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DoctorDitko last won the day on January 26 2023

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1416 Excellent


About DoctorDitko

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hammerspace. (Warning! TV Tropes link! Not responsible for lost afternoons.)
  2. Am I the only one who thinks shortguy's voice sounds an awful lot like Death*? * ("The Turtle moves!")
  3. I just wonder what they do when the basement gets full of Down elevator cars! (And the attic full of Up ones, of course.)
  4. This! Even a modest set bonus to movement can make escorts a nightmare!
  5. A couple of points I haven't seen mentioned: Paper/Radio missions give you a certain amount of choice of opponents. Story arcs often award a handful of Merits upon completion. Bonus: Mayhem missions, available redside after completing enough papers, are some of the most fun things to do in the game!
  6. Hmmm. You may be right about the War Walls. As for lazy? Keep in mind this was a tiny development team compared to the WoW army of creators. Nut you are spot-on about Mayhem missions! Once you get "Lord Schnauser" as a contact, you can come back at 50 and run them all, in order if you like! Brilliant fun, and if you get all the explore badges, it satisfies the requirements for one of the stat-boosting accolades, in the most fun way! Here's to more Mayhem!
  7. Stealth kill alls are the worst! The War Walls, simply, were there for the age of dial-up. There was no practical way to load a larger area via 56.6K modem. As far as geometry... sigh. I had a lovely Stormie who was enjoying terrorizing the Cimerrorans, almost entirely steamrolling, and then rogue Romans started getting stuck in walls. A lot. Even TP foe wasn't of much use. Now that Fold Space is a thing, I should get that and see how useful that is. It would be great if that solved the geometry issues! Still and all, love the game. And the fact that it was once optimized for dial-up makes it quite playable even on the shitty end of my Verizon Wireless "home internet" service.
  8. I have a macro: /macro BOSS quit$$dialogyes (Not that I spend a lot of game time at work, but that's the traditional name for the function.) Sometimes at lunch I log in to check my auctions, etc. AFAICT, it's pretty random. I can log in, check /AH, and log out several times in a row, without moving, and the time will vary, usually between instant and ~15 seconds. When I get a 30 second countdown, I can cancel and try again, and usually get a shorter one. This is all without moving my character. TL;DR: I think it's random.
  9. Snarky, you probably won't see this if you're already in torpor, but don't go! We have the proverbial large assortment of morons, but very few incisive and witty commentators.
  10. Yep. Check out Englehart and Rogers' run. Classic.
  11. Welcome home, Victory! I just spent a very enjoyable evening running DFBs well organized by People's Hero 22. Victory folks seem friendly and affable. Good addition to the HC family!
  12. Thanks for the heads-up!
  13. Damn, those are good names! You guys play them to live up to their names, please!
  14. I can't speak to the Offense or Defense categories, but I've been maining a Plants/Nature toon, and it's got insane levels of Support. Seriously, as an Ill/Rad from before it was meta, this character has CRAZY buffs and debuffs. Would you kindly publish to https://arxiv.org so we can attempt to replicate your results?
  15. Silly you! It's Nemesis all the way down!
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