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Everything posted by Panache

  1. I play on a laptop, so: WASD movement Top Numbers: 1-5 for frequently used powers C, V, B, F, G, T and Tilde end up as powexec_name binds (F and G are always Flight and Hover if that character has them; V is always a Build Up power if available) shift+lbutton / shift+rbutton if I've got some ground patch powers My goal is to attach everything I use regularly to my left hand, so my right hand is free for mouse-y things like Insps, targeting a specific enemy/teammate, etc.
  2. Over the weekend, I joined a Posi 2 PUG; the player running it was on a level 40something, the group was a mix of levels. A few minutes into the first mission, the Dark/DP Defender said, "man, I'm not hitting as much as usual". The TF lead responded, "oh, that's probably because I shut off all enhancements. I figured this is a low-level TF, so it wouldn't matter much". The fact that this TF didn't instantly disband is a small wonder, but the point here is: DON'T DO THIS. If you're going to set your TF up with a challenge setting--especially one that isn't about results (# of deaths, completion time, etc.) but is about how the other players' characters actually function--say so. Springing this kind of limitation on a group is an absolute d*** move. Later in the TF, the same leader suggested that if the AV fight was too tough, we drop our Lores.
  3. Traps, Rad, Dark…none of the Debuff sets would really benefit from this
  4. Dumbest as in most broken, yeah. I think this would actually serve Masterminds the best. Just being able to put your set’s version of Clear Mind on yourself is huge.
  5. …ok, but if you *could* target yourself with teammate buffs, what would be the dumbest combo? And are we extending this to pool powers?
  6. Pain is a bit more solo friendly than Emp, IMO. In the current post 50 meta, World of Pain’s +Res probably covers a few more holes than Fort’s +Def, and Anguishing Cry doesn’t really have a parallel in Emp. You also get a nice perk (+31.25 Dam) from Pain’s big ST heal, which is additive with the Defender inherent, World of Pain, Assault, etc. You can use it on dumb things like P2W buff pets when solo.
  7. Replying to follow; I’ve got a baby Symph/Storm (first go at Symphony, old hat at Storm), and the former’s slotting potential is all over the place.
  8. Panache

    Placating AVs

    Chopped meat for the chopped meat gods
  9. Panache

    Placating AVs

    One of the things that I've come to appreciate about Placate--and this may be somewhat specific to heavily ST oriented Primaries, like EnM--is its anti-scatter properties. Placate consistently hits more mobs than my attack chain, and those Placated mobs just stand there.
  10. Y'all. Let this thread rest in peace.
  11. Lol, what about them? I have no context for these references. Some are retcons, some are reboots, some worked, some didn’t…what are we doing here? 😂
  12. Panache


    If you’re looking for build help and/or to get better at making builds, try taking a swing at it and post it for commentary.
  13. I'm not sure what that's supporting or refuting? "One More Day" was a 'universally' derided storyline that was developed by a bunch of high-level Marvel writers and editors (including Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar and Ed Brubaker, who were on absolute heaters at the time), and approved and illustrated by its then Editor-in-Chief (Quesada). So it's not like new ownership came in and changed the character. If the point is "sometimes companies do dumb shit with their IP", well...yeah. 🙂
  14. I'd be super down to use Share Pain on myself for a persistent +61.25% to Damage when soloing my Pain Def. 🙂 EDIT: I have a tricked out Pain/Sonic that gave me new respect for that Primary set as a duo/small team beast. Alone, I can’t take down a Pylon. With the T4 Carnie pets (I forget which branch; it’s a Dark Ring Mistress and an invulnerable support with Thermal buffs), I get sub-60 second times. Nothing to write home about for Big League DPS, but damn, that’s some decent force multiplication for “sexier Empathy”
  15. The heal has a .5 second delay but the self-damage and Heal Resistance don't, so Absorb Pain would basically do nothing but hurt and cost you End. 🙂
  16. A lot of times, retcons exist to update the character so they make more sense to modern audiences. I understand that some 'old school' fans don't like this. I guess I'd ask those same old school fans if they think it makes sense that Peter Parker has aged 20 years since 1963, or if it would make sense in 2023 for Tony Stark to have been a POW in Vietnam. Also DC comics have been a subsidiary of WB since like, 1967, so I think they're within their rights to do whatever they'd like with characters they've owned for 50 years.
  17. Homie, the question was, "what does Hasten add to /Kin?". People have answered that question. You have decided to take it upon yourself to make value statements about these answers, and to do so in an unnecessarily defensive, argumentative manner. Nobody said, "lol, you're dumb for not taking Hasten". Calm down. Or have the courage of your conviction and "exit this pointless exchange" because it's "full of drivel" from "you people".
  18. On a Kin where you’re going to be at or near the damage cap a good chunk of the time, Procs can contribute a lot of ‘extra’ damage, so having an extra 70% global recharge is A Good Thing. It’s also a lot easier to manage a click power with a two minute duration than it is to rely on firing (and hitting with) the nearly 2 second long cast* of Siphon Speed every time it recharges. To replace all of Hasten’s 70% bonus, you need 3.5 Siphon Speed stacks. Lastly, including Hasten in builds means needing to chase fewer +Rech set bonuses, so it allows for more IO flexibility. All fairly obvious points, but I hadn’t seen them pop up yet. I do have a Grav/Kin and it does have (perma) Hasten, and capped range, and a ton of procs and yadda yadda. It’s fun. *Might not sound like a lot, but you’ll need 4 casts of Siphon Speed to equal Hasten; or we can just forget about the Hasten comp and look at 3 stacks of SS. That means you’re firing it about/at least once every 20 seconds, with a nearly 2 second cast time. I don’t want to spend 10% of my button mashing on keeping up that buff.
  19. Interface works, as does Assault Hybrid. Don’t think of Phantom Army as pets; it’s a long cool down attack that also taunts.
  20. You get XP from mobs defeated by PA. Outside of its own slotting and global recharge, PA arguably benefits most from debuffing the enemy.
  21. I would occasionally dip into Concealment if I had a Dominator short on LotG mules. Stealth + Celerity Proc was as good as full invis (in PvE at least) anywho.
  22. Surfer fan here, if you’re talking about the comics Silver Surfer. Honestly most of what that dude did was be tough and shoot cosmic power blasts. Grav/Nrg seems like the best Dom fit, especially if you don’t particularly care for Nrg/ Sentinels
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