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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. You're not being insulting, you're just not thinking. Just because you don't know who someone is doesn't mean they're not famous. Do you know who Shah Rukh Khan is? No? Well all 1.4 BILLION people in India know who he is. Therefore he's famous. Of course you've never heard of them, you didn't spend much, if any, time on the retail forums. Just because you haven't heard of people that were part of a community that you were never involved in doesn't mean they weren't famous in that community. If you ask anyone who spent a lot of time on the retail forums they'll remember at least some of these people as these people were famous in the City of Heroes community. "Oh, I've never heard of Elvis, therefore he's not famous." Brilliant!!!
  2. @Snarky, it looks like he's new, so how would he know that Brutes have punch-voke? Is it even said anywhere in game? And even if he isn't new there are plenty of people who don't know all of the things those of us on the forums know.
  3. If you need to focus on work that's one thing. Keeping yourself not homeless must always take precedence over video games. That being said, no one here hates you. Certainly not because of this. We've all had ideas that sound great in our heads but not so much once friends start giving us feedback. It's all part of the great learning experience that is life. See you when you get back. Peace.
  4. Well then... why don't you just log in to your moderator account and move the thread then? What's that you say? You can't do that because you're not a moderator? Oh yeah, you're not a moderator. So why are you telling people what and where they're allowed to post? I like your suggestion @Rudra. A cosmetic aura that looks like a force field is a great idea.
  5. This is why, after Bonfire was nerfed, I asked that the Epic/Ancillary Pools to just be called Ancillary Pools. There's nothing about the "Epic" Power Pools that is in any way, shape, or form epic. I wish you luck in your quest to convince the Council of Fourteen to make Tar Patch worth taking.
  6. By branded do you mean "a character that's owned by someone else"? Like say Superman or Darkwing Duck? No they're not illegal. They wouldn't exist if they were illegal. However, and I suspect that this is what you're actually asking, it is against the terms of service to make a copy of a well known character (like Superman) on the Homecoming servers. When a mod finds out, and they will, your character's name will be removed and the costume changed to some generic preset. tl;dr: Yes.
  7. No. It was more than just that. There was a bunch of other stuff going on behind the scenes. The Homecoming folks did some stuff that made a bunch of people very mad at them. I don't know exactly what, because no one will give out any details. Basically people disagreed and feelings got hurt. It happens. While I tend to disagree with most of the dislike toward Homecoming that's posted on Reddit, I'm not naive enough to believe that the Homecoming devs are entirely blameless. Nothing ever works that way IRL.
  8. Serious question. What's the benefit of having a specific powered armor set instead of simply using an armored costume and Invulnerability or Willpower?
  9. Mercedes Lackey was known to play City of Heroes. She's a well known author and quite famous, in the strict definition of the word. So you're wrong again, sorry. By "famous player" we actually meant people who were famous in the City of Heroes community overall, not just in their social group or on their server. Names like BillzBubba and Arcanaville. I suspect you knew that, you just wanted to use your excessively nitpicky response to springboard off into one of the most boring and off topic posts that I've ever seen. One that reads like you're trying to pass a Turing Test.
  10. Do you understand what it takes to add animations to this game?
  11. You can certainly dream all you want but let's be honest here for a minute. The Council of Fourteen is not going to take the AOE buff away from Tankers and give it to Brutes. That's why I like Steampunkette's suggestion about having Fury add mez protection and debuff resistance. It gives Brutes a specific identity that the other melee ATs don't have without having to take anything from them. And it does it in a way that won't really improve AFK farming.
  12. So are you expecting the Homecoming developers to create all new animations for your mystic arcane powerset(s)?
  13. Yeah, except Tankers don't really need it though. In any case, Fury giving Brutes a really high mez and debuff protection would definitely give them their own identity. "Can't be slowed, can't be stopped, can only be killed."
  14. Brutes, like Tankers, have a taunt in every attack (punch-voke) and Rise to the Challenge has a taunt aura. So you really can't avoid taunting enemies unless you stand back and hit them with a ranged vet attack like Blackwand or Nemesis Staff.
  15. So their specific role, their identity, would be the raging brute that can't be stopped, can't be slowed, can't be debilitated. "That's what he does! That's ALL he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through you, reach down her throat and pull her heart out!" Ok, let's say, for sake of discussion, that this is the decision. What numbers would you recommend? +1 mag mez protection per 20% Fury, and Fury x 100 mez resistance, and Fury x 2 = % debuff resistance?
  16. Tankers get, hold, and survive aggro in order to protect the team. That's their identity. Scrappers are melee damage dealers. That's their identity. Stalkers are stealthy melee assassins. That's their identity. Those are all specific roles that define their identities and, other than the fact that they're all melee characters, don't overlap. There's no confusion about who they are or what they do, and each of the AT's is the best there is at what they do. (Yes I know about IOs, yes I know about exceptions, etc, etc. Please don't try arguing the exception.) So what is the specific role that defines a Brute's identity? And what specific thing can they do better than any other AT? If we can't answer those questions then what should their role be? Don't we need to answer at least one of those questions before any discussion about numbers or changes or balance can happen?
