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Everything posted by TygerDarkstorm

  1. With the early 2000's having such a moment in fashion right now, I couldn't help making a Y2K inspired costume, lol
  2. LOL Indeed I did say the wrong TF! Yes, I meant for this week's Manticore 😅
  3. Normally I would say Beasts because they're reasonably tanky and used to be the sort of "go-to" for playing /Kin on an MM. These days though, Beasts have fallen to last place and I'm not sure if I'd recommend them; they feel worse off than the other primaries. I'd say, go Ninja/Kin if you want that fast-paced, living on the edge of your seat vibe. Ninjas are high single target DPS, and reasonably more tanky now from the Page 5 buffs. Personally, I'd probably choose Necro--zombies are slow, so speed boost to help them follow you better is nice. And as Honorit mentions, Lich offers some great controls that will help with the lack of def/res you can't/won't provide since /Kin is a very offensive primary. Not to mention, I wonder how fun it would be to pop Soul Extraction and then Fulcrum Shift. You can play the others with /Kin, and I know others have had success with it, I feel like it meshes better with the more melee focused sets, but ymmv. Also, be prepared to be resummoning lots with /Kin. You will be more of a glass cannon, especially in the early game, so be ready to resummon/buff as needed. And slot your heal for accuracy since it needs a to-hit check and is pretty much your main means of keeping your henchies alive.
  4. MC is only quick if you have a good team comp for that last mish; that AV and surrounding mobs cause a lot of deaths. Edit: Not saying we can't do it, but like I said, our turn out lately hasn't been yielding a full team anyway, Indom is already a super low pop shard (which makes picking up randoms hard), and that last fight wrecks teams. If we want to try it, we'll need to make sure we have a good comp.
  5. We've only been having about 5ish people consistently sign up lately, and 3 of those 5 will be gone next week. Imo, easier just to take a week off
  6. Yeah, /Sonic is one of those sets that suffers from being old and a tad outdated, though of some of the older "useless" sets, I feel it's one of the better/stronger ones. Some people also don't like it for MM's because there's no heal, but I don't mind that as much, especially if paired with a primary that does have one. I have a necro/sonic and just rolled a demons/sonic. I don't blame you for shifting away from beasts, especially after the page 5 buffs primaries like ninjas got--poor beasts went from being better than people gave them credit for to last place.
  7. You guys should enjoy your time together; we'll be fine if we skip theme team that week. 🙂 Edit: Also, I'll be bringing Femme Flametale - Fire/Rad Scrapper for Citadel
  8. Apologies for posting, but I just wanted to share this since I know this theme was throwing some off. 🙂 So this is what I'm doing for my look. Since fashion designers are notoriously eclectic and "high" end fashion shows can be odd, this is my caricature of what I think might come of a designer saying "Well, this season I really wanted to mix the hard with the soft, the feminine with the edgy..." Like, a skirt on a skirt, I can totally see that going down a runway.
  9. Trying to create a look has me coming up with another theme idea if we haven't done it: Anime
  10. @TrixieKixx I'll bring DarkSpark - Dark/Elec Controller to make sure we have a hold for mitos 🙂 (Sorry, got issued a rename token upon actually logging in lol)
  11. Lemme find a troller to bring. 🙂
  12. Redesigned my Ice/Stone Stalker a little bit; this is Krystal Kallie. For the blue look, I wanted to play with a monotone palette.
  13. Gotcha. Well, it's not supposed to be dropping at all, lol. Here's the response from @Cobalt Arachne (tagging him so you two can figure this out, or start a bug report thread or some such lol): Am I understanding this as 'Valentines tips were dropping in this mission even not during the Spring Fling event'? Looking at how their drop table works, it shouldn't be possible for them to drop if the event script is not running Requires level char> 20 >= Axp inVolume> ! && Bxp inVolume> ! && ABxp inVolume> ! && ShardEvent.Name system> scriptdefs/SpringFlingEvent.scriptdef eq && Which basically says you have to be over Level 20, not be in an Incarnate Trial (the involume stuff), and the Spring Fling event needs to be running on the server for that Requires to equal True and be eligible for the potential to get a valentines tip. So them not dropping from Valentines content when the event isn't running is working as intended (if I'm understanding what you meant)
  14. I haven't been able to ask yet, lol. I'm gone 12 hours a day for work, so I'm not always on my computer when I do finally get home. I'll pop over right now though and ask 🙂 Edit: Sorry, I can't read, thought you were going to log back in tonight. 😅
  15. Hm, not sure. I can try asking on the gold standard discord when I have a chance. Also, in true punk fashion, I disrupted all those Symphony controls with my electric ones. 😛
  16. I'll bring Ashe Flaye - Pain Dom/Beam Defender
  17. I'm embarrassed that it took me a hot minute to get the name. Bravo!
  18. Oh interesting! I've seen the trope used in some books too (one of the characters in JR Ward's Dark Brotherhood series uses them to control her "bad" side).
  19. Meet my new Psy/Atomic Blaster, Aartie. My concept/idea for her is a little different. Her mutation has essentially filled her with so much radioactive energy, that her body/mind can't really contain it, so she's sort of at risk of exploding, so to speak. She uses the barbed wire to inflict pain on herself as a means of trying to channel some of the energy, and her gloves and boots are supposed to help her contain it as well, but she still finds that she needs to discharge charge this energy in what some might call a violent manner, making her a useful tool in the wrong/right hands.
  20. A few of my new creations, one of whom is technically using a recycled costume file. Fyre Storme - Storm/Fire Blaster (she's the one using a recycled costume in case I accidentally posted the look before) Tyger Darkstorm - Storm/Dark Corruptor Storm Conductor - Storm/Elec Sentinel Shock N Shout - Elec/Sonic Dom
  21. Rebranded (so to speak) my Dark/Elec Controller (she was holding my forum name, but I shifted that over to a Storm/Dark Corr). So now she has a new name and new look that I'm pretty happy with. 🙂 Presenting Darksurge (still shocked I got that name on Everlasting).
  22. Yes, I think that's fair enough. There are some limitations with the costume creator, so I wouldn't want it to be too restrictive. But I feel like a few of us have probably seen some of those "fashion" looks where you're like, wtf is that? lol But much like art, fashion can be almost anything! 😄 But yeah, I got super confused seeing questions about the fashion theme because I was like wait, this next theme is music. xD I too went punk rock with my character. 🙂
  23. That I, unfortunately, do not have a great answer for. 😅 I've seen it argued both ways, so I think it plays equally well on a defender or corruptor. Honestly, I think it was designed with MM's in mind, lol, as it really seems to be an MM friendly secondary. That said, it does still show up in hardmodes on Defs/Corrs, so user's choice? I'm not a min/max elite player, but between those two blast AT's, I'd go Corr if you want that yummy scourge goodness whirlpool can bring, and do more damage in general. I'd go defender if I wanted to maximize the debuffs that Water has as well as focus more on playing Elec Aff vs. focus on blasting.
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