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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. Whenever, wherever I see a cool costume/concept, I send a tell and let them know if I have the time.
  2. Missed that in the patch note when I looked yesterday, and of course found it today. Did some quick testing, and if the chance is random it seems to be maybe a bit too high as it lead me through all of the badges in Atlas Park. If it's not random, I don't know how I feel about putting new players on rails and leading them by the hand. OTOH, I can see the value of getting some Merits, and by extension cash into their pockets. (Once on they stumble on how to do so, but that's a different topic.) Also, leading them all the way through a zone seems to work against discovering them via street sweeping.
  3. Not disagreeing with the general sense that the Dev's can do better... But after some of what's been said here, there's something else that's not gonna be popular but needs to be said: there's a lot of players that need to do better as well. (I do try, but I'm not excluding myself from that group.) It's beyond ridiculous to expect the Dev team to acknowledge every single point of feedback made. And when what you encounter in the process is different than what you expected from the process, it's equally ridiculous to pronounce the process broken without considering whether it's your expectations that are off base.
  4. Out doing some testing of exploration tips - are you supposed to randomly get additional tips when out picking up Exploration badges? (This was not the one you get for finding your second Exploration badge.)
  5. Knew two guys in the Navy like that - their names were identical except for one letter, and their SSN's were identical except for one number, and both were members of the same small(ish) community (inside the Navy). They both kept getting the other guy's stuff in their service records.
  6. Yeah, this is very much a "lather, rinse, repeat" situation. I mean, I get what the devs are saying in some sense - they want to see what we come up with. (And frankly it would help if the players in general were a bit more discerning and imaginative... but we can't really change the players) But it would definitely help if the devs were a bit more open, because there's not enough of us and not enough time in Beta for us to grok some changes and determine if the devs vision was really being met.
  7. My kat/regen scrapper didn't start slotting recharge (or much +def or +res) until he was in his thirties, and he does just fine. He still doesn't have Hasten and still does just fine. What he also doesn't do is run missions much above base difficulty. (Which is heresy here on Homecoming, but I do it regardless.) Without throwing inf at it, Regen requires that you think and play more like a blaster than a tank.
  8. They're some of the best enhancements available for the very limited number of things they're available for. It's the other 80% of the enhancements you might have occasion to need that are the problem.
  9. I don't think greying out was ever a thing, but Vidiot Maps is still a thing an a must have for me.
  10. If anything, the earlier levels are easier on pure DPS - except for the Vaz and their nasty Toxic damage, the incoming is generally lighter. Sleeps, holds, and immobs are fewer and shorter in duration. Etc... etc... What it sounds like is that you're lacking is experience. It takes time to learn a) what given AT can do, b) what a particular powerset can do, and c) how individual enemy groups behave. Heck, even today, I still find myself able to do things I couldn't previously. Start cautious, move slow, apply the rubberband method you mentioned before.
  11. If there's absolutely no shortage... then why did I bring up that there was a shortage? Because there absolutely is a shortage. It's gotten much better since the floodgates opened and we've gotten a cohort of players not infected with Homecoming's social meta, but it's still a problem. There's absolutely a shortage of low level (I.E. not PI) teams (especially if you don't want to run endless Posis and Yins). Because there's diminishing returns on DFB as you level, it's not really relevant to the issue.
  12. Certainly. But how high a percentage of lowbies that won't be able to run PI Radios will go straight to fire farms? How many will instead gravitate towards more level appropriate radios? That is, how many lowbies are running PI radios because much of the time there isn't much in the way of options?
  13. Nor does the difference between "Light" or "Minor" matter all that much, for normal gameplay it's a non issue. If you, for whatever reason, really care between 1.2 or 1.4, that information is available on the "Detailed Info" tab. Discerning which power hits harder or hits faster is already trivially done using the already available "Detailed Info" tab. If you choose based on the icon rather than using the information the game already provides you... Well, that's not on the game. It's entirely possible to build a playable and effective toon using nothing but the information available in game. That's the entire point of this subthread, that we don't need to push players towards MIDS.
  14. You aren't a new player. If you don't like something, fine. But please give me a break when you carte blanche exclaim that something is wrong. Or, to make it plain, I absolutely agree with the other posters. We absolutely do not want to flood new players with information they lack the necessary background and experience to properly interpret. And we absolutely do not want to give the impression that min maxing and/or build planning is a prerequisite for being able to play (or enjoy) the game. The kinds of folks who enjoy that kind of stuff will almost invariably either encounter it through osmosis or deliberately seek it out. We don't need to force it on everyone else.
  15. Please, explain how this could have been done.
  16. Street sweeping and the tips popup appears when I get my first exploration badge tip... There's are two flaws here. It's in the middle of the #@$% screen, while I'm in combat. That makes it very likely it will be closed and forgotten. This, and the first salvage pop up, need to appear off to one side. It isn't about the exploration badge, it's about alignment mission tips - which won't drop for fifteen levels yet.
  17. Whatever you're smoking, ain't no place in the world that it's legal.
  18. Haven't encountered anything weird on either Brainstorm or Excelsior, so no.
  19. Taking a break from housework, taking advantage of the XP boost to create some toons places other than Excelsior... And, yeah, wow. Definitely miss the NPE enhancements (trays, power layout, etc...). Honestly, trading saving two minutes setting up a new char for two-three minutes getting two additional badges works for me.
  20. Try clearing playerslot.txt, the method is given in Ironblade's post just above yours.
  21. Frankly, I can think of little that would make the new player experience worse than subscribing them to General Chat in the first place.
  22. If you're referring to one of the factors considered when determining whether or not something is Fair Use - yes, and no. That is one of the factors, but it's absolutely not a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. (And factors is the correct word here, it's not a checklist.) And it's not really relevant here, because the thread title is wrong. The actual issue isn't copyright, it's trademarks. And there is no Fair Use for trademarks.
  23. Two quick questions: 1) Do non-Archetype (primary/secondary power) attacks build Fury? 2) Does fury's damage bonus apply to non-Archetype (primary/secondary power) attacks?
  24. It's not, because by and large it's not new players that are forming TFs/SFs and paying attention to what ATs are being hired in. At best, they're going to see the "Bonus Eligible" icon pop up and eventually learn that means they're going to get a bonus. They might eventually learn a little by osmosis, but that will be in the context of "earning a bonus", not in the context of "this is a superior team". (For an arbitrary definition of "superior".)
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