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Everything posted by xl8

  1. Its hard not to feel completely underwhelmed. Too much tinkering under the hood and almost zero (blaster 2ndry) actual creativity.
  2. Happening to me every time I touch slider too. It seems to be a stability issue caused by the crash handler itself not waiting for the game to respond.
  3. Could we get a change implemented so that you can drop up to 5 boosters at a time on to the " _ + _ =" screen? Then we could select one enhancement and 5 boosters, instead of having to exit the screen or wait while animations play after each booster is combined. Thx!
  4. Sure thing. Time, place, server. I'll be there. I'll even get my Fire/Atom later and show you a few tricks.
  5. Winetricks link is dead: Not Found The requested URL /webroot/php/Winetricks was not found on this server.
  6. I'll disagree again. Mt TA/Arch beats most basters at their own game.
  7. Do you happen to know if you slot 5x LOTG +7.5% rch, would that fill the 7.5 rch quota from bonuses too? (5x Sting of Manticore for example). it's part of an enhancement and not technically a set bonus, but it does show up in the list with set bonuses.
  8. Are you going off Mids? Because my Ill/TA owns everything and has solo'd All lv54 AVs and most TFs. It's unstoppable.
  9. I'm with you there, but we're talking about TW which doesn't perform as outrageously as people seem to think. And as someone who does drop a billion (averages 700 mill) on each toon, I can honestly say that every type is still performing well when fully kitted out. Yes, even PBs - mine is an all human beats. The discrepancy that is between players' skills and those who don't use ATO and IOs. And just to cover the bases, the argument for the haves and have nots is redundant. I went from 0 to a billion in less than 2 weeks.
  10. That and the EMP penalty are the only thing that need addressing. Anyone asking for more just wants their favorite set buffing past everything else.
  11. More end drain and no rooting powers respectively would be better than simple damage boosts.
  12. Have to disagree. This is what broke regen and energy melee. And it came from listening to part time PVP players.
  13. Rebalancing the NPCs and reverting back nerfs like the ones made to Regen and Energy Melee would be a better idea.
  14. I rolled a TW/Bio to see what the fuss was about. It "overperforms" at lower levels but at end game it's overshadowed by faster sets. I think it's actually perfectly balanced with cast and damage as is and I don't know anyone who has a problem with this. Why not just leave it alone? This is precisely what makes it fun. Granted many have issue with this, but its a unique system that offers a playability challenge in itself. Anything that diverges away from a systemic pattern is welcome. Why not just leave it alone? If you're talking non-exemped content, okay. Otherwise, no issue here. The two most requested additions have always been end game content and additional powersets/archetypes. All other "tweaks" are just noise. While I appreciate the attention detail and care with which the changes are being made, I think the current proposed changes are underwhelming and in some cases totally uncalled for. Yes, each powerset should have a strength that outsthines others, but should they all be created equal. Absolutely not. And finding ways of overcoming this is part of the fun. My arch/ninj blaster is bad on paper and it challenges me to be a better player. That's exactly how I (and most others) want it to be. A far superior way of tackling this issue would be to introduce a rock, scissors, paper system. Obviously not with 3 attributes, but with a circular ranking that leverages each "element" over another- fire beats ice, but is vulnerable to water and so on. I'm not desperate to rush over to Thunderspy or We have cake, but introducing a type like the Synergist, that was created by a singular user with care and attention, is a much more welcome change to play.
  15. Hi, your build is well thought out. You're obv stuck between chasing damage and defense and that's fine. You don't need to be uber in either direction. Personally, this is a build I'd like to try before I say which direction I'd take it, but on paper it's attractive. Get your Perf shift end in stamina, slow poke!
  16. Not bad, but... You've kept in a lot of Dam/rch enhs in powers you have proc in. For example Apoc in Proton Stream. I'd go thru your build and swap out any dam/rch for whatever you've skipped, in this case dam/end. You'll be at 59.62% rch and your proc will fire more often. The plus rch you get from these enhs is usually less than a second, so easily worth switching out.
  17. 32 inch? What resolution does it have?
  18. There's some issues with running multiple programs in the background on different connected monitors, but I've read many people run the game by stretching it in windowed mode across screens.
  19. Some nice setups but nothing that shows the game performing over multiple screens. Godzilla (pictured) is the kind of setup I'm mulling, but it maybe too immersive. It's nice to stare off into the distance now and again.
  20. I had to resave as jpegs to reduce file size but hopefully comparison is still there... Old Imac Aurora R10 Old Imac Aurora R10 Old Imac Note* These are screenshots, but what I'd actually like to see are large monitors and multiple monitor setups.
  21. Hello, I just bought the Alienware AW2720HF... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YQHGC9L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 And have been both blown away and disappointed. Blown away with the incredible rendering, but disappointed at how text and icons get pixelated because they're so detailed. I've also ordered a Dell S-Series... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N2L5CXO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Which has a 2560x1440 resolution. This resolution is what I'm used to playing on and have no issues with resizing windows and displaying text. I'm not a moneybags and will return the one that doesn't perform as well. I looked on the forums and saw one or two posts about playing CoH across multiple monitor setups and using bigger screens, but there were no images provided. Could those of you using multiple monitors (vertical and horizontal) be so kind as to post some images of your setup and include your specs so as to give a clearer idea of what kind of visual experience we can strive for with this old workhorse of a game? I've included images of my different screens below. They're in the replies so I can upload them full size. One of the game on a 27" imac cinema screen and another on the above Alienware as a nice by side. I was playing on a 2011 suped up (for the time) video editing imac with 32gb ddr3 ram and a 500gb ssd drive. After getting frustrated with slow loading times, I bought the Alienware Aurora R10. I'm pushing the graphics capabilities to max so it's not quiet by any means and I REALLY do not like windows 10 or any other version of Windows, but I'm prepared to give it a go to see if I can get a better gaming experience. TL/DR Plz show some pictures of you have a multiple monitor/32inch screen setup. Thx! Aurora R10 - you can just make out blurred text and icons.
  22. While I like the initial suggestion, and Bopper's additional tweak more, I feel more strongly that all sets are currently too OP. The game in its current state tests speed of mission/task completion more than anything else. To compensate I'd like to see both a boost in prowess and increased diversity in NPC mob powers. Combine this with an inherent vulnerability to all powersets and this would make the game a challenge that calls on all team members to shore up others' weaknesses. That said, super reflexes inherent weaknesses would be cold and slow, which would reduce the effectiveness of each power in the set by a small percentage over time and application. So 2 NPCs with slow would have a stacked effect against SR that the character would have to prioritize before being significantly debuffed.
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