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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. Goldside would be a lot better of an experience if the level ranges for all the arcs were stretched out. Goldside mobs are already more challenging than the red and blue mobs, so I don't think it would take much tweaking.
  2. Actually playing level 50 characters is stupidly profitable in CoX. Just selling level 50 common IO recipes to vendors is stupidly profitable. If you actually take the time to craft and sell drops on the way up to 50, it's even more stupidly profitable. I'm not even talking about converter roulette, just checking drops and crafting and selling the ones that will make inf, before you even get to merit drops from mission arcs and TFs. The game is still raining inf just as hard as it did on the live servers, only now it doesn't cost 75 million inf to buy a LotG+rech.
  3. If you're annoying both sides, you're probably on the right path.
  4. Or if you're very vey lucky, you wrote 50 Shades of Grey and now you're a multimillionaire. You never know!
  5. That's a very odd example to choose to demonstrate that the devs never listen to player feedback, since the Emp merit change only happened after the negative feedback for removing Vet XP from AE. The devs demonstrably do listen, they just can't please everybody at the same time.
  6. There are all the normal level 50 arcs, redside and blueside, which you don't need to play through Ouro since they're level-appropriate. Doing all of those should take a while, before you even get to the Incarnate mission content.
  7. All the sugar in the world can't hide the fact that Pop Tarts taste like cardboard and sadness. Bake a proper jam pasty instead!
  8. They're just leeching inf and drops. "I can't go on" is the NPC equivalent of someone claiming "Phone. brb" at the start of every mission.
  9. Sad to say, I never converted an Emp Merit into a Reward Merit and now I never will. I have nothing at all, not even bittersweet memories. *sobs*
  10. Boosters can also be purchased on the Auction House. If you're short of Threads and have excess Emp Merits, Emps can be converted into Threads.
  11. Yeah, it's always important to make sure there's a word that lets everyone know it's bad for women to have opinions. Oh, but that's not what Karen means, everyone says. It's just bad opinions, being expressed in the wrong way. It's about being rude! You're being silly! It's not gendered! And yet, it's not a male name that was chosen. Weird, that. Guess men never treat serving staff badly. On the other hand, it's a great way to know who to block online, so there's that going for it.
  12. The AE building is still there, but now no one can use it because all the stations are occupied by Shivans?
  13. On the other hand, if you're playing in teams and you have support backup then /Fire is brilliant, because CoX waves its magic support wand and sprinkles some buffing dust and suddenly it's all strengths and no weaknesses. A lot of forum builds and forum theory is based around soloing on high difficulty, which might not match the way you want to play.
  14. That would be amazing. Everything still looks more-or-less the same, but the staff are all now wearing FC uniforms and if you talk to one they tell you they'll be moving in soon, and offer to introduce you to a level-appropriate contact. All the AE stations connect to the Ouro mission list instead. The AE mission door now teleports you to a random location in the Sewers, and if you go back to AE and complain about it, the FC rep tells you that they're having some problems with the AE technology (okay, maybe not this one).
  15. It's always annoyed me that mobs will just stand around completely ignoring you punching the crap out of their friends just a few feet away. I'm loving the change.
  16. This seems like kind of a dramatic overreaction to the devs adding an entirely optional challenge mode to one of the most popular TFs in the game. People have requested harder content in the past, and the response has always been 'leave the base game difficulty alone, any extra difficulty must be optional'. And that's exactly what the devs have delivered. I really don't get the terrible downside that you're trying to address, here.
  17. "I put out the fire, what more do you want?" "The entire building is buried in rocks!" "And? The fire's out, isn't it? Now where's my badge?" "...can I see your superhero licence?" "Sure, whatever." "This address is in St Martial. And someone just crossed out 'Arachnos' and wrote 'Freedom Falanx'. That's not how you spell Phalanx, by the way," "The seagull said it would be fine. Look, am I getting that badge or not?" "Well...yeah, I guess. The fire is out. Next time, just take one of the extinguishers, okay?"
  18. I have the forums permanently open in a tab. I've probably been counted as currently reading them for the last two and a half years.
  19. This is the part that I don't understand. How does increasing the amount of Reward Merits in the game increase the amount of currency? What's the actual in-game mechanism by which additional Reward Merits lead to more circulating Inf?
  20. Is it? I suspect that most Emps that are cashed in for RMs will be spent on converters etc and sold on the market, which immediately removes 10% of the sale price from the game. I guess some might be converted into recipes and crafted for use, but people who are farming Emps probably don't go in for that kind of inefficiency. Again, I really don't see a mechanism by which adding extra RMs to the game is inflationary. Would doubling the RM awards for all TFs and story arcs also cause inflation?
  21. Converting Emps to Reward Merits isn't inflationary, any more than using RMs to buy converters or recipes is inflationary. Emp to RM conversion increases the supply of goods, not inf. If anything, it's deflationary.
  22. /logchat should toggle logging of your chat window. There's a way to do it in the UI, too, but I don't remember where off-hand. All the tohit checks should show up in there. Because this confused the heck out of me in the past: although there's a directory called logs at Homecoming\logs, the chat logs aren't stored there. They're kept separately under each game account (e.g. Homecoming\accounts\Grouchybeast\logs).
  23. Actually, they will! In a past thread @MHertz crunched some numbers and taking a character to 50 will generate an amount of recipes that's a multiple of the maximum number of slots a character has. The worst-case estimate was at least seven times more recipes dropped than a level 50 character has slots. So long as the farmer bothers to throw them on the AH for someone else to pick up and run through the conversion mill, they will be adding more than they're removing from the supply. And if that character is played at all after level 50, then they're generating recipes again and adding to the supply.
  24. Hmm. That just makes it look like a pink otter, which I feel is selling the naked mole rat short when naked mole rats are incredibly cool already. For example, they're one of only two truly eusocial mammal species. Their unique beauty should be embraced.
  25. I've never converted Emps to Reward Merits, and I very rarely spend RMs either, so I don't think I'm going to notice much of a change. They all just stack up in one of those tabs I don't look at much.
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