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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. I tried several times, kept getting "Transaction Failed." Not sure what's wrong, but between a Nemesis Plot and Paypal, my money's on Paypal.
  2. I'd lose the Dell Support Software as well. Of course, I'd lose Windows, too, if I had my druthers. Good catch!
  3. Ah, of course. Sorry, my forgettory is still working!
  4. Ah yes. Defeating the Kraken. One... Tentacle... At... A... Time!
  5. As the other guy who took Group Fly, I feel your pain and like your ideas. The only way it ever worked for me was to cast it and then Follow a teammate. Let them lead. That way, I couldn't outrun them, and nobody fell out of the sky. (Even if I had Rez...) Fixing the speed so everyone moves at the same rate would go a long way to helping GF. Also, remove the -Acc debuff. That causes a lot of whining that I could live without. (Even if I had Leadership to counteract it...)
  6. Also, it's a canard at this point, but CoH is unique among MMOs that the level 50 game isn't THE game. A lot of us enjoy the journey. And there are definitely features in the game (such as Exemplar/Sidekicking, and whatever the Villain names are) that make it unnecessary to dash to 50 at Super Speed.
  7. Adding them to base, you insert a Facemaker either side, the Icon version is one of the styles. But at least for me, they function only as a regular tailor in-base. Had to go to Pocket D to change my body type. Thanks, Itsyagirl!
  8. I'm on Fedora 30, running under wine via Play on Linux. CoH has been running great, better than under Windows (& eliminating my last reason to boot Win 10). Last week a patch for wine and assorted libraries dropped, and suddenly my mouse lost the functions of its right and middle buttons. The GUI clearly knows the buttons have been clicked (buttons do their little "throb" animation), but no effect in-game. I tried rolling back, but DNF says no go. I tried creating a new virtual drive, still no mouse love. Only the left mousebutton does anything. If anyone has any clue to offer, please do. I'm facile with Linux but not very experienced with Wine, and my google-fu has failed me. Please, please save me from the Microsoft monster!
  9. Here's a off-the-wall wish: Has anyone tried compiling the client with target ARM64? Best, Doctor Ditko
  10. I'd like to see a little love for the Travel powers. Especially Superspeed and Teleport. Right now, Mystic Flight is a better Teleport than Teleport: you don't have to go into the Flight Pool to get Hover just to keep from getting killed by the Lagmonster. And Superspeed is the most annoying Travel power for running around town. Getting hung up on the scenery is a royal pain. Maybe a bit more Jump height when you're travelling at speed. And generally, keep up the good work!
  11. There is some kind of dice command, IIRC. If I could log in (thanks, Verizon!), I'd quote the syntax. Would that help?
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