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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. The -Res makes a hit check every 0.5s.
  2. If he's making that much, I suppose I could permit him to be my pet Rock. For a fee, of course.
  3. There was a huge fight over the spot where she was standing. Some people wanted to stand there, other people didn't want her moved, names were called, rubber chickens were waved ominously, the usual. It was hilarious. Sorry you missed it.
  4. That's fallacious. Of the nine powers in Storm Summoning, only 4 are capable of moving an NPC, and only two of those powers can be used for that purpose, Hurricane and Gale. You're not repositioning anything anywhere with Tornado or Lightning Storm because they're pseudo-pets. You can't control those, you can't tell them not to attack for a few seconds, you can't move them after they've been summoned, and you can't even stop them from imposing Avoid on their targets (which makes them run away from, not toward, the preferred location). 2 of 9 is the sum of Storm Summoning's enemy repositioning potential, and that is not "most of the powers", by any stretch of the imagination. You perceive the set as being focused on that because that's how you want to play it, but that's your choice, not the mandated approach to playing the set. "Can" doesn't mean "have to".
  5. I'd ask everyone to sing along with me, but I think we're alone now.
  6. I don't think snakes have a Fear animation, so the Stun animation was subbed in.
  7. Jesus. Both sides need to put on their big boy pants and act like adults instead of bitching and whining about each other. "Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh someone used Group Fly near me!" "Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh someone doesn't want me to use Group Fly!" Grow the fuck up already. Talk. Compromise. Agreeably part ways. Work it the fuck out. It's a goddamn video game, not the precursor to a nuclear winter.
  8. OP asked for an exception to the name release policy so he/she can retain a name on a character which he/she doesn't want to play, won't log into long enough for someone else to spoon-feed him/her two levels, and isn't even interested enough in the name to transfer it to another of his/her character so he/she doesn't have to worry about losing the name. In other words, exactly the type of behavior the name release policy was enacted to deal with.
  9. You are alone, you're just feeling that creepy sensation because @Snarky thinks you have a pretty mouth.
  10. Self-affecting powers with no enemy-affecting component, the majority of which we're typically reactivating while on the move, and they still have activation times (both to allow the graphical effects to play out and to prevent them from being exploitable in combat). Janky is spewing projectiles from your torso because the movement animation isn't being overridden, or sliding around in an attack stance because the attack animation isn't being overridden. Being able to move while your damage mitigation toggles are activating ain't that.
  11. So... they're George Lucasing it. I'll stick with the originals.
  12. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Knockback_Increase_(Empowerment) 😉
  13. Then they'll create new threads in other sections of the forums to ask questions about the suggestion, present the issues they see or foresee, or express agreement or disagreement with the idea, instead of responding directly to the threads in question. The only real change will be in how much work the GMs have to invest to maintain an orderly forum. Oh, hey, look at that, a potential issue which you failed to consider has been raised. Someone looked at your "dream" and thought, "Wow, there's a huge fucking problem that this person didn't notice." Why, one would almost believe that this is why replies aren't restricted. to provide a variety of perspectives and a degree of oversight that's impossible for a small group to accomplish, and keep it confined to the ideas presented so it's easily accessed and digested. Want some catsup with that foot?
  14. Fear, Confuse, Taunt and Placate are all "soft" controls with limited protection available for any archetype. Those controls, and restricted access to protection from them, exist specifically to create risk, allow NPCs to be more than bowling pins and give purpose to teaming and teammates (Shadow Fall, Clear Mind, Enforced Morale, Antidote, Clarity, Thaw, Vengeance (Leadership pool), Injection (Medicine pool) and Experimental Injection (Experimentation pool) all provide Fear protection). You can't be immune to everything, all of the time, solo. Not in this game. You can team up with others and be immune to everything, all of the time. That's what makes it an MMORPG.
  15. Redraw doesn't root.
  16. Because the game wasn't designed to work that way, and unless every animation was reworked to function correctly without rooting, our characters wouldn't animate anything but movement, or they'd slide around idiotically, locked in power animations. It'd be janky and pathetic, and we aren't playing to watch janky and pathetic, we're playing to watch glitz and glitter.
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