care about you. Get over yourself.
  8. If you were going to be suspended you'd have gotten an email by now. Trust me on that. I have a bunch of those emails. If you haven't got one by now you're not going to.
  9. Well actually... https://www.walmart.com/ip/Winona-Pure-Popcorn-Butter-Theater-Style-5-Ounce-3-Pack-Delicious-Popcorn-Spray-with-0-Calories-per-Serving-Perfect-for-Popcorn-Lovers/2123328386
  10. I saw something funny on r/Cityofheroes today:
  11. I'm not convinced that subcontracting out trips to Spankyland is the way to go.
  12. When I first read the OP my first thought was "What set him off? Is he in a closed beta and breaking NDA?" Of course my second thought was "I'm really hungry. Well, pizza it is!"
  13. Gentlebeings, disagreeing with someone, even if done repeatedly, is not trolling. It's also not bullying, it's not gaslighting, it's not gatekeeping, is there a buzzword that I've missed? Well, it's not that either. Disagreeing with you is just disagreeing with you. Period. Now is allowing the buff duration to be extended a buff? Well, maybe. What people are proposing would increase the amount of salvage that has to be used for the same amount of time. And no one's asking for the power of the buffs to be increased in any way, just the ability to stack duration. All this proposal really does is reduce the number of times a player has to visit their base over the game session. I don't know if that really qualifies as a buff. And I don't know about you, but balancing the game around "how much aggravation will a player tolerate" just doesn't seem like good game design to me. But this is City of Heroes. There's a lot of systems in this game that any neutral observer would call bad game design.
  14. Wait, what? It used to just be trips to Spankyland. Now you're actually harvesting organs? 😱
  15. This is true. So my questions are: Is this a problem currently? (in your opinion) And would reducing the duration to 1 hour but then allowing the duration to stack be a problem?
  16. 1) Tests have shown that Super Strength is not bottom tier when it comes to damage output. 2) The devs mentioned over 4 years ago that they were planning to look at procs. What happened that prompted this outrage all of a sudden? Are you in a closed beta test or something?
  17. No. From Day 1 Homecoming has had a rule against recreating trademarked characters. If you copy a trademarked character that's owned by someone else, and the IP owner finds out about it, they could sue Homcoming.
  18. People disagreeing with you IS NOT BULLYING. And people aren't automagically "entitled" simply because they disagree with you. I love how you all speed-hammer the report button whenever anything I post is even slightly confrontational and then you'll turn around and just insult a large swath of people like this.
  19. What? No! Look, the good thing about the base temp powers is that they don't cost a zillion Influence. Believe it or not, not everyone has 8 billion Inf socked away in emails. All your suggestion does is take the base temp powers out of reach of new players while not giving them a significant cost for the zillionaires of Paragon. Suggestion: "Hey everyone, let's allow the base temp powers to stack duration so that people won't have to keep running back the base all of the time?" Rudra: "I have a better idea! Let's jack the cost of the temp powers into the millions! Yeah. That'll keep the power creep at bay, right?" Other people are trying to come up with ideas that reduce the non-fun portion of the temp power process, but your post reads like you're trying to actively punish the player base for remembering that base temp powers exist.
  20. Someone suggested reducing the duration to 60 minutes, instead of the current 90, and then making the duration stackable. This suggestion actually makes these temp powers more expensive, and in return removes the tedium of having to go back to your base as often. I'm struggling to figure out where the powercreep is. Not every desirable change is powercreep.
  21. Unfortunately it appears that if your username isn't MassivelyOP then devs don't actually care what info you, or I, would like to see.
  22. You know, you all talk about how horrible the folks on Reddit are, but you know what I see? I see, right now, in that thread about the PC Gamer Article, a Thuderspy dev kinda smack talking Homecoming and being downvoted by his fellow redditors. So keep telling yourself that only the people on the Homecoming forums are ok and everyone else is bad/wrong all you want, but it's demonstrably untrue. And I'm less than sympathetic with people's complaints about the moderation on Reddit when the moderation here on the Homecoming forums has vacillated between "draconian snowflake protection program" and almost reasonable.
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