  17. Admittedly Frostbiter probably isn't in the same neighborhood as Arcanaville or Ascendant or Heraclea or Elvis. Sure if someone took that name it's probably just a fluke. Ok, but that doesn't apply to all names. Look, I'm not even arguing for or against purging names. I'm just trying to let everyone know the real situation, and that's there's no need to speculate about it because it's been confirmed, both by a GM and by someone who actually did it.
  18. "What it actually says..." Please stop with the hyper-semantic nonsense. They clearly were implying that they made a large number of characters with the names of famous live players. How exactly would someone be mistaken for a famous live player? You'd fly around in Atlas Park with a character with that name above your character's head. There's just no other way that someone would be mistake for a famous live player. It's funny that everyone that wasn't you that read that post understood that. Let me quote that post again here: "I was fortunate enough to grab a good number of desirable names when HC first launched, and on at least one occasion have been mistaken for a "famous" player from Live because I had "their" name. The argument could be made that this other player is "more deserving" of that name than I am, although I would dismiss that argument on general principle. Had they loved this game as much as I do, they would have been searching for info during the blip like I was, and would have found out about HC in time to log in and grab that name. They didn't. It's a hard knock life, for them." Translation: I deliberately logged on to Homecoming, made a ton of characters with all of the famous names that I could remember from the live servers (or possibly looked at a copy of the old forums in case memory wasn't enough), and then flew one of the characters around Atlas Park while saying to myself "ha, ha, I got your name". So debate all you want about whether or when or which level, but understand that at least some of the people who are against this are against it because they are deliberately hoarding names and they don't want you to have them, and this has been confirmed by a GM.
  19. People keep saying this in every thread on this subject. And my response is: "So what?!?" Ok, so there were more people on the retail servers. Ok, and? We had 20 or 40 character slots back then, or whatever it was. And you had to purchase each account. Here on Homecoming we have 1,000 character slots. ONE THOUSAND. And accounts are free. That means that it only takes 1 person, ONE, to make multiple accounts and spend a couple of days making characters with all of the cool sounding names that he can think of to cause this problem. And, as I've already said and I'm going to remind you again because for some reason people seem to have forgotten this, a GM already confirmed that this happened. I'm going to say this again. A GM already confirmed that there are multiple accounts with hundreds of unplayed level 1 characters with cool names just sitting there camping the ****** outta those names like professional campers on a reality show about camping. Here's the link in case you missed it in my last post. It doesn't matter what happened on the retail servers. It doesn't matter whether running the script on the retail servers freed up any names or not. The current situation on Homecoming is so different than on the retail servers that you cannot, in regards to this, use previous results to predict what will happen on Homecoming today.
  20. That's not what I said. What I did say (that there are accounts that are camping hundreds of names each) has been verified by one of those campers and by a GM. There is a difference between accusing people of whining when we're simply discussing a subject and doing what I did, which was to make a verified factual statement. I'm sorry that you can't tell the difference but, as I no longer teach English, you'll have to have someone else explain it to you.
  21. My idea is that Brutes would be tougher than a Scrapper but, only with the ATO, and you would have to really work at keeping them at that level. It would require some thought and timing. And, if you IO'd your Brute out with really high defenses then it would actually work against you because attacks that miss wouldn't contribute to maintaining Fury. Scrappers on the other hand wouldn't require as much work to play. It would be easier to maintain this level of damage output, but you wouldn't be as durable. It seems to me that that was the original intent of Brutes to begin with. Now, I flat out admit that I don't know how you'd do the math to balance this out, which is why I made the Arcanaville remark.
  22. Ultimately I believe that the best way for the developers to address this would be to fix Fury so that, at its peak, the Brute's damage output is similar to a Scrapper's of the same offensive powerset. It should also be difficult to maintain it at that peak if you're not in the thick of it. I don't have any idea how you'd do that. A combination of incoming and outgoing damage I guess. I don't know. Someone pick up the red phone and see if Arcanaville is still answers. Then have the Brute ATO buff Regen and Endurance Recovery by the Fury value so that, at the peak, the Brute's Regen and End Recovery are noticeable. So not only would a Brute do roughly Scrapper damage, they'd be nearly unkillable as long as they're constantly fighting. Hulk smash indeed.
  23. Tell ya what. When I start playing again I'll send you an invite.
  24. Look, I'm not trying to insult you, Snarky. I meant it as a serious question. You're on the forums every day. How hard would it be to contact a few people, on the forums or on the Homecoming discord, and set up a time to team up together. C'mon man, you're a thousand year old vampire. Making a few friends isn't rocket science. If a grumpy jerk like me can do it you certainly shouldn't have any problems with it.
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