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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. Disable AE on Excelsior and watch the load plummet... /s 🙂 🙂
  2. I've been playing one of my 'bot MM's heavily over the last week... And I have seen my Protector Bot and Maintenance Drone simultaneously healing, but it only happens very rarely. That suggests there's an error or bug somewhere in the Protector bot's AI.
  3. And we already have [far] more than enough of that in the game.
  4. This is a player discussion forum, and other players are allowed to weigh in with their questions and comments on suggestions made here.
  5. Choosing a playstyle means inherently accepting the consequences of that choice.
  6. The tool already exists to prevent outleveling contacts. If someone chooses not to use that tool, they can live with the consequences of their choice.
  7. The XP lock exists and already solves this problem, plus it's all but trivial to reach lvl 15.
  8. It's not clear to me how someone making all but every single mistake possible shows this game to be "not new player friendly".
  9. The words are English, but the sentence makes absolutely no sense. There's already more than a few power options that aren't sucky and that people want to take an use. Changing Flurry into something it's not supposed to be will not materially change that. You being unable to picture it does not mean it doesn't exist. (I use Flurry on one or two of my blasters, and I think a brute or a tanker too.) Setting aside the insult inherent in this... I'm just going to repeat what I said above: You being unable to picture it does not mean it doesn't exist. And with that, I'm going to bow out of this discussion.
  10. lol, no. Nobody is against making a power useable (not that it isn't useable in the first place). We're against making it into something it's not supposed to be - the equivalent of a primary or secondary power. Pool powers are supposed to be kinda sucky - they're filler, not your main primary. Count me alongside @Rudra as someone who uses it the attack chain of several characters - as the gapfiller it's meant to be. The rising level of hyperbole doesn't enhance your case, quite the opposite in fact.
  11. How does that get people to try playing red side? And I mean that seriously, do you honestly think red side suffers from an inability to level and that's what's keeping people from playing there?
  12. IIRC, the splitting of Issues into Pages was more a matter of keeping the content train rolling with a small team than anything else. (And what's a "true" Issue?)
  13. This. Also don't need everything in the game set up for obsessive and obsessed.
  14. One of my favorite things to do with my higher level jumpers while waiting on a team or a TF in the LFG channel... Leap from rooftop to rooftop in Bricks, from the train station north to the far end of the zone and back. Mistime aborting your leap and dropping onto a roof top - and well, it's a long way down. Next to speeders, jumpers get very familiar with geometry of a zone and what it allows/denies them. And oh, yeah... Dropping into the center of a group of mobs and hitting a PBAOE is kinda awesome and very superheroic. Now, if only we had a cool landing pose...
  15. Youtube's algorithms keep thinking that I must love soap operas. So far, it's recommended me ones in Italian, Spanish, and Tagalog in hopes of providing me exactly what it thinks I'm swooning for. Why it thinks this completely baffles me. I'm also baffled by the logic process that leads to recommending Korean material instead of more of the Japanese and Japan related stuff that I actually do watch.
  16. Can't recall if it was part of an ITF or something else, but yeah, definitely in Cimerora.
  17. That's why I enjoyed group PvP in Puzzle Pirates - the game enforced weight classes. And while it would allow *you* to force combat with [the equivalent of] a purple, but if the purple tried to force combat on you... Hilarity did not ensue (for the purple). That meant almost all fights were at least somewhere in the vicinity of fair.
  18. Ghost Widow popped into a mish I was on during the I12 (?) closed beta... (Which was actually kinda spooky) We'd just discovered a pool of swimmable water (you can actually submerge) and she wanted to know what we thought of it. (This was new then, and I don't think it was ever used anywhere else.)
  19. Homecoming has 1000 slots per server... I wouldn't be in a hurry to set up a second account just for alts. You don't need a second account to get all your alts in the same SG either, just use the /altinvite command. Unless you're seriously alt-o-holic, you only a second account for multiboxing.
  20. Your one stop shop for all the annotated maps: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Category:VidiotMaps
  21. - Fly because it's safe and very superheroic. And because hoverblasters are epic. You can even take a break from street sweeping simply by going up a couple hundred feet. It's my most commonly taken travel power. - Jump because it's fun. It's not easy to master, and like TP it's very much not passive. But there's just something about it... - Superspeed, Teleport, tried 'em, respecced out of them. SS is too clunky outside of flat city zones, TP requires too much attention and eye/hand coordination.
  22. I've been playing various MMO's for around twenty years, and when it comes to PvP there's one universal truth - PvP is a very small niche interest. And it almost always has a bad reputation among PvE players because it almost always attracts some... very unsavory types. (And the PvP community at large pretty much always defends their behavior, just making the perception worse.) Somehow though, PvP players steadfastly remain blithely unaware of this.
  23. Protector bots inherited Repair - complete with it's absolutely awful recharge time. Are you sure they're not using it rather than simply waiting out it's overly long timer?
  24. /ah opens the auction house anytime you aren't in an instance.
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